[mapguide-commits] r5583 - in trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source: .
svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Wed Mar 2 11:23:17 EST 2011
Author: jng
Date: 2011-03-02 08:23:17 -0800 (Wed, 02 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 5583
#1614: Add remaining content from original devguide. Also start manually indexing the content.
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/analyzing_features.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/analyzing_features.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/analyzing_features.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -1,35 +1,1144 @@
-.. index::
- single: feature; analysis
Analyzing Features
+.. note::
+ The Analyzing Features sample, in the Developer's Guide samples, demonstrates concepts from this chapter.
+MapGuide includes methods for analyzing map features, including comparing
+the spatial relationships between features, measuring distances, and creating
+buffer areas around features.
+Analyzing features requires knowing how the features are represented and what
+spatial reference systems are being used. If different spatial reference systems
+are being used, it is important to be able to convert between them.
+.. index::
+ single: Geometry: Representations
Representations of Geometry
+MapGuide can represent geometric data in three different forms:
+ * AGF text format, which is an extension of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Well Known Text (WKT) format. This is used to represent geometry as a character string.
+ * Binary AGF format. This is used by the FDO technology supporting the Feature Service.
+ * MapGuide internal representation, using ``MgGeometry`` and classes derived from it.
+.. note::
+ This guide and the Web API Reference will often use the term WKT to mean
+ AGF text format. Be aware that AGF Text values do not always conform to the
+ OGC WKT standard. See the Geometry module in the Web API Reference for
+ details.
+To convert between AGF text and the MapGuide internal representation, use
+an ``MgWktReaderWriter`` object. Call ``MgWktReaderWriter.Read()`` to convert AGF
+text to ``MgGeometry``. Call ``MgWktReaderWriter.Write()`` to convert ``MgGeometry``
+to AGF text.
+To convert between binary AGF and the MapGuide internal representation,
+use an ``MgAgfReaderWriter`` object. Call ``MgAgfReaderWriter.Read()`` to convert
+binary AGF to ``MgGeometry``. Call ``MgAgfReaderWriter.Write()`` to convert
+``MgGeometry`` to binary AGF.
+For example, if you have a WKT representation of the geometry, you could
+create a geometry object as follows:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
+ $geometry = wktReaderWriter->Read($wktGeometry);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgWktReaderWriter wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
+ MgGeometry geometry = wktReaderWriter.Read(wktGeometry);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgWktReaderWriter wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
+ MgGeometry geometry = wktReaderWriter.Read(wktGeometry);
+.. index::
+ single: MgGeometry
Geometry Objects
+``MgGeometry`` is the base class for all the geometry types. The simple geometry
+types are:
+ * ``MgPoint`` - a single point
+ * ``MgLineString`` - a series of connected line segments
+ * ``MgCurveString`` - a series of connected curve segments
+ * ``MgPolygon`` - a polygon with sides formed from line segments
+ * ``MgCurvePolygon`` - a polygon with sides formed from curve segments
+The curve segments are circular arcs, defined by a start point, an end point,
+and a control point.
+Complex types are formed by aggregating simple types. The complex types
+ * ``MgMultiPoint`` - a group of points
+ * ``MgMultiLineString`` - a group of line strings
+ * ``MgMultiCurveString`` - a group of curve strings
+ * ``MgMultiPolygon`` - a group of polygons
+ * ``MgMultiCurvePolygon`` - a group of curve polygons
+ * ``MgMultiGeometry`` - a group of simple geometry objects of any type
+.. index::
+ single: Geometry; Comparison with other Geometries
Comparing Geometry Objects
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+The ``MgGeometry`` class contains methods for comparing different geometry
+objects. These are similar to the spatial filters described in Selecting with the
+Web API on page 39. Methods to test spatial relationships include:
+ * ``Contains()``
+ * ``Crosses()``
+ * ``Disjoint()``
+ * ``Equals()``
+ * ``Intersects()``
+ * ``Overlaps()``
+ * ``Touches()``
+ * ``Within()``
+For example, if you have an ``MgLineString`` object ``$line`` and an ``MgPolygon``
+object ``$polygon``, you can test if the line crosses the polygon with a call to
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $line->Crosses($polygon)
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ line.Crosses(polygon)
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ line.Crosses(polygon)
+Methods to create new geometry objects from the point set of two other
+geometries include:
+ * ``Difference()``
+ * ``Intersection()``
+ * ``SymmetricDifference()``
+ * ``Union()``
+Complete details are in the Geometry module of the Web API reference, under
+Spatial Relationships.
+.. index::
+ single: Coordinate Systems
+ single: Coordinate Systems; Creating from MgMap
+ single: MgCoordinateSystem
Coordinate Systems
+A single map will often combine data from different sources, and the different
+sources may use different coordinate systems. The map has its own coordinate
+system, and any feature sources used in the map may have different coordinate
+systems. It is important for display and analysis that all locations are
+transformed to the same coordinate system.
+.. note::
+ A coordinate system can also be called a spatial reference system (SRS) or
+ a coordinate reference system (CRS). This guide uses the abbreviation SRS.
+MapGuide supports three different types of coordinate system:
+ * Arbitrary X-Y
+ * Geographic, or latitude/longitude
+ * Projected
+An ``MgCoordinateSystem`` object represents a coordinate system.
+.. note::
+ You cannot transform between arbitrary X-Y coordinates and either
+ geographic or projected coordinates.
+To create an ``MgCoordinateSystem`` object from an ``MgMap`` object,
+ * Get the WKT representation of the map coordinate system, using ``MgMap::GetMapSRS()``.
+ * Create an ``MgCoordinateSystem`` object, using ``MgCoordinateSystemFactory::Create()``.
+To create an ``MgCoordinateSystem`` object from a map layer,
+ * Get the feature source for the layer.
+ * Get the active spatial context for the feature source.
+ * Convert the spatial context to a WKT.
+ * Create an ``MgCoordinateSystem`` object from the WKT.
+To transform geometry from one coordinate system to another, create an
+``MgCoordinateSystemTransform`` object using the two coordinate systems. Apply
+this transform to the ``MgGeometry`` object.
+For example, if you have geometry representing a feature on a layer that uses
+one coordinate system, and you want to compare it to a feature on another
+layer that uses a different coordinate system, perform the following steps:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $featureSource1 = $layer1->GetFeatureSourceId();
+ $contexts1 = $featureService->GetSpatialContexts($featureSource1, true);
+ $contexts1->ReadNext();
+ $srs1 = $contexts1->GetCoordinateSystemWkt();
+ $contexts1->Close();
+ $featureSource2 = $layer2->GetFeatureSourceId();
+ $contexts2 = $featureService->GetSpatialContexts($featureSource2, true);
+ $contexts2->ReadNext();
+ $srs2 = $contexts2->GetCoordinateSystemWkt();
+ $contexts2->Close();
+ $csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+ $srcCs = $csFactory->Create($srs1);
+ $dstCs = $csFactory->Create($srs2);
+ $xform = $csFactory->GetTransform($srcCS, $dstCs);
+ $geometry1xform = $geometry1->Transform($xform);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgResourceIdentifier featureSource1 = layer1.GetFeatureSourceId();
+ MgSpatialContextReader contexts1 = featureService.GetSpatialContexts(featureSource1, true);
+ contexts1.ReadNext();
+ String srs1 = contexts1.GetCoordinateSystemWkt();
+ contexts1.Close();
+ MgResourceIdentifier featureSource2 = layer2.GetFeatureSourceId();
+ MgSpatialContextReader contexts2 = featureService.GetSpatialContexts(featureSource2, true);
+ contexts2.ReadNext();
+ String srs2 = contexts2.GetCoordinateSystemWkt();
+ contexts2.Close();
+ MgCoordinateSystemFactory csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+ MgCoordinateSystem srcCs = csFactory.Create(srs1);
+ MgCoordinateSystem dstCs = csFactory.Create(srs2);
+ MgCoordianteSystemTransform xform = csFactory.GetTransform(srcCs, dstCs);
+ MgGeometry geometry1xform = geometry1.Transform(xform);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgResourceIdentifier featureSource1 = layer1.GetFeatureSourceId();
+ MgSpatialContextReader contexts1 = featureService.GetSpatialContexts(featureSource1, true);
+ contexts1.ReadNext();
+ String srs1 = contexts1.GetCoordinateSystemWkt();
+ contexts1.Close();
+ MgResourceIdentifier featureSource2 = layer2.GetFeatureSourceId();
+ MgSpatialContextReader contexts2 = featureService.GetSpatialContexts(featureSource2, true);
+ contexts2.ReadNext();
+ String srs2 = contexts2.GetCoordinateSystemWkt();
+ contexts2.Close();
+ MgCoordinateSystemFactory csFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+ MgCoordinateSystem srcCs = csFactory.Create(srs1);
+ MgCoordinateSystem dstCs = csFactory.Create(srs2);
+ MgCoordianteSystemTransform xform = csFactory.GetTransform(srcCs, dstCs);
+ MgGeometry geometry1xform = geometry1.Transform(xform);
+.. index::
+ single: Coordinate Systems; Measure Units
+ single: Measuring Distance
Measuring Distance
+Measuring distance in geographic or projected coordinate systems requires
+great circle calculations. Both ``MgGeometry::Buffer()`` and
+``MgGeometry::Distance()`` accept a measurement parameter that defines the
+great circle to be used. If the measurement parameter is null, the calculation
+is done using a linear algorithm.
+Create the measurement parameter, an ``MgCoordinateSystemMeasure`` object,
+from the ``MgCoordinateSystem`` object.
+Distance is calculated in the units of the SRS. ``MgCoordinateSystem`` includes
+two methods, ``ConvertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters()`` and
+``ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits()`` to convert to and from linear
+For example, to calculate the distance between two ``MgGeometry`` objects ``$a`` and
+``$b``, using the coordinate system ``$srs``, perform the following steps:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $measure = $srs->GetMeasure();
+ $distInMapUnits = $a->Distance($b, $measure);
+ $distInMeters = $srs->ConvertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters($distInMapUnits);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgCoordinateSystemMeasure measure = srs.GetMeasure();
+ double distInMapUnits = a.Distance(b, measure);
+ double distInMeters = srs.ConvertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters(distInMapUnits);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgCoordinateSystemMeasure measure = srs.GetMeasure();
+ double distInMapUnits = a.Distance(b, measure);
+ double distInMeters = srs.ConvertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters(distInMapUnits);
+Another way to calculate the distance is to use ``MgCoordinateSystemMeasure::GetDistance()``, as in the following:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $distInMapUnits = $measure->GetDistance($a, $b);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ double distInMapUnits = measure.GetDistance(a, b);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ double distInMapUnits = measure.GetDistance(a, b);
+.. index::
+ single: Feature Source; Temporary Feature Sources
+ single: MgClassDefinition
+ single: MgFeatureSchema
+ single: MgClassDefinition; Properties
+ single: MgDataPropertyDefinition
+ single: MgGeometryPropertyDefinition
+ single: MgObjectPropertyDefinition
+ single: MgRasterPropertyDefinition
Temporary Feature Sources
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+Many geometric analysis operations require creating new features and new
+feature sources. For example, drawing a buffer around a point on a map requires
+a layer to display the buffer polygon, and the layer requires a feature source.
+To create a temporary feature source, perform the following steps:
+ * Create a feature class definition.
+ * Determine what properties you need to store for the features. Add the property definitions to the feature class definition.
+ * Create a feature schema containing the feature class definition.
+ * Determine the SRS for the feature source. This can be the same as the SRS used for the map.
+ * Create a feature source using the schema and the SRS. The feature source can be stored in the session repository.
+It is possible for a single feature source to contain more than one feature class.
+A feature source that is to be used for temporary data, however, normally
+contains one feature class.
+A feature schema (``MgFeatureSchema`` object) contains class definitions
+(``MgClassDefinition`` objects) for each feature class in the schema.
+Each class definition contains property definitions for each property in the
+feature class. The property definitions can be the following types:
+ * ``MgDataPropertyDefinition``
+ * ``MgGeometryPropertyDefinition``
+ * ``MgObjectPropertyDefinition``
+ * ``MgRasterPropertyDefinition``
+.. note::
+ Unlike FDO, MapGuide does not currently support Association Properties
+``MgDataPropertyDefinition`` is used to define simple properties like numbers
+or strings. ``MgGeometryPropertyDefinition`` is used to define geometric
+properties. Most feature classes will have a geometric property to describe the
+feature's location.
+For example, the following creates a temporary feature source to hold buffer
+features. The feature source contains a single feature class named ``BufferClass``.
+Features in ``BufferClass`` have two properties. ``ID`` is an autogenerated unique
+ID number, and ``BufferGeometry`` contains the geometry for the buffer polygon.
+The FDO technology supporting the Feature Service allows for multiple spatial
+reference systems within a single feature source. However, this capability is
+dependent on the data provider, and does not apply to the SDF provider that
+is used for creating feature sources within MapGuide. For temporary feature
+sources, you must define a single default SRS for the feature source, and you
+must set any geometry properties to use the same SRS. The name of the SRS
+is user-defined.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $bufferClass = new MgClassDefinition();
+ $bufferClass->SetName('BufferClass');
+ $properties = $bufferClass->GetProperties();
+ $idProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition('ID');
+ $idProperty->SetDataType(MgPropertyType::Int32);
+ $idProperty->SetReadOnly(true);
+ $idProperty->SetNullable(false);
+ $idProperty->SetAutoGeneration(true);
+ $properties->Add($idProperty);
+ $polygonProperty = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition('BufferGeometry');
+ $polygonProperty->SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType::Surface);
+ $polygonProperty->SetHasElevation(false);
+ $polygonProperty->SetHasMeasure(false);
+ $polygonProperty->SetReadOnly(false);
+ $polygonProperty->SetSpatialContextAssociation('defaultSrs');
+ $properties->Add($polygonProperty);
+ $idProperties = $bufferClass->GetIdentityProperties();
+ $idProperties->Add($idProperty);
+ $bufferClass->SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName('BufferGeometry');
+ $bufferSchema = new MgFeatureSchema('BufferLayerSchema', 'temporary schema to hold a buffer');
+ $bufferSchema->GetClasses()->Add($bufferClass);
+ $sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams('defaultSrs', $wkt, $bufferSchema);
+ $featureService->CreateFeatureSource($bufferFeatureResId, $sdfParams);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgClassDefinition bufferClass = new MgClassDefinition();
+ bufferClass.SetName("BufferClass");
+ MgPropertyDefinitionCollection properties = bufferClass.GetProperties();
+ MgDataPropertyDefinition idProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("ID");
+ idProperty.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Int32);
+ idProperty.SetReadOnly(true);
+ idProperty.SetNullable(false);
+ idProperty.SetAutoGeneration(true);
+ properties.Add(idProperty);
+ MgGeometricPropertyDefinition polygonProperty = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition("BufferGeometry");
+ polygonProperty.SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType.Surface);
+ polygonProperty.SetHasElevation(false);
+ polygonProperty.SetHasMeasure(false);
+ polygonProperty.SetReadOnly(false);
+ polygonProperty.SetSpatialContextAssociation("defaultSrs");
+ properties.Add(polygonProperty);
+ MgPropertyDefinitionCollection idProperties = bufferClass.GetIdentityProperties();
+ idProperties.Add(idProperty);
+ bufferClass.SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName("BufferGeometry");
+ MgFeatureSchema bufferSchema = new MgFeatureSchema("BufferLayerSchema", "temporary schema to hold a buffer");
+ bufferSchema.GetClasses().Add(bufferClass);
+ MgCreateSdfParams sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams("defaultSrs", wkt, bufferSchema);
+ featureService.CreateFeatureSource(bufferFeatureResId, sdfParams);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgClassDefinition bufferClass = new MgClassDefinition();
+ bufferClass.SetName("BufferClass");
+ MgPropertyDefinitionCollection properties = bufferClass.GetProperties();
+ MgDataPropertyDefinition idProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("ID");
+ idProperty.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Int32);
+ idProperty.SetReadOnly(true);
+ idProperty.SetNullable(false);
+ idProperty.SetAutoGeneration(true);
+ properties.Add(idProperty);
+ MgGeometricPropertyDefinition polygonProperty = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition("BufferGeometry");
+ polygonProperty.SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType.Surface);
+ polygonProperty.SetHasElevation(false);
+ polygonProperty.SetHasMeasure(false);
+ polygonProperty.SetReadOnly(false);
+ polygonProperty.SetSpatialContextAssociation("defaultSrs");
+ properties.Add(polygonProperty);
+ MgPropertyDefinitionCollection idProperties = bufferClass.GetIdentityProperties();
+ idProperties.Add(idProperty);
+ bufferClass.SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName("BufferGeometry");
+ MgFeatureSchema bufferSchema = new MgFeatureSchema("BufferLayerSchema", "temporary schema to hold a buffer");
+ bufferSchema.GetClasses().Add(bufferClass);
+ MgCreateSdfParams sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams("defaultSrs", wkt, bufferSchema);
+ featureService.CreateFeatureSource(bufferFeatureResId, sdfParams);
+To display features from a temporary feature source in a map, create a layer
+definition that refers to the feature source. Use the techniques described in
+Modifying Maps and Layers on page 57.
+.. index::
+ single: Features; Inserting Features
+ single: Features; Deleting Features
+ single: Features; Updating Features
+ single: MgDeleteFeatures
+ single: MgInsertFeatures
+ single: MgUpdateFeatures
+ single: MgFeatureService; UpdateFeatures
Inserting, Deleting and Updating Features
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+To change data in a feature source, create an MgFeatureCommandCollection
+object. This can contain commands to insert, delete, or update features in an
+FDO data source. The commands are executed sequentially. For FDO providers
+that support transaction processing, the commands can be treated as a single
+Feature commands can be one of the following:
+ * ``MgDeleteFeatures``
+ * ``MgInsertFeatures``
+ * ``MgUpdateFeatures``
+To execute the commands, call ``MgFeatureService::UpdateFeatures()``. The
+feature class name and property names in any of the feature commands must
+match the class name and property names in the feature source.
+For example, to delete all features in a feature class with an identity property
+``ID``, execute the following:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ $deleteCommand = new MgDeleteFeatures($className, "ID like '%'");
+ $commands->Add($deleteCommand);
+ $featureService->UpdateFeatures($featureSource, $commands, false);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ MgDeleteFeature deleteCommand = new MgDeleteFeatures(className, "ID like '%'");
+ commands.Add(deleteCommand);
+ featureService.UpdateFeatures(featureSource, commands, false);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ MgDeleteFeature deleteCommand = new MgDeleteFeatures(className, "ID like '%'");
+ commands.Add(deleteCommand);
+ featureService.UpdateFeatures(featureSource, commands, false);
+To insert features, create an ``MgPropertyCollection`` object that contains the
+properties of the new feature. Create an ``MgInsertFeatures`` object and add
+this to the ``MgFeatureCommandCollection`` object.
+For example, to add a new feature with a single geometry property, execute
+the following:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ $properties = new MgPropertyCollection();
+ $agfByteStream = $agfReaderWriter->Write($geometry);
+ $geometryProperty = new MgGeometryProperty($propertyName, $agfByteStream);
+ $properties->Add($geometryProperty);
+ $insertCommand = new MgInsertFeatures($className, $properties);
+ $commands->Add($insertCommand);
+ $featureService->UpdateFeatures($featureSource, $commands, false);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ MgPropertyCollection properties = new MgPropertyCollection();
+ MgByteReader agfByteStream = agfReaderWriter.Write(geometry);
+ MgGeometryProperty geometryProperty = new MgGeometryProperty(propertyName, agfByteStream);
+ properties.Add(geometryProperty);
+ MgInsertFeatures insertCommand = new MgInsertFeatures(className, properties);
+ commands.Add(insertCommand);
+ featureService.UpdateFeatures(featureSource, commands, false);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ MgPropertyCollection properties = new MgPropertyCollection();
+ MgByteReader agfByteStream = agfReaderWriter.Write(geometry);
+ MgGeometryProperty geometryProperty = new MgGeometryProperty(propertyName, agfByteStream);
+ properties.Add(geometryProperty);
+ MgInsertFeatures insertCommand = new MgInsertFeatures(className, properties);
+ commands.Add(insertCommand);
+ featureService.UpdateFeatures(featureSource, commands, false);
+To update existing features, create an MgPropertyCollection object that
+contains the new values for the properties and a filter expression that selects
+the correct feature or features. See Querying Feature Data on page 38 for details
+about filter expressions.
+.. index::
+ single: Geometry; Buffering
+ single: Buffer; Creating
Creating a Buffer
+To create a buffer around a feature, use the ``MgGeometry::Buffer()`` method.
+This returns an ``MgGeometry`` object that you can use for further analysis. For
+example, you could display the buffer by creating a feature in a temporary
+feature source and adding a new layer to the map. You could also use the
+buffer geometry as part of a spatial filter. For example, you might want to find
+all the features within the buffer zone that match certain criteria, or you might
+want to find all roads that cross the buffer zone.
+To create a buffer, get the geometry of the feature to be buffered. If the feature
+is being processed in an ``MgFeatureReader`` as part of a selection, this requires
+getting the geometry data from the feature reader and converting it to an
+``MgGeometry`` object. For example:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $geometryData = $featureReader->GetGeometry($geometryName);
+ $featureGeometry = $agfReaderWriter->Read($geometryData);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgByteReader geometryData = featureReader.GetGeometry(geometryName);
+ MgGeometry featureGeometry = agfReaderWriter.Read(geometryData);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgByteReader geometryData = featureReader.GetGeometry(geometryName);
+ MgGeometry featureGeometry = agfReaderWriter.Read(geometryData);
+If the buffer is to be calculated using coordinate system units, create an
+``MgCoordinateSystemMeasure`` object from the coordinate system for the map.
+For example:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $mapWktSrs = $currentMap->GetMapSRS();
+ $coordSysFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+ $srs = $coordSysFactory->Create($mapWktSrs);
+ $srsMeasure = $srs->GetMeasure();
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ String mapWktSrs = currentMap.GetMapSRS();
+ MgCoordinateSystemFactory coordSysFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+ MgCoordianteSystem srs = coordSysFactory.Create(mapWktSrs);
+ MgCoordinateSystemMeasure srsMeasure = srs.GetMeasure();
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ String mapWktSrs = currentMap.GetMapSRS();
+ MgCoordinateSystemFactory coordSysFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+ MgCoordianteSystem srs = coordSysFactory.Create(mapWktSrs);
+ MgCoordinateSystemMeasure srsMeasure = srs.GetMeasure();
+Use the coordinate system measure to determine the buffer size in the
+coordinate system, and create the buffer object from the geometry to be
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $srsDist = $srs->ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits($bufferDist);
+ $bufferGeometry = $featureGeometry->Buffer($srsDist, $srsMeasure);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ double srsDist = srs.ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits(bufferDist);
+ MgGeometry bufferGeometry = featureGeometry.Buffer(srsDist, srsMeasure);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ double srsDist = srs.ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits(bufferDist);
+ MgGeometry bufferGeometry = featureGeometry.Buffer(srsDist, srsMeasure);
+.. index::
+ single: Buffer; Displaying in map
+To display the buffer in the map, perform the following steps:
+ * Create a feature source for the buffer.
+ * Insert a buffer feature in the feature source.
+ * Create a layer that references the feature source.
+ * Add the layer to the map and make it visible.
+To use the buffer as part of a query, create a spatial filter using the buffer
+geometry, and use this in a call to ``MgFeatureService::SelectFeatures()``. For
+example, the following code selects parcels inside the buffer area that are of
+type "MFG". You can use the ``MgFeatureReader`` to perform tasks like generating
+a report of the parcels, or creating a new layer that puts point markers on each
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $queryOptions->SetFilter("RTYPE = 'MFG'");
+ $queryOptions->SetSpatialFilter('SHPGEOM', $bufferGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations::Inside);
+ $featureResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource");
+ $featureReader = $featureService->SelectFeatures($featureResId, "Parcels", $queryOptions);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RTYPE = 'MFG'");
+ queryOptions.SetSpatialFilter("SHPGEOM", bufferGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Inside);
+ MgResourceIdentifier featureResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource");
+ MgFeatureReader featureReader = featureService.SelectFeatures(featureResId, "Parcels", queryOptions);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RTYPE = 'MFG'");
+ queryOptions.SetSpatialFilter("SHPGEOM", bufferGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Inside);
+ MgResourceIdentifier featureResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource");
+ MgFeatureReader featureReader = featureService.SelectFeatures(featureResId, "Parcels", queryOptions);
\ No newline at end of file
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+This example builds on the example from Working With the Active Selection
+on page 48. Instead of listing the parcels in the selection, it creates a series of
+concentric buffers around the selection, showing increasing distance. The
+code sections below contain the significant additions in this example. The
+complete source code is available with the Developer's Guide samples.
+Because this example modifies the map, it must refresh the map when it loads,
+by executing a JavaScript function. Add the function to the page.
+.. highlight:: javascript
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ <script language="javascript">
+ function OnPageLoad()
+ {
+ parent.parent.Refresh();
+ }
+ </script>
+Add an ``OnLoad`` command to the ``<body>`` element:
+.. highlight:: html
+.. code-block:: html
+ <body onLoad="OnPageLoad()">
+The example uses a temporary map layer named ``Buffer`` to store the buffer
+feature. It creates a feature source and the layer if it does not exist. Otherwise,
+it deletes any existing features before creating the new buffer. The functions
+``CreateBufferFeatureSource()`` and ``CreateBufferLayer()`` are in
+*bufferfunctions.php*, which is described below.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ include 'bufferfunctions.php';
+ $bufferRingSize = 100; // measured in metres
+ $bufferRingCount = 5;
+ // Set up some objects for coordinate conversion
+ $mapWktSrs = $map->GetMapSRS();
+ $agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
+ $wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
+ $coordinateSystemFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory();
+ $srs = $coordinateSystemFactory->Create($mapWktSrs);
+ $srsMeasure = $srs->GetMeasure();
+ // Check for a buffer layer. If it exists, delete
+ // the current features.
+ // If it does not exist, create a feature source and
+ // a layer to hold the buffer.
+ try
+ {
+ $bufferLayer = $map->GetLayers()->GetItem('Buffer');
+ $bufferFeatureResId = new MgResourceIdentifier($bufferLayer->GetFeatureSourceId());
+ $commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ $commands->Add(new MgDeleteFeatures('BufferClass', "ID like '%'"));
+ $featureService->UpdateFeatures($bufferFeatureResId, $commands, false);
+ }
+ catch (MgObjectNotFoundException $e)
+ {
+ // When an MgObjectNotFoundException is thrown, the layer
+ // does not exist and must be created.
+ $bufferFeatureResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" . $mgSessionId . "//Buffer.FeatureSource");
+ CreateBufferFeatureSource($featureService, $mapWktSrs, $bufferFeatureResId);
+ $bufferLayer = CreateBufferLayer($resourceService, $bufferFeatureResId, $mgSessionId);
+ $map->GetLayers()->Insert(0, $bufferLayer);
+ }
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+.. index::
+ single: Geometry; Merging geometries
+The geometries for the selected features are merged into a single
+multi-geometry. Then a series of concentric buffers is created and added to
+the feature source. The style for the layer, which is set when function
+``CreateBufferLayer()`` processes ``bufferlayerdefinition.xml``, should define the
+buffer features to be partly transparent. When they are drawn on the map,
+the rings get progressively darker towards the center of the buffer area.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ // Process each item in the MgFeatureReader.
+ // Merge them into a single feature.
+ $inputGeometries = new MgGeometryCollection();
+ while ($featureReader->ReadNext())
+ {
+ $featureGeometryData = $featureReader->GetGeometry('SHPGEOM');
+ $featureGeometry = $agfReaderWriter->Read($featureGeometryData);
+ $inputGeometries->Add($featureGeometry);
+ }
+ $geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory();
+ $mergedFeatures = $geometryFactory->CreateMultiGeometry($inputGeometries);
+ // Add buffer features to the temporary feature source.
+ // Create multiple concentric buffers to show area.
+ $commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ for ($bufferRing = 0; $bufferRing < $bufferRingCount; $bufferRing++)
+ {
+ $bufferDist = $srs->ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits($bufferRingSize * ($bufferRing + 1));
+ $bufferGeometry = $mergedFeatures->Buffer($bufferDist, $srsMeasure);
+ $properties = new MgPropertyCollection();
+ $properties->Add(new MgGeometryProperty('BufferGeometry', $agfReaderWriter->Write($bufferGeometry)));
+ $commands->Add(new MgInsertFeatures('BufferClass', $properties));
+ }
+ $results = $featureService->UpdateFeatures($bufferFeatureResId,
+ $commands, false);
+ $bufferLayer->SetVisible(true);
+ $bufferLayer->ForceRefresh();
+ $bufferLayer->SetDisplayInLegend(true);
+ $map->Save($resourceService);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+The functions ``CreateBufferFeatureSource()`` and ``CreateBufferLayer()`` are
+in ``bufferfunctions.php``. ``CreateBufferFeatureSource()`` creates a temporary
+feature source, with a single feature class, ``BufferClass``. The feature class has
+two properties, ``ID`` and ``BufferGeometry``. ``ID`` is autogenerated, so it does not
+need to be added with a new feature. ``CreateBufferLayer()`` modifies a layer
+definition from an external file and saves it to the repository. For more details,
+see Modifying Maps and Layers on page 57.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ function CreateBufferFeatureSource($featureService, $wkt, $bufferFeatureResId)
+ {
+ $bufferClass = new MgClassDefinition();
+ $bufferClass->SetName('BufferClass');
+ $properties = $bufferClass->GetProperties();
+ $idProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition('ID');
+ $idProperty->SetDataType(MgPropertyType::Int32);
+ $idProperty->SetReadOnly(true);
+ $idProperty->SetNullable(false);
+ $idProperty->SetAutoGeneration(true);
+ $properties->Add($idProperty);
+ $polygonProperty = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition('BufferGeometry');
+ $polygonProperty->SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType::Surface);
+ $polygonProperty->SetHasElevation(false);
+ $polygonProperty->SetHasMeasure(false);
+ $polygonProperty->SetReadOnly(false);
+ $polygonProperty->SetSpatialContextAssociation('defaultSrs');
+ $properties->Add($polygonProperty);
+ $idProperties = $bufferClass->GetIdentityProperties();
+ $idProperties->Add($idProperty);
+ $bufferClass->SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName('BufferGeometry');
+ $bufferSchema = new MgFeatureSchema('BufferLayerSchema', 'temporary schema to hold a buffer');
+ $bufferSchema->GetClasses()->Add($bufferClass);
+ $sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams('defaultSrs', $wkt, $bufferSchema);
+ $featureService->CreateFeatureSource($bufferFeatureResId, $sdfParams);
+ }
+ function CreateBufferLayer($resourceService, $bufferFeatureResId, $sessionId)
+ {
+ // Load the layer definition template into
+ // a PHP DOM object, find the "ResourceId" element, and
+ // modify its content to reference the temporary
+ // feature source.
+ $doc = DOMDocument::load('bufferlayerdefinition.xml');
+ $featureSourceNode = $doc->getElementsByTagName('ResourceId')->item(0);
+ $featureSourceNode->nodeValue = $bufferFeatureResId->ToString();
+ // Get the updated layer definition from the DOM object
+ // and save it to the session repository using the
+ // ResourceService object.
+ $layerDefinition = $doc->saveXML();
+ $byteSource = new MgByteSource($layerDefinition, strlen($layerDefinition));
+ $byteSource->SetMimeType(MgMimeType::Xml);
+ $tempLayerResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" . $sessionId . "//Buffer.LayerDefinition");
+ $resourceService->SetResource($tempLayerResId, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
+ // Create an MgLayer object based on the new layer definition
+ // and return it to the caller.
+ $bufferLayer = new MgLayer($tempLayerResId, $resourceService);
+ $bufferLayer->SetName("Buffer");
+ $bufferLayer->SetLegendLabel("Buffer");
+ $bufferLayer->SetDisplayInLegend(true);
+ $bufferLayer->SetSelectable(false);
+ return $bufferLayer;
+ }
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+There is an additional example in the Developer's Guide samples. It queries
+the parcels in the buffer area and selects parcels that match certain criteria.
+The selection is done using a query that combines a basic filter and a spatial
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $bufferDist = $srs->ConvertMetersToCoordinateSystemUnits($bufferRingSize);
+ $bufferGeometry = $mergedGeometries->Buffer($bufferDist, $srsMeasure);
+ // Create a filter to select parcels within the buffer. Combine
+ // a basic filter and a spatial filter to select all parcels
+ // within the buffer that are of type "MFG".
+ $queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $queryOptions->SetFilter("RTYPE = 'MFG'");
+ $queryOptions->SetSpatialFilter('SHPGEOM', $bufferGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations::Inside);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+It creates an additional feature source that contains point markers for each of
+the selected parcels.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ // Get the features from the feature source,
+ // determine the centroid of each selected feature, and
+ // add a point to the ParcelMarker layer to mark the
+ // centroid.
+ // Collect all the points into an MgFeatureCommandCollection,
+ // so they can all be added in one operation.
+ $featureResId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource");
+ $featureReader = $featureService->SelectFeatures($featureResId, "Parcels", $queryOptions);
+ $parcelMarkerCommands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
+ while ($featureReader->ReadNext())
+ {
+ $byteReader = $featureReader->GetGeometry('SHPGEOM');
+ $geometry = $agfReaderWriter->Read($byteReader);
+ $point = $geometry->GetCentroid();
+ // Create an insert command for this parcel.
+ $properties = new MgPropertyCollection();
+ $properties->Add(new MgGeometryProperty('ParcelLocation', $agfReaderWriter->Write($point)));
+ $parcelMarkerCommands->Add(new MgInsertFeatures('ParcelMarkerClass', $properties));
+ }
+ $featureReader->Close();
+ if ($parcelMarkerCommands->GetCount() > 0)
+ {
+ $featureService->UpdateFeatures($parcelFeatureResId, $parcelMarkerCommands, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo '</p><p>No parcels within the buffer area match.';
+ }
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/custom_output.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/custom_output.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/custom_output.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
.. index::
+ single: Custom Output
Custom Output
@@ -9,8 +10,160 @@
+.. tip::
+ The Custom Output sample, in the Developer's Guide samples, demonstrates
+ concepts from this chapter.
+MapGuide includes services for saving map representations for use in external
+To save a map as a bit-mapped image (PNG or GIF), use the Rendering Service.
+To save a map as a Design Web Format (DWF), use the Mapping Service.
+An ePlot DWF is designed for offline viewing or printing. It can contain multiple
+sheets, where each sheet is a complete map image that can be viewed offline
+using Autodesk Design Review. Each sheet in an ePlot DWF is a static
+representation of a single map view state.
+Characteristics of bit-mapped images:
+ * Images can be in PNG or GIF formats.
+ * An image displays a portion of the the map view state at a particular scale.
+ * The image is static with a fixed resolution. Zooming in creates a pixelated image.
+ * Images are cross-platform.
+ * Images are suitable for use in HTML pages, word processor documents, or graphics editing programs.
+Characteristics of an ePlot DWF:
+ * A single ePlot can contain multiple sheets.
+ * Each sheet shows a single image, showing a portion of the map view at a particular scale.
+ * The ePlot area and scale are static, but geometric features are stored as vector graphics, so zooming is smooth.
+ * Some interactive features of the MapGuide DWF Viewer are available, such as the ability to turn layers on and off.
+ * The ePlot requires the Autodesk Design Review, either standalone or as a plug-in for Internet Explorer.
+ * Images can be copied to the Windows clipboard and used in other applications.
+ * Autodesk Design Review is a free program that is only available on Windows. Visit http://www.autodesk.com to download.
+.. index::
+ single: Custom Output; image
+ single: Rendering Service
+ single: MgRenderingService
Rendering Service
+The Rendering Service creates bit-mapped images of a map suitable for
+displaying in a browser or saving to a file. The image is returned as an
+``MgByteReader`` object, which can be sent to a browser or saved to a file.
+For example, to create a PNG image of a map area, perform the following
+operations. Note that the aspect ratio of the envelope should match the image
+dimensions or the image will be distorted.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $byteReader = $renderingService->RenderMap($map, $selection, $envelope, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $color, 'PNG');
+ header("Content-type: " . $byteReader->GetMimeType() );
+ $buffer = '';
+ while ($byteReader->Read($buffer, 50000) != 0)
+ {
+ echo $buffer;
+ }
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+.. index::
+ single: Custom Output; dwf
+ single: Mapping Service
+ single: MgMappingService
Mapping Service
\ No newline at end of file
+The Mapping Service creates ePlot DWFs.
+An ePlot DWF is designed primarily for offline viewing or printing. It includes
+an ``MgPlotSpecification`` that defines the page size and margins. It can also
+include an optional ``MgLayout`` that defines additional components to include
+in the plot, like a legend or a custom logo. The layout is based on a print
+layout in the repository. For a description of the PrintLayout schema, see the
+MapGuide Web API Reference.
+To create an ePlot DWF with more than one sheet, use an
+``MgMapPlotCollection``, where each item in the collection is an ``MgMapPlot`` that
+describes a single sheet.
+.. note::
+ The map name becomes the sheet name in the multi-plot DWF. Because
+ each sheet in the DWF must have a unique name, you must create a separate
+ MgMap object for each sheet in the DWF.
+The following example creates a multi-plot DWF with two sheets. The second
+sheet displays the same map area as the first, but it adds the title and legend
+information from the print layout.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $dwfVersion = new MgDwfVersion("6.01", "1.2");
+ $plotSpec = new MgPlotSpecification(8.5, 11, MgPageUnitsType::Inches);
+ $plotSpec->SetMargins(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+ $plotCollection = new MgMapPlotCollection();
+ $plot1 = new MgMapPlot($map, $plotSpec, $layout);
+ $plotCollection->Add($plot1);
+ // Create a second map for the second sheet in the DWF. This
+ // second map uses the print layout
+ // to display a page title and legend.
+ $map2 = new MgMap($siteConnection);
+ $map2->Create($map->GetMapDefinition(), 'Sheet 2');
+ $layoutRes = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganMap.PrintLayout");
+ $layout = new MgLayout($layoutRes, "City of Sheboygan", MgPageUnitsType::Inches);
+ $plot2 = new MgMapPlot($map2, $map->GetViewCenter()->GetCoordinate(), $map->GetViewScale(), $plotSpec, $layout);
+ $plotCollection->Add($plot2);
+ $byteReader = $mappingService->GenerateMultiPlot($plotCollection, $dwfVersion);
+ // Now output the resulting DWF.
+ $outputBuffer = '';
+ $buffer = '';
+ while ($byteReader->Read($buffer, 50000) != 0)
+ {
+ $outputBuffer .= $buffer;
+ }
+ header('Content-Type: ' . $byteReader->GetMimeType());
+ header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($outputBuffer));
+ echo $outputBuffer;
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/digitizing_and_redlining.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/digitizing_and_redlining.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/digitizing_and_redlining.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -1,23 +1,187 @@
-.. index::
- single: digitizing; redlining
Digitizing and Redlining
+.. index::
+ single: Digitizing; Introduction
+ single: Redlining; Introduction
+.. tip::
+ The Digitizing and Redlining sample, in the Developer's Guide samples,
+ demonstrates concepts from this chapter.
+This chapter describes *digitizing* (capturing the user's clicks on the map and
+converting the locations to map coordinates) and *redlining* (drawing items such
+as lines or rectangles on the map in response to the user's clicks).
+.. index::
+ single: Digitizing; Viewer API
+The Viewer API has a number of functions for digitizing user input. For an
+example of how these can be used, see task_pane_digitizing.php in the
+``digitizing_features`` directory in the Developer Guide samples.
+In this example, if the user clicks the button to digitize a point
+.. highlight:: html
+.. code-block:: html
+ <input type="button" value=" Point " onclick="DigitizePoint();">
+the script calls the JavaScript function
+.. highlight:: javascript
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ function DigitizePoint() {
+ parent.parent.mapFrame.DigitizePoint(OnPointDigitized);
+ }
+which in turn calls the ``DigitzePoint()`` method of the Viewer API in the map
+frame. It also passes the name of a callback function, ``OnPointDigitized``, which
+is defined in the current script. ``DigizitzePoint()`` calls this function after it
+has digitized the point and passes it the digitized coordinates of the point.
+You can use this callback function to process the digitized coordinates as you
+wish. In this example, the script simply displays them in the task pane.
+.. highlight:: javascript
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ function OnPointDigitized(point) {
+ ShowResults("X: " + point.X + ", Y: " + point.Y);
+ }
+.. index::
+ single: Redlining; Process
+There are three main steps involved in redlining:
+ 1. Pass the digitized coordinates from the client to the server.
+ 2. Create a temporary feature source. This will be used to draw the lines on.
+ 3. Create a layer to display that temporary feature source.
+For example, see ``task_pane_redlining.php`` in the ``digitizing_features``
+directory in the Developer Guide samples.
+.. index::
+ single: Digitizing; Passing Coordinates
Passing Coordinates
+The digitizing functions in the Viewer API provide us with the digitized
+coordinates on the client, but we usually need to pass them to a server side
+script. This can be done with the Viewer API, using the Submit() method of
+the formFrame.
+.. highlight:: javascript
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ function OnLineDigitized(line) {
+ // Send the Javascript variables to 'draw_line.php',
+ // via the form frame
+ var params = new Array(
+ "x0", line.Point(0).X,
+ "y0", line.Point(0).Y,
+ "x1", line.Point(1).X,
+ "y1", line.Point(1).Y,
+ "SESSION", "<?= $sessionId ?>",
+ "MAPNAME", "<?= $mapName ?>");
+ parent.parent.formFrame.Submit("/mapguide/samplesphp/digitizing_features/draw_line.php", params, "scriptFrame");
+ }
+This submits the coordinates to the server-side function to draw the line. It
+uses the hidden ``scriptFrame`` so the page output is not visible.
+.. index::
+ single: Redlining; Creating a Feature Source
+ single: Feature Source; Creating
Creating a Feature Source
+The next step is create a feature source
+See ``draw_line.php`` in the ``digitizing_features`` directory in the Developer
+Guide samples.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ // Create a temporary feature source to draw the lines on
+ // Create a feature class definition for the new feature
+ // source
+ $classDefinition = new MgClassDefinition();
+ $classDefinition->SetName("Lines");
+ $classDefinition->SetDescription("Lines to display.");
+ $geometryPropertyName = "SHPGEOM";
+ $classDefinition->SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName( $geometryPropertyName);
+ // Create an identify property
+ $identityProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("KEY");
+ $identityProperty->SetDataType(MgPropertyType::Int32);
+ $identityProperty->SetAutoGeneration(true);
+ $identityProperty->SetReadOnly(true);
+ // Add the identity property to the class definition
+ $classDefinition->GetIdentityProperties()->Add($identityProperty);
+ $classDefinition->GetProperties()->Add($identityProperty);
+ // Create a name property
+ $nameProperty = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("NAME");
+ $nameProperty->SetDataType(MgPropertyType::String);
+ // Add the name property to the class definition
+ $classDefinition->GetProperties()->Add($nameProperty);
+ // Create a geometry property
+ $geometryProperty = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition($geometryPropertyName);
+ $geometryProperty->SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType::Surface);
+ // Add the geometry property to the class definition
+ $classDefinition->GetProperties()->Add($geometryProperty);
+ // Create a feature schema
+ $featureSchema = new MgFeatureSchema("SHP_Schema", "Line schema");
+ // Add the feature schema to the class definition
+ $featureSchema->GetClasses()->Add($classDefinition);
+ // Create the feature source
+ $wkt = $map->GetMapSRS();
+ $sdfParams = new MgCreateSdfParams("spatial context", $wkt, $featureSchema);
+ $featureService->CreateFeatureSource($resourceIdentifier, $sdfParams);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+.. index::
+ single: Redlining; Create a Layer
Create a Layer
\ No newline at end of file
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+The final step is to create a new layer to display the feature source, the same
+way it was done in Adding Layers To A Map on page 68.
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/images/layerdefinition.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/images/layerdefinition.png
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/interacting_with_layers.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/interacting_with_layers.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/interacting_with_layers.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-.. index::
- single: layers
Interacting With Layers
@@ -14,7 +11,6 @@
Layers represent vector data, raster data, and drawing data in a map. Each type
of layer has unique characteristics.
.. note::
The word layer has different meanings in different contexts. A layer can refer
@@ -22,6 +18,9 @@
layer. For the purposes of the Web Tier, a layer refers to a map layer, and a layer
definition refers to the layer definition in the resource repository.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Basic Properties
Basic Layer Properties
@@ -47,6 +46,9 @@
collection containing the layers in a map, then ``$layers->GetItem(0)`` returns
the top-most layer.
+.. index::
+ single: Layer Groups
Layer Groups
@@ -68,6 +70,9 @@
Each layer group in a map must have a unique name, even if it is nested within
another group.
+.. index::
+ single: Base Layer Groups
Base Layer Groups
@@ -99,6 +104,9 @@
A layer can only belong to one group at a time. It cannot be part of both a base layer group and a regular group.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Styles
Layer Style
@@ -114,6 +122,9 @@
dynamically using the Web Extensions API. See Modifying Maps and Layers
on page 57 for details.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Visiblity
Layer Visibility
@@ -127,6 +138,9 @@
for any group containing the layer must be on, and the layer must have a style
setting defined for the current map view scale.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Actual Visiblity
Example: Actual Visibility
@@ -149,6 +163,10 @@
| Off | On | 10000 | Off |
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Enumerating Map Layers
+ single: MgMap; Enumerating Layers
Enumerating Map Layers
@@ -239,6 +257,9 @@
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Manipulation
Manipulating Layers
@@ -250,6 +271,9 @@
layer resources in the repository. For details, see Modifying Maps and Layers
on page 57.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Changing Basic Properties
Changing Basic Properties
@@ -344,6 +368,9 @@
// Also be sure to refresh the map on page load.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Changing Visibility
Changing Visibility
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/introduction.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/introduction.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/introduction.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.. index::
- single: introduction
+ single: Introduction
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
is provided in the on-line MapGuide Web API Reference and MapGuide Viewer API
+.. index::
+ single: Essential Concepts
Essential Concepts
@@ -76,6 +79,9 @@
incomplete, lacking initialization and error-checking. For more complete
versions, refer to the sample applications.
+.. index::
+ single: Application Development
Application Development
@@ -91,6 +97,10 @@
Reading Apache log for PHP errors. Is there an equivalent for IIS? Other sources
of log information?
+.. index::
+ single: Repositories
+ single: Resources
Resources and Repositories
@@ -114,6 +124,10 @@
* Load Procedures
* Print Layouts
+.. index::
+ single: Repositories; Library Repositories
+ single: Repositories; Session Repositories
Library and Session
@@ -146,6 +160,9 @@
remains alive, you can tick the "Keep Connection Alive" Web Layout option in Autodesk MapGuide Studio. A similar option exists in MapGuide Maestro's
Web Layout editor.
+.. index::
+ single: MgMap; About
@@ -227,6 +244,9 @@
MgResourceIdentifier mapId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:$sessionId//$mapName." + MgResourceType.Map);
map.Save(resourceService, mapId);
+.. index::
+ single: Web Layout; Displaying
Hello, Map - Displaying a Web Layout
@@ -318,6 +338,9 @@
Code sample coming soon!
+.. index::
+ single: Web Layout; Adding a Custom Command
Hello, Map 2 - Adding a Custom Command
@@ -330,6 +353,9 @@
the steps required to create a MapGuide page and have it connect to a Viewer
on one side and the MapGuide site on the other.
+.. index::
+ single: Web Layout; Server Pages
Web Layouts and MapGuide Server Pages
@@ -559,6 +585,9 @@
However, this function does not need to be called if you are only using the
Geometry and Coordinate System components of the MapGuide API
+.. index::
+ single: Services
Understanding Services
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/mapguide_ajax_viewer.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/mapguide_ajax_viewer.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/mapguide_ajax_viewer.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -470,4 +470,18 @@
<frame src="common/Title.php?TitleText=<?= $title ?>" name="TitleFrame" scrolling="NO" noresize />
<frame src="/mapguide/mapviewerajax/?SESSION=<?= $sessionId ?>&WEBLAYOUT=<?= $webLayout ?>" name="ViewerFrame" />
- </html>
\ No newline at end of file
+ </html>
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ Code sample coming soon!
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ Code sample coming soon!
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/modifying_maps_and_layers.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/modifying_maps_and_layers.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/modifying_maps_and_layers.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -1,32 +1,534 @@
-.. index::
- single: map; layer
Modifying Maps and Layers
+.. tip::
+ The Modifying Maps and Layers sample, in the Developer's Guide samples, demonstrates concepts from this chapter.
+This chapter describes how to modify maps and layers.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Adding an existing layer to a map
Adding An Existing Layer To A Map
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+If the layer already exists in the resource repository, add it to the map by getting
+the map's layer collection and then adding the layer to that collection.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $layerCollection = $map->GetLayers();
+ $layerCollection->Add($layer);
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgLayerCollection layerCollection = map.GetLayers();
+ layerCollection.Add(layer);
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgLayerCollection layerCollection = map.GetLayers();
+ layerCollection.Add(layer);
+By default, newly added layers are added to the bottom of the drawing order,
+so they may be obscured by other layers. If you want to specify where the layer
+appears in the drawing order, use the ``$layerCollection->Insert()`` method.
+For an example, see Adding Layers To A Map on page 68.
+.. note::
+ In the MapGuide API, getting a collection returns a reference to the collection. So adding the layer to the layer collection immediately updates the map.
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Creating layers by modifying XML
Creating Layers by Modifying XML
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+The easiest way to programmatically create new layers is to
+ 1. Build a prototype layer through the UI. To make the scripting simpler, this layer should have as many of the correct settings as can be determined in advance.
+ 2. Use MapGuide Studio **Save as Xml** command or similar function in Maestro to save the layer as an XML file.
+ 3. Have the script load the XML file and then use the DOM (Document Object Model) to change the necessary XML elements.
+ 4. Add the modified layer to the map.
+The XML schema for layer definitions is defined by the
+``LayerDefinition-version.xsd`` schema, which is documented in the MapGuide Web API Reference. This
+schema closely parallels the UI in the Layer Editor of MapGuide Studio and as described in the
+*MapGuide Studio Help*, and the Layer Editor of MapGuide Maestro.
+This example
+ * loads a layer that has been created through
+ * uses the DOM to change the filter and its associated legend label
+You can use the DOM to modify any layers, including ones that already exist
+in the map, not just new layers that you are adding to the map. You can also
+use the DOM to modify other resources; the XML schemas are described in
+the *MapGuide Web API Reference*.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ // (initialization etc. not shown here)
+ // Open the map
+ $map = new MgMap();
+ $map->Open($resourceService, $mapName);
+ // --------------------------------------------------//
+ // Load a layer from XML, and use the DOM to change it
+ // Load the prototype layer definition into
+ // a PHP DOM object.
+ $domDocument =
+ DOMDocument::load('RecentlyBuilt.LayerDefinition');
+ if ($domDocument == NULL)
+ {
+ echo "The layer definition RecentlyBuilt.LayerDefinition' could not be found.<BR>\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ // Change the filter
+ $xpath = new DOMXPath($domDocument);
+ $query = '//AreaRule/Filter';
+ // Get a list of all the <AreaRule><Filter> elements in
+ // the XML.
+ $nodes = $xpath->query($query);
+ // Find the correct node and change it
+ foreach ($nodes as $node )
+ {
+ if ($node->nodeValue == 'YRBUILT > 1950')
+ {
+ $node->nodeValue = 'YRBUILT > 1980';
+ }
+ }
+ // Change the legend label
+ $query = '//LegendLabel';
+ // Get a list of all the <LegendLabel> elements in the
+ // XML.
+ $nodes = $xpath->query($query);
+ // Find the correct node and change it
+ foreach ($nodes as $node )
+ {
+ if ($node->nodeValue == 'Built after 1950')
+ {
+ $node->nodeValue = 'Built after 1980';
+ }
+ }
+ // ...
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+.. note::
+ Due to the abundance of various XML libraries available for .net and Java, the above examples should
+ be considered as one way for modifying XML. By no means is this the **definitive** way.
+The page then goes on to save the XML to a resource and loads that resource
+into the map, as described in Adding Layers To A Map on page 68.
+If you wish to modify an existing layer that is visible in other users' maps,
+without affecting those maps:
+ 1. Copy the layer to the user's session repository.
+ 2. Modify the layer and save it back to the session repository.
+ 3. Change the user's map to refer to the modified layer.
+See Adding Layers To A Map on page 68.
+.. index::
+ single: LayerDefinitionFactory
Another Way to Create Layers
+.. todo::
+ Update Maestro API link
+The method described in the previous section is easy to use, but requires a
+layer definition be created first through the UI. An alternative approach is to
+use the methods defined in
+``C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\mapviewerphp\layerdefinitionfactory.php``
+This file contains several functions, which can be used to build up a layer
+definition. The parameters of these functions enable you to set the most
+commonly used settings. (If you need to change other settings, you will have
+to either use the UI, or modify the XML of the layer definition.)
+The ``layerdefinitionfactory`` is only available for PHP. For development using
+ASP.NET, a good alternative is to use the Visual Studio tool ``xsd.exe`` to generate
+.NET classes for the LayerDefinition schema, or to use the strongly-typed resource classes
+in the Maestro API
+``CreateLayerDefinition($resourceId, $featureClass, $geometry, $featureClassRange)``
+ * ``$resourceId`` - The repository path of the feature source for the layer. For example: ``Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource``
+ * ``$featureClass`` - The feature class to use. For example, ``SHP_Schema:Parcels``
+ * ``$geometry`` - The geometry to use from the feature class. For example, ``SHPGEOM``
+ * ``$featureClassRange`` - A scale range created by filling in a scale range template (``ScaleRange.templ``)
+``CreateScaleRange($minScale, $maxScale, $typeStyle)``
+ * ``$minScale`` - The minimum scale range to which this rule applies.
+ * ``$maxScale`` - The maximum scale range to which this rule applies.
+ * ``$typeStyle`` - A type style created by using ``CreateAreaTypeStyle()``, ``CreateLineTypeStyle()`` or ``CreatePointTypeStyle()``
+ * ``$areaRules`` - One or more area rules, created by ``CreateAreaRule()``
+``CreateAreaRule($legendLabel, $filterText, $foregroundColor)``
+ * ``$legendLabel`` - The text for the label shown beside this rule in the legend.
+ * ``$filterText`` - The filter expression that determines which features match this rule. For example ``SQFT >= 1 AND SQFT < 800``
+ * ``$foregroundColor`` - The color to be applied to areas that match this rule.
+``CreateTextSymbol($text, $fontHeight, $foregroundColor)``
+ * ``$text`` - The string for the text
+ * ``$fontHeight`` - The height for the font
+ * ``$foregroundColor`` - The foreground color
+ * ``$pointRule`` - One or more point rules, created by ``CreatePointRule()``
+``CreatePointRule($legendLabel, $filter, $label, $pointSym)``
+ * ``$legendLabel`` - The label shown beside this rule in the legend.
+ * ``$filter`` - The filter expression that determines which features match this rule.
+ * ``$label`` - The text symbol, created by ``CreateTextSymbol()``
+ * ``$pointSym`` - A mark symbol created by ``CreateMarkSymbol()``
+``CreateMarkSymbol($resourceId, $symbolName, $width, $height, $color)``
+ * ``$resourceId`` - The resource ID of the symbol used to mark each point. For example ``Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Symbols/BasicSymbols.SymbolLibrary``
+ * ``$symbolName`` - The name of the desired symbol in the symbol library/
+ * ``$width`` - The width of the symbol (in points)
+ * ``$height`` - The height of the symbol (in points)
+ * ``$color`` - The color of the symbol.
+ * ``$lineRules`` - One or more rules, created by ``CreateLineRule()``
+``CreateLineRule($color, $legendLabel, $filter)``
+ * ``$color`` - The color to be applied to lines that match this rule.
+ * ``$legendLabel`` - The label shown beside this rule in the legend.
+ * ``$filter`` - The filter expression that determines which features match this rule.
+For more information on these settings, see the MapGuide Studio Help.
+.. index::
+ single: LayerDefinitionFactory; Area Rules
Example: Creating a layer that users Area Rules
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+.. note::
+ This example specifically uses the ``LayerDefinitionFactory`` class which is not available for .net and Java
+This example shows how to create a new layer using the factory. This layer
+uses three area rules to theme parcels by their square footage.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ // ...
+ /---------------------------------------------------//
+ $factory = new LayerDefinitionFactory();
+ /// Create three area rules for three different
+ // scale ranges.
+ $areaRule1 = $factory->CreateAreaRule( '1 to 800', 'SQFT >= 1 AND SQFT < 800', 'FFFFFF00');
+ $areaRule2 = $factory->CreateAreaRule( '800 to 1600','SQFT >= 800 AND SQFT < 1600', 'FFFFBF20');
+ $areaRule3 = $factory->CreateAreaRule('1600 to 2400', 'SQFT >= 1600 AND SQFT < 2400', 'FFFF8040');
+ // Create an area type style.
+ $areaTypeStyle = $factory->CreateAreaTypeStyle($areaRule1 . $areaRule2 . $areaRule3);
+ // Create a scale range.
+ $minScale = '0';
+ $maxScale = '1000000000000';
+ $areaScaleRange = $factory->CreateScaleRange($minScale, $maxScale, $areaTypeStyle);
+ // Create the layer definiton.
+ $featureClass = 'Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/' . 'Parcels.FeatureSource';
+ $featureName = 'SHP_Schema:Parcels';
+ $geometry = 'SHPGEOM';
+ $layerDefinition = $factory->CreateLayerDefinition($featureClass, $featureName, $geometry, $areaScaleRange);
+ //---------------------------------------------------//
+ // ...
+The script then saves the XML to a resource and loads that resource into the
+map. See Adding Layers To A Map on page 68.
+.. index::
+ single: LayerDefinitionFactory; Line Rules
Example: Using Line Rules
+.. note::
+ This example specifically uses the ``LayerDefinitionFactory`` class which is not available for .net and Java
+Creating line-based rules is very similar.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ // ...
+ //---------------------------------------------------//
+ $factory = new LayerDefinitionFactory();
+ // Create a line rule.
+ $legendLabel = '';
+ $filter = '';
+ $color = 'FF0000FF';
+ $lineRule = $factory->CreateLineRule($legendLabel, $filter, $color);
+ // Create a line type style.
+ $lineTypeStyle = $factory->CreateLineTypeStyle($lineRule);
+ // Create a scale range.
+ $minScale = '0';
+ $maxScale = '1000000000000';
+ $lineScaleRange = $factory->CreateScaleRange($minScale, $maxScale, $lineTypeStyle);
+ // Create the layer definiton.
+ $featureClass = 'Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/' . 'HydrographicLines.FeatureSource';
+ $featureName = 'SHP_Schema:HydrographicLines';
+ $geometry = 'SHPGEOM';
+ $layerDefinition = $factory->CreateLayerDefinition($featureClass, $featureName, $geometry, $lineScaleRange);
+ //---------------------------------------------------//
+ // ...
+.. index::
+ single: LayerDefinitionFactory; Point Rules
Example: Using Point Rules
+.. note::
+ This example specifically uses the ``LayerDefinitionFactory`` class which is not available for .net and Java
+To create point-based rules, three methods are used.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ // ...
+ //---------------------------------------------------//
+ $factory = new LayerDefinitionFactory();
+ // Create a mark symbol
+ $resourceId = 'Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Symbols/BasicSymbols.SymbolLibrary';
+ $symbolName = 'PushPin';
+ $width = '24'; // points
+ $height = '24'; // points
+ $color = 'FFFF0000';
+ $markSymbol = $factory->CreateMarkSymbol($resourceId, $symbolName, $width, $height, $color);
+ // Create a text symbol
+ $text = "ID";
+ $fontHeight="12";
+ $foregroundColor = 'FF000000';
+ $textSymbol = $factory->CreateTextSymbol($text, $fontHeight, $foregroundColor);
+ // Create a point rule.
+ $legendLabel = 'trees';
+ $filter = '';
+ $pointRule = $factory->CreatePointRule($legendLabel, $filter, $textSymbol, $markSymbol);
+ // Create a point type style.
+ $pointTypeStyle = $factory->CreatepointTypeStyle($pointRule);
+ // Create a scale range.
+ $minScale = '0';
+ $maxScale = '1000000000000';
+ $pointScaleRange = $factory->CreateScaleRange($minScale, $maxScale, $pointTypeStyle);
+ // Create the layer definiton.
+ $featureClass = 'Library://Tests/Trees.FeatureSource';
+ $featureName = 'Default:Trees';
+ $geometry = 'Geometry';
+ $layerDefinition = $factory->CreateLayerDefinition($featureClass, $featureName, $geometry, $pointScaleRange);
+ //---------------------------------------------------//
+.. index::
+ single: MgMap; Adding Layers
Adding Layers to a Map
+The preceding examples have created or modified the XML for layer definitions
+in memory. To add those layers to a map:
+1. Save the layer definition to a resource stored in the session repository.
+2. Add that resource to the map.
+This function adds takes a layer's XML, creates a resource in the session
+repository from it, and adds that layer resource to a map.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ <?php
+ require_once('../common/common.php');
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ function add_layer_definition_to_map($layerDefinition,
+ $layerName, $layerLegendLabel, $mgSessionId,
+ $resourceService, &$map)
+ // Adds the layer definition (XML) to the map.
+ // Returns the layer.
+ {
+ // Validate the XML.
+ $domDocument = new DOMDocument;
+ $domDocument->loadXML($layerDefinition);
+ if (! $domDocument->schemaValidate(
+ "$schemaDirectory\LayerDefinition-1.1.0.xsd") )
+ {
+ echo "ERROR: The new XML document is invalid.
+ <BR>\n.";
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Save the new layer definition to the session
+ // repository
+ $byteSource = new MgByteSource($layerDefinition, strlen($layerDefinition));
+ $byteSource->SetMimeType(MgMimeType::Xml);
+ $resourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:$mgSessionId//$layerName.LayerDefinition");
+ $resourceService->SetResource($resourceID, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
+ $newLayer = add_layer_resource_to_map($resourceID, $resourceService, $layerName, $layerLegendLabel, $map);
+ return $newLayer;
+ }
+This function adds a layer resource to a map.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ function add_layer_resource_to_map($layerResourceID,
+ $resourceService, $layerName, $layerLegendLabel, &$map)
+ // Adds a layer defition (which can be stored either in the
+ // Library or a session repository) to the map.
+ // Returns the layer.
+ {
+ $newLayer = new MgLayer($layerResourceID, $resourceService);
+ // Add the new layer to the map's layer collection
+ $newLayer->SetName($layerName);
+ $newLayer->SetVisible(true);
+ $newLayer->SetLegendLabel($layerLegendLabel);
+ $newLayer->SetDisplayInLegend(true);
+ $layerCollection = $map->GetLayers();
+ if (! $layerCollection->Contains($layerName) )
+ {
+ // Insert the new layer at position 0 so it is at
+ // the top of the drawing order
+ $layerCollection->Insert(0, $newLayer);
+ }
+ return $newLayer;
+ }
+This function adds a layer to a legend's layer group.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ function add_layer_to_group($layer, $layerGroupName,
+ $layerGroupLegendLabel, &$map)
+ // Adds a layer to a layer group. If necessary, it creates
+ // the layer group.
+ {
+ // Get the layer group
+ $layerGroupCollection = $map->GetLayerGroups();
+ if ($layerGroupCollection->Contains($layerGroupName))
+ {
+ $layerGroup = $layerGroupCollection->GetItem($layerGroupName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // It does not exist, so create it
+ $layerGroup = new MgLayerGroup($layerGroupName);
+ $layerGroup->SetVisible(true);
+ $layerGroup->SetDisplayInLegend(true);
+ $layerGroup->SetLegendLabel($layerGroupLegendLabel);
+ $layerGroupCollection->Add($layerGroup);
+ }
+ // Add the layer to the group
+ $layer->SetGroup($layerGroup);
+ }
+.. index::
+ single: Layers; Making permanent changes
Making Changes Permanent
\ No newline at end of file
+So far, all the examples in this chapter have only affected the user's runtime
+version of the map. No other users see those changes, and when the current
+user logs out those changes will be lost.
+To make changes permanent, the script can save the modified layer back into
+the Library.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $byteSource = new MgByteSource($layerDefinition, strlen($layerDefinition));
+ $byteSource->SetMimeType(MgMimeType::Xml);
+ $resourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://LayerName.LayerDefinition");
+ $resourceService->SetResource($resourceId, $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
+.. note::
+ Due to security restrictions imposed on the Library repository. Make sure the
+ resource service object was created from a site connection that was initialized by
+ a login or session id that has the appropriate permissions to write to the Library
+ repository.
+ The ``Anonymous`` user does not have write access to the Library repository
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/working_with_feature_data.rst
--- trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/working_with_feature_data.rst 2011-03-02 11:08:18 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ trunk/MgDev/Doc/devguide/source/working_with_feature_data.rst 2011-03-02 16:23:17 UTC (rev 5583)
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-.. index::
- single: feature; data
Working With Feature Data
@@ -51,6 +48,8 @@
The Web API Feature Service provides functions for querying and updating
feature data.
+.. index::
+ single: Features; Querying
Querying Feature Data
@@ -58,6 +57,10 @@
In order to work with feature data, you must first select the features you are
interested in. This can be done with the Viewer or through Web API calls.
+.. index::
+ single: Feature Readers
+ single: MgFeatureReader
Feature Readers
@@ -83,16 +86,25 @@
Otherwise, call ``MgFeatureReader::GetPropertyName()`` and
``MgFeatureReader::GetPropertyType()`` before retrieving the value.
+.. index::
+ single: MgFeatureReader; Proper Cleanup
.. note::
You should always call ``Close()`` on your ``MgFeatureReader`` objects (or any object derived from ``MgReader`` for that matter)
as memory leaks can happen because of unclosed reader objects. Another common pitfall is the ``Close()`` call not being called because
the code before it threw an exception. For .net and Java, you can use the a ``try...finally`` block
to ensure your reader will always be closed regardless of whether exceptions have been thrown or not.
+.. index::
+ single: MgFeatureReader; Checking Null Values
.. note::
Always check if the property whose value you are trying to retrive is null using the ``IsNull()`` method before attempting to access the property value.
Attempting to access a null property value will cause the reader to throw a ``MgNullPropertyValueException``
+.. index::
+ single: Selections
Selecting with the Web API
@@ -111,6 +123,10 @@
Spatial filters are used to select features based on their geometry. For example,
you could use a spatial filter to select all roads that intersect a certain area.
+.. index::
+ single: Filters; Basic Filters
+ single: MgFeatureQueryOptions; SetFilter
Basic Filters
@@ -118,6 +134,9 @@
complex queries by combining expressions. Expressions use the comparison
operators below:
+.. index::
+ single: Filters; Comparison Operators
| Operator | Meaning |
@@ -167,6 +186,7 @@
.. highlight:: csharp
.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
queryOptions.SetFilter("year > 2001");
@@ -175,6 +195,7 @@
.. highlight:: java
.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
queryOptions.SetFilter("year > 2001");
@@ -193,6 +214,7 @@
.. highlight:: csharp
.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
queryOptions.SetFilter("year >= 2001 and year <= 2004");
@@ -201,6 +223,7 @@
.. highlight:: java
.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
queryOptions.SetFilter("year >= 2001 and year <= 2004");
@@ -219,6 +242,7 @@
.. highlight:: csharp
.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
queryOptions.SetFilter("owner LIKE 'Davi%s'");
@@ -227,9 +251,14 @@
.. highlight:: java
.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
queryOptions.SetFilter("owner LIKE 'Davi%s'");
+.. index::
+ single: Filters; Spatial
+ single: MgFeatureQueryOptions; SetSpatialFilter
Spatial Filters
@@ -255,6 +284,9 @@
the feature property and the geometry. The spatial operations are defined in
class ``MgFeatureSpatialOperations``.
+.. index::
+ single: Filters; Spatial Operations
To include spatial properties in a basic filter, define the geometry using WKT
format. Use the ``GEOMFROMTEXT()`` function in the basic filter, along with one
of the following spatial operations:
@@ -276,6 +308,10 @@
capabilities of the FDO provider that supplies the data. This restriction applies to
separate spatial filters and spatial properties that are used in a basic filter.
+.. index::
+ single: Features; Creating Geometry Objects
+ single: MgAgfReaderWriter
**Creating Geometry Objects from Features**
You may want to use an existing feature as part of a spatial query. To retrieve
@@ -340,6 +376,9 @@
MgAgfReaderWriter agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
MgGeometry districtGeometry = agfReaderWriter.Read(districtGeometryData);
+.. index::
+ single: MgWktReaderWriter
To convert an ``MgGeometry`` object into its WKT representation, use the ``MgWktReaderWriter::Write()`` method, as in the following example:
@@ -370,52 +409,677 @@
+The following examples assume that ``$testArea`` is an ``MgGeometry`` object
+defining a polygon, and ``$testAreaWkt`` is a WKT description of the polygon.
+To create a filter to find all properties owned by ``SCHMITT`` in the area, use
+either of the following sequences:
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $queryOptions->SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'");
+ $queryOptions->SetSpatialFilter('SHPGEOM', $testArea,
+ MgFeatureSpatialOperations::Inside);
+ $queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $queryOptions->SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'
+ AND SHPGEOM inside GEOMFROMTEXT('$testAreaWkt')";
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //These code fragments assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'");
+ queryOptions.SetSpatialFilter("SHPGEOM", testArea, MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Inside);
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%' AND SHPGEOM inside GEOMFROMTEXT('" + testAreaWkt + "')";
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //These code fragments assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'");
+ queryOptions.SetSpatialFilter("SHPGEOM", testArea, MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Inside);
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%' AND SHPGEOM inside GEOMFROMTEXT('" + testAreaWkt + "')";
+.. index::
+ single: Selections; Listing Properties
Example: Selection
+The following example creates a selection, then lists properties from the
+selected features. See the Working With Feature Data sample, in the Developer's
+Guide samples, for the complete version.
+It selects parcels within the boundaries of District 1 that are owned by
+``SCHMITT``. This requires a spatial filter and a basic filter.
.. highlight:: php
.. code-block:: php
+ $map = new MgMap($siteConnection);
+ $map->Open($mapName);
+ // Get the geometry for the boundaries of District 1
+ $districtQuery = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $districtQuery->SetFilter("Autogenerated_SDF_ID = 1");
+ $layer = $map->GetLayers()->GetItem('Districts');
+ $featureReader = $layer->SelectFeatures($districtQuery);
+ $featureReader->ReadNext();
+ $districtGeometryData = $featureReader->GetGeometry('Data');
+ $featureReader->Close();
+ // Convert the AGF binary data to MgGeometry.
+ $agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
+ $districtGeometry = $agfReaderWriter->
+ Read($districtGeometryData);
+ // Create a filter to select the desired features.
+ // Combine a basic filter and a spatial filter.
+ $queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $queryOptions->SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'");
+ $queryOptions->SetSpatialFilter('SHPGEOM', $districtGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations::Inside);
+ // Select the features.
+ $layer = $map->GetLayers()->GetItem('Parcels');
+ $featureReader = $layer->SelectFeatures($queryOptions);
+ // For each selected feature, display the address.
+ echo '<p>Properties owned by Schmitt ';
+ echo 'in District 1</p><p>';
+ while ($featureReader->ReadNext())
+ {
+ $val = $featureReader->GetString('RPROPAD');
+ echo $val . '<br />';
+ }
+ $featureReader->Close();
+ echo '</p>';
**.net (C#)**
.. highlight:: csharp
.. code-block:: csharp
+ // This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgMap map = new MgMap(siteConnection);
+ map.Open(mapName);
+ // Get the geometry for the boundaries of District 1
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions districtQuery = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ districtQuery.SetFilter("Autogenerated_SDF_ID = 1");
+ MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)map.GetLayers().GetItem("Districts");
+ MgFeatureReader featureReader = layer.SelectFeatures(districtQuery);
+ featureReader.ReadNext();
+ MgByteReader districtGeometryData = featureReader.GetGeometry("Data");
+ featureReader.Close();
+ // Convert the AGF binary data to MgGeometry
+ MgAgfReaderWriter agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
+ MgGeometry districtGeometry = agfReaderWriter.Read(districtGeometryData);
+ // Create a filter to select the desired features.
+ // Combine a basic filter and spatial filter.
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'");
+ queryOptions.SetSpatialFilter("SHPGEOM", districtGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Inside);
+ // Select the features
+ layer = (MgLayer)map.GetLayers().GetItem("Parcels");
+ featureReader = layer.SelectFeatures(queryOptions);
+ // For each selected feature, display the address
+ Response.Write("<p>Properties owned by Schmitt ");
+ Response.Write("in District 1</p><p>");
+ while (featureReader.ReadNext())
+ {
+ String val = featureReader.GetString("RPROPAD");
+ Response.Write(val + "<br/>");
+ }
+ featureReader.Close();
+ Response.Write("</p>");
.. highlight:: java
.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgMap map = new MgMap(siteConnection);
+ map.Open(mapName);
+ // Get the geometry for the boundaries of District 1
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions districtQuery = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ districtQuery.SetFilter("Autogenerated_SDF_ID = 1");
+ MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)map.GetLayers().GetItem("Districts");
+ MgFeatureReader featureReader = layer.SelectFeatures(districtQuery);
+ featureReader.ReadNext();
+ MgByteReader districtGeometryData = featureReader.GetGeometry("Data");
+ featureReader.Close();
+ // Convert the AGF binary data to MgGeometry
+ MgAgfReaderWriter agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
+ MgGeometry districtGeometry = agfReaderWriter.Read(districtGeometryData);
+ // Create a filter to select the desired features.
+ // Combine a basic filter and spatial filter.
+ MgFeatureQueryOptions queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ queryOptions.SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'");
+ queryOptions.SetSpatialFilter("SHPGEOM", districtGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Inside);
+ // Select the features
+ layer = (MgLayer)map.GetLayers().GetItem("Parcels");
+ featureReader = layer.SelectFeatures(queryOptions);
+ // For each selected feature, display the address
+ response.getWriter().write("<p>Properties owned by Schmitt ");
+ response.getWriter().write("in District 1</p><p>");
+ while (featureReader.ReadNext())
+ {
+ String val = featureReader.GetString("RPROPAD");
+ response.getWriter().write(val + "<br/>");
+ }
+ featureReader.Close();
+ response.getWriter().write("</p>");
+.. index::
+ single: Active Selection; About
Active Selections
+A map may have an active selection, which is a list of features on the map
+that have been selected and highlighted in the Viewer. The active selection
+is part of the run-time map state, and is not stored with the map resource in
+the repository.
+The most direct method for creating an active selection is to use the interactive
+selection tools in the Viewer. Applications can also create selections using the
+Web API and apply them to a user's view of the map.
+.. note::
+ In the AJAX Viewer, any changes to the active selection require re-generation
+ of the map image. Because of this, the Web server keeps information about
+ the selection.
+.. index::
+ single: Selections; Selecting with the viewer
Selecting with the Viewer
+In order for a feature to be selectable using the Viewer, the following criteria
+must be met:
+ * The layer containing the feature must be visible at the current map view scale.
+ * The selectable property for the layer must be true. Change this property in the web layout or with the ``MgLayer::SetSelectable()`` method.
+There are different selection tools available in the Viewer. They can be enabled
+or disabled as part of the web layout. Each tool allows a user to select one or
+more features on the map.
+.. index::
+ single: AJAX Viewer; Passing viewer information
Passing Viewer Information to the Web Server
+.. todo::
+ Talk about some parameters that are automatically passed for Invoke URL commands
+The stateless nature of HTTP means that when the Viewer makes a request to a MapGuide Server Page
+on the Web Server, it must often pass information as part of the request. Some
+common methods for passing this information are:
+ * as an additional parameter to an Invoke URL command in a web layout
+ * through an Invoke Script command that executes the ``Submit`` method of the hidden ``formFrame``
+ * through an ``onClick`` or other event that executes the ``Submit`` method of the hidden ``formFrame``
+The best method to use depends on the requirements of the application. If
+you are invoking the request from a command defined in a web layout, you
+can pass the information either as an additional parameter to an Invoke URL
+command or through an Invoke Script command. Invoke URL is simpler, but
+it offers a restricted set of parameters. Invoke Script has complete access to all
+the JavaScript calls in the Viewer API.
+If you are invoking the request from a page in the task pane, you can execute
+JavaScript as part of an ``onClick`` event or a form action.
+.. index::
+ single: Invoke URL Commands; Additional Parameters
Additional Parameters to an Invoke URL Command
+.. todo:
+ Update page number references to section links
+With this release of MapGuide, the current selection is the only variable that
+can be passed as part of an Invoke URL command.
+To pass the current selection, edit the web layout. Define a new Invoke URL
+command. On the Additional Parameters tab, enter a key and value. The key
+must be a valid HTTP POST key. For the value, enter ``$CurrentSelection``. Add
+the command to the toolbar, context menu, or task bar menu.
+When the command is executed, the current selection is passed to the page,
+along with the standard variables like ``SESSION`` and ``MAPNAME``.
+For example, if you define the key ``SEL`` to have the value ``$CurrentSelection``,
+then when the URL is invoked
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $selection = $_POST['SEL'];
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ String selection = Request.Form["SEL"];
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ String selection = request.getParameter("SEL");
+gets the current selection, in XML format.
+See Working With the Active Selection on page 48 for details about using the
+XML data.
+.. note::
+ The AJAX automatically adds the following parameters for any Invoke URL command:
+ * ``SESSION`` - The current session id
+ * ``MAPNAME`` - The name of the current map. Use this for the ``MgMap::Open()`` method
+.. index::
+ single: Invoke Script Commands; Passing Parameters
Passing Parameters from an Invoke Script Command
+An Invoke Script command in a web layout can be used to pass custom
+parameters to a page. The parameters can be any values that are available via
+the Viewer API.
+To pass parameters, edit the web layout. Define a new Invoke Script command.
+On the Additional Parameters tab, enter the JavaScript code to retrieve the
+values to be passed. Add the command to the toolbar, context menu, or task
+bar menu.
+The JavaScript code can call Viewer API functions or other functions to retrieve
+values. To pass the parameters to a page, call the ``Submit`` method of the
+``formFrame`` with the parameters, the page URL, and the name of the target
+frame. Use ``taskPaneFrame`` or ``scriptFrame`` as the target frame, depending
+whether the loaded page should be visible or not.
+.. note::
+ The parameters must include standard parameters like ``SESSION`` and ``MAPNAME``, if they are needed.
+.. index::
+ single: Task Pane; Passing Parameters
Passing Parameters from the Task Pane frame
+Passing parameters from the task pane frame is similar to passing them from
+an Invoke Script command. Use the Viewer API to retrieve values and call the
+``Submit`` method of the ``formFrame`` to pass the values to another page.
+For example, the following function passes the map view scale and the center
+point as parameters to a page that opens in a new window.
+.. highlight:: javascript
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ function submitRequest(pageUrl)
+ {
+ xmlSel = parent.parent.mapFrame.GetSelectionXML();
+ mapScale = parent.parent.mapFrame.GetScale();
+ mapCenter = parent.parent.mapFrame.GetCenter();
+ params = new Array(
+ "SESSION", parent.parent.mapFrame.GetSessionId(),
+ "MAPNAME", parent.parent.mapFrame.GetMapName(),
+ "SELECTION", xmlSel,
+ "SCALE", mapScale,
+ "CENTERX", mapCenter.X,
+ "CENTERY", mapCenter.Y
+ );
+ parent.parent.formFrame.Submit(pageUrl, params, "_blank");
+ }
+To call the function, execute it as part of an onClick event or as the action in
+a form. For example, clicking the following link would execute the function:
+.. highlight:: html
+.. code-block:: html
+ <a href="#" onClick="submitRequest('/mapguide/devguide/custom_output/property_report.php'); return false;">Click for report</a>
+.. index::
+ single: Active Selection; Manipulating the Active Selection
Working with the Active Selection
+Whenever a selection is changed by the Viewer, the selection information is sent to the web server so the map can be re-generated.
+To retrieve and manipulate the active selection for a map (AJAX Viewer only):
+ 1. Create an ``MgSelection`` object for the map. Initialize it to the active selection.
+ 2. Retrieve selected layers from the ``MgSelection`` object.
+ 3. For each layer, retrieve selected feature classes. There will normally be one feature class for the layer, so you can use the ``MgSelection::GetClass()`` method instead of the ``MgSelection::GetClasses()`` method.
+ 4. Call ``MgSelection::GenerateFilter()`` to create a selection filter that contains the selected features in the class.
+ 5. Call ``MgFeatureService::SelectFeatures()`` to create an MgFeatureReader object for the selected features.
+ 6. Process the ``MgFeatureReader`` object, retrieving each selected feature.
+.. index::
+ single: Active Selection; Listing Selected Features
Example: Listing Selected Parcels
+The steps for listing the selected parcels for the DWF Viewer are nearly the
+same as for the AJAX Viewer. The major difference is you must pass the
+selection information from the Viewer to your page.
+One method to do this is to create a JavaScript function, then call this function
+from the Viewer using an Invoke Script command or as a result of an onClick
+event in the task pane. For example, the task pane of the Working With Feature
+Data sample contains a JavaScript function executed by an onClick event.
+.. todo::
+ We removed the DWF sample and simplified the AJAX one. Make sure the actual devguide sample if it exists matches this
+.. highlight:: javascript
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ function listSelection()
+ {
+ xmlSel = parent.parent.mapFrame.GetSelectionXML();
+ params = new Array(
+ "SESSION",parent.parent.mapFrame.GetSessionId(),
+ "MAPNAME", parent.parent.mapFrame.GetMapName());
+ pageUrl = "/mapguide/samplesphp/working_with_feature_data/listselection.php";
+ parent.parent.formFrame.Submit(pageUrl, params, "taskPaneFrame");
+ }
+This submits a request to listselection.php, which contains the following:
+.. todo::
+ The APIs have been simplified since this was last written. This sample has been updated to use conveience APIs introduced with RFC33. Verify this checks out
+**PHP (listselection.php)**
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ $map = new MgMap($siteConnection);
+ $map->Open($mapName);
+ $selection = new MgSelection($map);
+ $layers = $selection->GetLayers();
+ if ($layers && $layers->GetCount() > 0)
+ {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $layers->GetCount(); $i++)
+ {
+ $layer = $layers->GetItem($i);
+ if ($layer && $layer->GetName() == 'Parcels')
+ {
+ $featureReader = $selection->GetSelectedFeatures($layer, $layer->GetFeatureClassName(), false);
+ // Process each item in the MgFeatureReader,
+ // displaying the owner name
+ while ($featureReader->ReadNext())
+ {
+ $val = $featureReader->GetString('NAME') .
+ '<br /> ' .
+ $featureReader->GetString('RPROPAD');
+ echo $val . '<br />';
+ }
+ $featureReader->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo 'No selected layers';
+ }
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+ MgMap map = new MgMap(siteConnetion);
+ map.Open(mapName);
+ MgSelection selection = new MgSelection(map);
+ selection.Open(mapName);
+ MgLayerCollection layers = selection.GetLayers();
+ if (layers != null && layers.GetCount() > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < layers.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)layers.GetItem(i);
+ if (layer.GetName() == "Parcels")
+ {
+ MgFeatureReader featureReader = selection.GetSelectedFeatures(layer, layer.GetFeatureClassName(), false);
+ while (featureReader.ReadNext())
+ {
+ String val = featureReader.GetString("NAME") + "<br/> " + featureReader.GetString("RPROPAD");
+ Response.Write(val + "<br/>");
+ }
+ featureReader.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Response.Write("No selected layers");
+ }
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
+ MgMap map = new MgMap(siteConnetion);
+ map.Open(mapName);
+ MgSelection selection = new MgSelection(map);
+ selection.Open(mapName);
+ MgLayerCollection layers = selection.GetLayers();
+ if (layers != null && layers.GetCount() > 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < layers.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ MgLayer layer = (MgLayer)layers.GetItem(i);
+ if (layer.GetName() == "Parcels")
+ {
+ MgFeatureReader featureReader = selection.GetSelectedFeatures(layer, layer.GetFeatureClassName(), false);
+ while (featureReader.ReadNext())
+ {
+ String val = featureReader.GetString("NAME") + "<br/> " + featureReader.GetString("RPROPAD");
+ response.getWriter().write(val + "<br/>");
+ }
+ featureReader.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response.getWriter().write("No selected layers");
+ }
+.. index::
+ single: Active Selection; Setting with Web API
Setting the Active Selection with the Web API
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+To set the run-time map selection using a query, perform the following steps:
+ * Create a selection as described in Selecting with the Web API on page 39. This creates a feature reader containing the selected features.
+ * Create an ``MgSelection`` object to hold the features in the feature reader.
+ * Send the selection to the Viewer, along with a call to the Viewer API function ``SetSelectionXML()``.
Example: Setting the Active Selection
\ No newline at end of file
+.. todo::
+ Update page number reference with section link
+The following example combines the pieces needed to create a selection using
+the Web API and pass it back to the Viewer where it becomes the active
+selection for the map. It is an extension of the example shown in Example:
+Selection on page 43.
+The PHP code in this example creates the selection XML. Following that is a
+JavaScript function that calls the ``SetSelectionXML()`` function with the
+selection. This function is executed when the page loads.
+.. highlight:: php
+.. code-block:: php
+ <body class="AppFrame" onLoad="OnPageLoad()">
+ <h1 class="AppHeading">Select features</h1>
+ <?php
+ include '../common/common.php';
+ $args = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")? $_POST : $_GET;
+ $sessionId = $args['SESSION'];
+ $mapName = $args['MAPNAME'];
+ try
+ {
+ // Initialize the Web Extensions and connect to the Server
+ // using the Web Extensions session identifier
+ MgInitializeWebTier ($webconfigFilePath);
+ $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionId);
+ $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
+ $siteConnection->Open($userInfo);
+ $map = new MgMap($siteConnection);
+ $map->Open($mapName);
+ // Get the geometry for the boundaries of District 1
+ $districtQuery = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $districtQuery->SetFilter("Autogenerated_SDF_ID = 1");
+ $layer = $map->GetLayers()->GetItem('Districts');
+ $featureReader = $layer->SelectFeatures($districtQuery);
+ $featureReader->ReadNext();
+ $districtGeometryData = $featureReader->GetGeometry('Data');
+ // Convert the AGF binary data to MgGeometry.
+ $agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
+ $districtGeometry = $agfReaderWriter->Read($districtGeometryData);
+ // Create a filter to select the desired features. Combine
+ // a basic filter and a spatial filter.
+ $queryOptions = new MgFeatureQueryOptions();
+ $queryOptions->SetFilter("RNAME LIKE 'SCHMITT%'");
+ $queryOptions->SetSpatialFilter('SHPGEOM', $districtGeometry, MgFeatureSpatialOperations::Inside);
+ // Get the features from the feature source,
+ // turn it into a selection, then save the selection as XML.
+ $layer = $map->GetLayers()->GetItem('Parcels');
+ $featureReader = $layer->SelectFeatures($queryOptions);
+ $layer = $map->GetLayers()->GetItem('Parcels');
+ $selection = new MgSelection($map);
+ $selection->AddFeatures($layer, $featureReader, 0);
+ $selectionXml = $selection->ToXml();
+ echo 'Selecting parcels owned by Schmitt in District 1';
+ }
+ catch (MgException $e)
+ {
+ echo $e->GetMessage();
+ echo $e->GetDetails();
+ }
+ ?>
+ </body>
+ <script language="javascript">
+ // Emit this function and assocate it with the onLoad event
+ // for the page so that it gets executed when this page
+ // loads in the browser. The function calls the
+ // SetSelectionXML method on the Viewer Frame, which updates
+ // the current selection on the viewer and the server.
+ function OnPageLoad()
+ {
+ selectionXml = '<?php echo $selectionXml; ?>';
+ }
+ </script>
+**.net (C#)**
+.. highlight:: csharp
+.. code-block:: csharp
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace
+.. highlight:: java
+.. code-block:: java
+ //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace
\ No newline at end of file
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