[mapguide-commits] r7890 - branches/2.5/Installer/scripts

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Fri Oct 4 02:39:00 PDT 2013

Author: jng
Date: 2013-10-04 02:39:00 -0700 (Fri, 04 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 7890

Bring FDO build script from trunk

Copied: branches/2.5/Installer/scripts/build_fdo.sh (from rev 7828, trunk/Installer/scripts/build_fdo.sh)
--- branches/2.5/Installer/scripts/build_fdo.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/2.5/Installer/scripts/build_fdo.sh	2013-10-04 09:39:00 UTC (rev 7890)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# build_fdo.sh
+# Builds FDO and creates a tarball from the binary output
+# Modify setenvironment.sh to point to the correct Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL paths
+# before building
+# FDO version. Make sure this matches your FDO build source
+# FDO install directory
+    error=$?
+    if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "[error]: ${FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT} - Error build failed ($error)"
+        exit $error
+    fi
+	libname=$1-${FDO_VER_FULL}.so
+	libpath=${FDO_INST}/lib/${libname}
+	if [ ! -e ${libpath} ]; then
+		echo "[error]: Error building ${libname}"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	echo "[info]: Updating setenvironment.sh"
+	# Note: Change your paths here if they're different
+	sed -i 's/export FDOMYSQL=$FDOTHIRDPARTY\/mysql\/rhlinux/export FDOMYSQL=\/usr/g' ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
+	sed -i 's/export FDOPOSTGRESQL=$FDOTHIRDPARTY\/pgsql/export FDOPOSTGRESQL=\/usr/g' ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
+	echo "export FDOORACLE=/home/mgbuild/fdo_rdbms_thirdparty/oracle/x86/instantclient_11_2/sdk" >> ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}/setenvironment.sh
+# Must have root
+if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
+	echo "[error]: You must run this script with superuser privileges"
+	exit 1
+echo "***********************************************************"
+echo " FDO Source: ${FDO_SRC}"
+echo " FDO Build Area: ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+echo " FDO Install dir: ${FDO_INST}"
+echo " CMake build: ${CMAKE}"
+echo " Export from local SVN checkout: ${LOCALSVN}"
+echo " Re-use previous build area: ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT}"
+echo "***********************************************************"
+start_time=`date +%s`
+REVISION=`svn info ${FDO_SRC} | perl revnum.pl`
+if [ ${CMAKE} -eq 1 ];
+	echo "[error]: CMake build of FDO not supported yet"
+	exit 1
+	echo "[info]: Using automake build"
+	if [ -d ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} ];
+	then
+		if [ ${PRESERVE_BUILD_ROOT} -eq 1 ];
+		then
+			echo "[info]: FDO build area ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} exists. Going straight to build"
+		else
+			echo "[info]: Removing old FDO build area at ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+			rm -rf ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+			if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
+			then
+				svn export ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+				modify_sdk_paths
+			else
+				echo "[info]: Performing fresh SVN export of ${FDO_SRC} (r${REVISION}) to ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+				svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+				modify_sdk_paths
+			fi			
+		fi
+	else
+		echo "[info]: FDO build area ${FDO_BUILD_AREA} does not exist. Doing svn export"
+		echo "[info]: Exporting svn revision ${REVISION}"
+		if [ ${LOCALSVN} -eq 1 ] 
+		then
+			svn export ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+			modify_sdk_paths
+		else
+			echo "[info]: Performing fresh SVN export of ${FDO_SRC} (r${REVISION}) to ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}"
+			svn export -q -r ${REVISION} ${FDO_SRC} ${FDO_BUILD_AREA}
+			modify_sdk_paths
+		fi
+	fi
+echo "[info]: Building FDO (${FDO_VER_MAJOR}.${FDO_VER_MINOR}.${FDO_VER_REV}) rev (${REVISION})"
+source ./setenvironment.sh
+if [ ! -d ${FDO_INST} ];
+	echo "[error]: FDO install directory ${FDO_INST} doesn't exist. setenvironment.sh should've created this directory. Ensure the FDO version number in this script is correct"
+	exit 1;
+if [ ${CMAKE} -eq 1 ];
+	echo "[error]: CMake build of FDO not supported yet"
+	exit 1;
+	#NOTE: We never build ArcSDE provider because we haven't paid the ESRI tax for their ArcSDE SDK
+	for comp in fdocore fdo utilities shp sqlite gdal ogr wfs wms rdbms kingoracle sdf
+	do
+		FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="$comp (automake)"
+		./build_linux.sh --w $comp --p ${FDO_INST}
+		check_build
+	done
+check_fdo_lib libFDO
+check_fdo_lib libExpressionEngine
+check_fdo_lib libSDFProvider
+check_fdo_lib libSHPProvider
+check_fdo_lib libSHPOverrides
+check_fdo_lib libWFSProvider
+check_fdo_lib libWMSProvider
+check_fdo_lib libWMSOverrides
+# ArcSDE provider currently disabled due to missing libraries
+#./buildfdoprovider.sh arcsde
+#check_fdo_lib libArcSDEProvider
+check_fdo_lib libFdoMySQL
+check_fdo_lib libFdoPostgreSQL
+check_fdo_lib libFdoODBC
+check_fdo_lib libSchemaMgr_OV
+check_fdo_lib libGRFPProvider
+check_fdo_lib libGRFPOverrides
+check_fdo_lib libOGRProvider
+check_fdo_lib libKingOracleProvider
+check_fdo_lib libKingOracleOverrides
+check_fdo_lib libSQLiteProvider
+end_time=`date +%s`
+FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="Remove .la files from ${FDO_INST}"
+# Remove .la files from lib directory
+rm -f ${FDO_INST}/lib/*.la
+FDO_BUILD_COMPONENT="Strip so symbols and remove execute flag"
+# Remove unneeded symbols from files in the lib directory
+# and make them non-executable
+for file in `find ${FDO_INST}/lib/lib*.so* -type f -print`
+	strip --strip-unneeded ${file}
+	chmod a-x ${file}
+# Create a binary tar ball for FDO
+tar -zcf fdosdk-centos5-${FDO_VER_FULL}_${REVISION}.tar.gz ${FDO_INST}
+echo "[info]: FDO build complete!"
+echo Main build execution time: `expr $end_time - $start_time` s

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