[mapguide-commits] r9991 - in trunk/Installer: . Bootstrapper Libraries/MapGuide Server Libraries/MapGuide Web Extensions

svn_mapguide at osgeo.org svn_mapguide at osgeo.org
Tue Oct 18 06:55:14 PDT 2022

Author: jng
Date: 2022-10-18 06:55:13 -0700 (Tue, 18 Oct 2022)
New Revision: 9991

   trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Server/FDO.wxs
   trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Web Extensions/Apache.wxs
#2852: Fix up file list for installer and remove VC 2012 redist installer

Modified: trunk/Installer/Bootstrapper/Setup.nsi
--- trunk/Installer/Bootstrapper/Setup.nsi	2022-10-18 12:18:22 UTC (rev 9990)
+++ trunk/Installer/Bootstrapper/Setup.nsi	2022-10-18 13:55:13 UTC (rev 9991)
@@ -51,18 +51,6 @@
-    ; Install VC 2012 redist. Not going to check here. I think we can trust the vcredist install to not trample over anything
-    Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "Installing Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable"
-    Banner::getWindow /NOUNLOAD
-!if ${CPU} = "x64"
-    File /r "${INSTALLER_OUTPUT}\vcredist_2012_x64.exe"
-    ExecWait '"$OUTDIR\vcredist_2012_x64.exe" /install /quiet /norestart'
-    File /r "${INSTALLER_OUTPUT}\vcredist_2012_x86.exe"
-    ExecWait '"$OUTDIR\vcredist_2012_x86.exe" /install /quiet /norestart'
-    Banner::destroy
     ; Install VC 2015/2017/2022 redist. Not going to check here. I think we can trust the vcredist install to not trample over anything
     Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "Installing Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable"
     Banner::getWindow /NOUNLOAD
@@ -84,10 +72,8 @@
     ; Delete the MGOS installer and any other extracted after completion
     Delete "$OUTDIR\${OUTNAME}.msi"
 !if ${CPU} = "x64"
-    Delete "$OUTDIR\vcredist_2012_x64.exe"
     Delete "$OUTDIR\vc_redist.x64.exe"
-    Delete "$OUTDIR\vcredist_2012_x86.exe"
     Delete "$OUTDIR\vc_redist.x86.exe"

Deleted: trunk/Installer/Bootstrapper/vcredist_2012_x64.exe
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Server/FDO.wxs
--- trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Server/FDO.wxs	2022-10-18 12:18:22 UTC (rev 9990)
+++ trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Server/FDO.wxs	2022-10-18 13:55:13 UTC (rev 9991)
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
               <File Id="PostgreSqlOverrides" Checksum="yes" Source="$(var.MgSource)\Server\FDO\PostgreSQLOverrides.dll" />
               <File Id="PostgreSqlProvider" Checksum="yes" Source="$(var.MgSource)\Server\FDO\PostgreSQLProvider.dll" />
               <File Id="LibPq" Checksum="yes" Source="$(var.MgSource)\Server\FDO\libpq.dll" />
-              <File Id="LibEay" Checksum="yes" Source="$(var.MgSource)\Server\FDO\libeay32.dll" />
-              <File Id="SslEay" Checksum="yes" Source="$(var.MgSource)\Server\FDO\ssleay32.dll" />
+              <File Id="LibSsl" Checksum="yes" Source="$(var.MgSource)\Server\FDO\libssl-1_1-x64.dll" />
+              <File Id="LibCrypto" Checksum="yes" Source="$(var.MgSource)\Server\FDO\libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll" />
           <!-- SDF Provider -->
           <Component Id="FdoSdfProviderComponent" Win64="$(var.Win64)" Guid="F0976038-9F62-42E7-AA6E-B37C33744C6F">

Modified: trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Web Extensions/Apache.wxs
--- trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Web Extensions/Apache.wxs	2022-10-18 12:18:22 UTC (rev 9990)
+++ trunk/Installer/Libraries/MapGuide Web Extensions/Apache.wxs	2022-10-18 13:55:13 UTC (rev 9991)
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
     <?if "$(var.MgPlatform)" = "x64" ?>
         <!-- apache_actions.dll path -->
-        <?define ACTION_DLL_PATH = "..\..\Custom\apache_actions\bin140_x64\apache_actions.dll" ?>
+        <?define ACTION_DLL_PATH = "..\..\Custom\apache_actions\bin142_x64\apache_actions.dll" ?>
     <?else ?>
         <!-- apache_actions.dll path -->
-        <?define ACTION_DLL_PATH = "..\..\Custom\apache_actions\bin140_Win32\apache_actions.dll" ?>
+        <?define ACTION_DLL_PATH = "..\..\Custom\apache_actions\bin142_Win32\apache_actions.dll" ?>
     <?endif ?>
         <Binary Id="ApacheActions" SourceFile="$(var.ACTION_DLL_PATH)" />

Modified: trunk/Installer/build.bat
--- trunk/Installer/build.bat	2022-10-18 12:18:22 UTC (rev 9990)
+++ trunk/Installer/build.bat	2022-10-18 13:55:13 UTC (rev 9991)
@@ -319,15 +319,15 @@
 goto quit
 if not ""=="%MG_SOURCE_INC%" set RUN_BUILD=%RUN_BUILD%;MgSource=%MG_SOURCE_INC%
 echo [build]: Installer 
 %RUN_BUILD% InstallerWix.sln
 if "%errorlevel%"=="1" goto error
+if not exist "%INSTALLER_OUTPUT%" mkdir "%INSTALLER_OUTPUT%"
 echo [bootstrap]: Copying vcredist
-copy /Y vcredist_2012_%PLATFORM_CLR%.exe "%INSTALLER_OUTPUT%\vcredist_2012_%PLATFORM_CLR%.exe"
 copy /Y vc_redist.%PLATFORM_CLR%.exe "%INSTALLER_OUTPUT%\vc_redist.%PLATFORM_CLR%.exe"
 if "%errorlevel%"=="1" goto error

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