[mapguide-internals] Motion for a vote to either acceptorrejectMapGuide RFC 15 - New Query Features API

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Fri Feb 23 18:07:13 EST 2007

Well, I said I could live with it (just read through the previous comments) so I'll vote -0 :)
It would have been nice to be able to set a flag on a per-layout or per-map basis that overrode this behaviour.  Removing it via the API is a lot of work, and by the time the user sees the selection my reason for objection is moot.

From: Bruce Dechant
Subject: RE: [mapguide-internals] Motion for a vote to either acceptorrejectMapGuide RFC 15 - New Query Features API

That is the new default behavior regardless of what the IGNORESCALE
setting is. If you don't want the selection you could always remove it
via the API or the user could simply click on an open space in the map.


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