[mapguide-internals] PATCH: fix for showing command label instead of command name inAJAX flyout menu

Måns Beckman Mans.Beckman at manandmachine.se
Tue Jul 3 06:29:47 EDT 2007



This is my first time submitting a patch so I hope that I'm doing everything correct.


When I was translating MapGuide into Swedish I found that the flyout menu in the toolbar shows the command name and not the command label set in MGS. I found where the error was and downloaded the code from the trac. 


What I do is simply correcting root/trunk/MgDev/Web/src/viewerfiles/ajaxmappane.templ so that row 1037 says the same thing as 986, changing cmd.name to item.name. I think the same change should be applied to row 482 in root/trunk/MgDev/Web/src/viewerfiles/dwfmappane.templ but I haven't made a real diff for that. 


Hope I got everything right now. 







Måns Beckman

Man and Machine

Fabriksgatan 13

412 50 Göteborg

Phone: +46 31 - 762 8182

Mobile: +46 733 - 38 83 19


-------------- next part --------------
File difference report generated by CSDiff by ComponentSoftware on 2007-07-03 12:10

Base file: C:\Documents and Settings\Mans Beckman\Skrivbord\ajaxmappane.templ
Compared file: C:\Documents and Settings\Mans Beckman\Skrivbord\Kopia av ajaxmappane.templ

<             addMenuOption(tbMenu, cmd.name, item.cmdIndex, 1, cmd.icon, cmd.iconDisabled, cmd.enabled);
>             addMenuOption(tbMenu, item.name, item.cmdIndex, 1, cmd.icon, cmd.iconDisabled, cmd.enabled);

<---------------------  End of report  --------------------->

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