[mapguide-internals] Localization

Jorge Rubio j.e.rubio at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 13:22:23 EDT 2007

Hi friends

In order to do an accurate translation to spanish I need more info about
what the following exceptions and error
description mean and when they are achieved.

MgCoordinateSystemMeasureFailedException              = The coordinate
system measure failed.
MgDwfSectionNotFoundException                         = The specified
section was not found: %1
MgDwfSectionResourceNotFoundException                 = The specified
section resource was not found: %1
MgEmptyFeatureSetException                            = The feature set is
MgEndOfStreamException                                = End of stream
MgFeatureServiceException                             = Feature Service
exception - %1
MgInvalidCastException                                = Invalid cast.
MgInvalidDwfSectionException                          = Invalid DWF section:
MgInvalidFeatureSourceException                       = Feature Source - %1
MgInvalidLogEntryException                            = An invalid log entry
was found.
MgInvalidOperationVersionException                    = The requested
operation version is invalid.
MgInvalidResourcePreProcessingTypeException           = Invalid resource
pre-processing type.
MgInvalidStreamHeaderException                        = Invalid stream
header exception.
MgLengthException                                     = A length exception
MgLogicException                                      = # Logic exception.
MgStreamIoException                                   = A stream IO
exception occurred.

MgContentDocumentNotEmpty                             = The content document
is not empty.
MgContentNotNull                                      = The content is not
MgCoordinateDimensionDifferent                        = The coordinate
dimensions are different.
MgDataReaderIdNotFound                                = The data reader ID
was not found.
MgDocumentIdentifierFilenameFailed                    = Failed to get the
filename from the document identifier because no matching document path
MgFeatureReaderIdNotFound                             = The feature reader
ID was not found.
MgGroupAndRoleNotEmpty                                = Both the group and
role are not empty.
MgHeaderDocumentNotEmpty                              = The header document
is not empty.
MgInvalidAgfText                                      = The AGF text is
invalid because it failed to parse into a valid geometry object.
MgInvalidFeatureSpatialOperation                      = The feature spatial
operation is invalid because it is not recognized.
MgInvalidLogType                                      = The log type is
invalid because it is not recognized.
MgInvalidMapPlotCollectionMapPlotInstruction          = The map plot is
invalid because it contains an unrecognized map plot instruction.
MgInvalidNode                                         = The node is invalid
because it is not an element node or a document node.
MgInvalidWebTargetType                                = The web target type
is invalid because it is not recognized.
MgInvalidWebTargetViewerType                          = The web target
viewer type is invalid because it is not recognized.
MgInvalidWebWidgetType                                = The web widget type
is invalid because it is not recognized.
MgInvalidFdoProvider                                  = Invalid Feature
Provider specified.
MgBatchInsertNotSupported                             = Provider does not
support batch insert. Only one Feature instance is allowed.
MgNoFeaturesForInsert                                 = No Features for
Insert supplied

On the other hand, I am not able to install MGOS 1.1 at SUSE 10. Chris
Gountanis sent me some steps to perform installation at
Gentoo, but it didn't work. Thanks Chris.
These are some of the errors I get when building and installing FDO:

rikdataset.cpp:590: error: 'uLong' was not declared in this scope
rikdataset.cpp:590: error: expected ';' before 'destLen'
rikdataset.cpp:591: error: 'Byte' was not declared in this scope
rikdataset.cpp:591: error: 'upsideDown' was not declared in this scope
rikdataset.cpp:591: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
rikdataset.cpp:591: error: expected ';' before 'CPLMalloc'
rikdataset.cpp:593: error: 'destLen' was not declared in this scope
rikdataset.cpp:590: error: 'uncompress' was not declared in this scope
rikdataset.cpp:597: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
rikdataset.cpp:591: error: expected ')' token before 'pImage'
make[2]: *** [../o/rikdataset.o] Error 1
make [2]:  Leaving directory
make [1]: *** [rik-install-obj] Error 2
make [1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [frmts-target] Error 2
cp: cannot stat './.libs/libgdal.a' : No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat './.libs/libgdal.so' : No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat './.libs/libgdal.so.1' : No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat './.libs/libgdal.so.1.9.0' : No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.

There are 20 potential clients using SUSE at their servers and they will
move to another solution/provider if I'm not successful.
Anybody can help me?

Lic. Jorge Rubio

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