[mapguide-internals] Bug in Beta1

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Sat May 5 18:14:52 EDT 2007

Thanks for fixing this Steve.  I was mistaken about not getting it any more with 1.2-beta2 preview:
http://mapsdevel.nanaimo.ca/mapguide/fusion/server/php/mgcreatesession.php <http://mapsdevel.nanaimo.ca/mapguide/fusion/server/php/mgcreatesession.php> 
Is the current code stable enough that we could get this fix rolled into the coming beta?  I really wanted a "live" demo site before my presentation at GeoTec week after next.

From: Steve Dang
Subject: RE: [mapguide-internals] Bug in Beta1

I remember the issue now. With ACE_DEBUG statements, the web tier
outputs information to STD OUT under both debug and release. So, we need
to wrap ACE_DEBUG calls around with #ifdef _DEBUG's. I will fix this.


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