[mapguide-internals] MG and .NET boilerplatte (MgServerExtensions)

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Mon Oct 29 11:22:33 EDT 2007


Well, you've already taken the first step (bringing up the idea here for
discussion).  If there is some general agreement on the concept, then
you would write up an RFC
(http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/MapGuideRfcs) for further
clarification and discussion, being aware that you may need to make
changes to the code based on feedback.  Finally, this goes to a vote and
then gets incorporated into the project.  If it gets to this stage, then
the project will require that you sign a CLA
f) - but possibly a slightly different version?

For reference, we've been talking about web services from a REST
standpoint for a future release of MapGuide



... as well as some conversations on this list.

I'm not certain how I feel about brining a .Net-only component into the
core project, unless it's in a "Samples" section?


-----Original Message-----
From: Maksim Sestic
Subject: [mapguide-internals] MG and .NET boilerplatte

I wrote a small .NET wrapper over existing MapGuideDotNetApi.dll
enabling easier (managed) MG resources and services manipulation. I was
thinking of comitting the source code, along with the libraries and API
help. It's a sort of boilerplatte for developing web services based on
existing MG functionality, adding few demo web classes (currently over
SOAP). It may help speed up learning curve for both ASP.NET and PHP

What's the procedure of concept approval for such MG-based projects?

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