[mapguide-internals] Discuss: RFC 48 - MapStudio Open Source

Tom Fukushima tom.fukushima at autodesk.com
Mon Apr 21 15:43:36 EDT 2008


Thanks for posting this RFC.

I only have one minor comment right now.  Even though the MapGuideAPI folder is under Tools/MapStudioOS, I think that the MapGuideAPI folder name will be confusing to someone who is just browsing the source. They may think that it is the official MapGuide API (when we actually have the web server extensions API, viewer API, and now the Fusion API).  Is there a better name that we could give it; sorry, I can't think of much right now...perhaps MapGuideCSCommAPI (i.e. MapGuide Client Server Communication API). Caveat: I don't know the future plans of the MapGuideAPI folder so the previous name may be completely inappropriate.

Again, I feel this is minor, so if it's not easy to fix, I would say leave it as is.


-----Original Message-----
From: mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Jason Birch
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 1:33 AM
To: mapguide-internals at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-internals] Discuss: RFC 48 - MapStudio Open Source

Hi all,

I've put up an initial draft of an RFC for bringing MapStudio Open Source into the MapGuide project as discussed during the last PSC meeting:

https://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/MapGuideRfc48 <https://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/MapGuideRfc48>

Please take some time to review this RFC and provide comment.  If there is reasonable agreement, I would like to call a vote on this RFC sometime later this week.

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