[mapguide-internals] MGOS 2.0.1 status

Tom Fukushima tom.fukushima at autodesk.com
Thu May 15 10:53:15 EDT 2008

I've thought about this a bit more, and is this what you want...

The ability to do a "svn update" on a released version's source so that you can get the latest fixes quickly.  So for example, after untarring the 2.0.1 tar ball, doing a SVN update would get you the r3168 & r3170 submissions.

Sorry, if you had said this already in a previous email; I missed that.

-----Original Message-----
From: mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapguide-internals-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Zac Spitzer
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:54 PM
To: MapGuide Internals Mail List
Subject: Re: [mapguide-internals] MGOS 2.0.1 status

I agree that you can just checkout from subversion, but the server
seems to hang now and then (both with trac and svn).

A subversion checkout isn't compressed and actually puts a bit of load
on the server and takes a while when compared to downloading one
single compressed file.

taking the example of the current 2.0.1 source tar, if you included
the .svn tags anyone testing could just do a svn status, svn update to
check for / get the latest changes and then kick off a new build

I'm not sure how common it is, projects do that, i know that mozilla
does it with Firefox (cvs)


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