[mapguide-internals] MapGuide open source builds - Linux & Cmake

Zac Spitzer zac.spitzer at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 22:45:51 EDT 2008

Just breaking the Cmake stuff out into a seperate thread

Based on the feedback from the AD developers about sticking with the VS
build system on Windows, what do people think about the Cmake option on linux

>From the sound of things if we go ahead with this, we are going to
keep the existing
build system for windows and adopt cmake for any other platforms

Can we add Helio's stuff to the tree and run with two build systems?

Helio, the existing full build with all the embedded thirdparty stuff
works currently?

If it does and we don't have to worry about the issues like the db 4.2
you mentioned
the 2.1 release could be a good opportunity to test this out as I
assume quite a
few people are going to be trying to compile 2.1 on linux

I am prepared to be a crash test dummy on this...


On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 3:58 AM, Helio Chissini de Castro <helio at kde.org> wrote:
> On Quarta 08 Outubro 2008 13:22:26 Traian Stanev wrote:
>> Yes, I did a 64 bit FDO build using externally installed dependent third
>> party libraries last week on Ubuntu, and it worked out pretty well. I did
>> not compile all providers though, so I can't speak for all the
>> dependencies, just xerces/xalan and the like.
>> Traian
> Hi guys, i'm on a quick trio on US and Zac ping me about the discussion.
> For 64 bits, i already have cake build working with most of the third party
> dependencies sorted.
> I have mapguide too, with some small issue, which is DB 4.2
> Maptguide relies in DB 4.2, most of distros have DB 4.5 or 4.6 apache build (
> apr things ), which lead me to try compile mapguide with a recent Db
> The problem is even been API compatible, db segfaults everytime in the
> database creation, and i had no time to solve the issue.
> To fix my problem i recompiled my apache rpm with exactly same db mapguide
> have.
> As Jason commented about the frustration of the whole RFC, to not kept too
> much out of sync, i did rpm version for current fdo, and mapguide, but only 32
> bits, as pristine as possible.
> As soon i back from US i can answer other questions with more time
> []'s
> --
> Helio Chissini de Castro
> KDE Project
> Brasil and South America Primary Contact
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Zac Spitzer -
http://zacster.blogspot.com (My Blog)
+61 405 847 168

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