[mapguide-internals] PATCH: Raster stability fixes, ticket #462

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Fri Mar 27 03:10:09 EDT 2009


Haris has been working on the raster stability problem against MapGuide 2.0.2.  I was having the same problems, and was able to duplicate on 2.1.  I have worked with Haris to create patches against trunk that address a couple of the problems and increase stability immensely.

Could someone please review the patches attached to:


and commit them to trunk if appropriate?

My feeling is that the connection management stuff may need some additional work, since limiting the connection pool to 1 for single-threaded providers doesn't appear to have the desired effect.  However, getting both of these patches into 2.1 would at least improve stability for Raster users.


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