[mapguide-internals] sudden problem with MapGuideJavaApi

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Wed Oct 7 18:03:32 EDT 2009

I had problems with Java versions and 2.1 installer builds not working on
other peoples' machines; ended up having to go back to 1.5 I think, but a
bit fuzzy.  There's a ticket for it somewhere in Trac.

2009/10/7 Andreas Morf <a.morf at fkl.ch>

> Thanks for the answers - but i always copied these newly built dll's from
> release/bin to tomcat/bin also the mapguideapi.jar was moved accordingly.
> So I'm really stuck - wonder if it could be an msvcXX.dll matter or a
> jre-update problem (currently v 1.6_16 is on my dev_machine)...
> Andreas

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