[mapguide-internals] Issues with MapGuide 2.1 and MrSid...

Martin Morrison martin.morrison at edsi.com
Mon Oct 19 13:03:17 EDT 2009

Having trouble with MapGuide 2.1 RC1 and MrSid files.  The first install I did was to a Windows 2003 server to a non-standard directory (G:\Gis_Sites\blah\blah\).  Could not get MrSids to work.  I could get Tiffs and Jpegs to work so I don't think coordinates are an issue.  Just for grins though, the map and the images are both in the same state plane zone...  AutoCAD Map shows the files placed perfectly.  I did a second install on a Vista (32_bit) laptop, accepting all of the defaults for paths etc.  Same result.  Both install were using the bundled config with Apache as the webserver.  I read Jason's posting about MrSid and ECWs.  


Below is a dir listing of where the files are placed and the date/time stamps.  Please ignore the fact that it says Drive X, it is actually the C Drive of the machine I'm testing with.  Anybody see what the issue is?  Are there dependencies that have been left out of the install?  Prerequisites I'm missing?  Wrong version?

I don't mind having to load some files (MrSid dll's) due to licensing concerns, but we do need to make it fairly painless for the server guys to setup.  Jason's writeup would be fine as long as it works.  I have a feeling there is something else missing, or I'm just blind...


*********************************FILE LISTING********************************************
Volume in drive X has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7005-B438

 Directory of X:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\bin

10/19/2009  10:43 AM    <DIR>          .
10/19/2009  10:43 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/04/2009  11:05 PM         1,076,224 ACE.dll
10/04/2009  11:41 PM           176,128 dbxml.exe
10/04/2009  11:41 PM            12,288 dbxml_dump.exe
10/04/2009  11:41 PM            11,776 dbxml_load.exe
10/04/2009  11:17 PM             8,704 db_archive.exe
10/04/2009  11:17 PM             9,728 db_checkpoint.exe
10/04/2009  11:17 PM            11,776 db_dump.exe
10/04/2009  11:17 PM            14,848 db_hotbackup.exe
10/04/2009  11:17 PM            22,016 db_load.exe
10/04/2009  11:17 PM             9,728 db_recover.exe
10/04/2009  11:17 PM             9,216 db_upgrade.exe
10/04/2009  11:18 PM             9,728 db_verify.exe
10/04/2009  11:27 PM           974,848 gd.dll
10/19/2009  10:41 AM    <DIR>          gdalplugins
10/04/2009  11:17 PM         1,011,712 GEOS.dll
10/04/2009  11:06 PM           869,888 libdb45.dll
10/04/2009  11:27 PM         1,496,576 libdbxml23.dll
11/28/2008  03:52 PM         1,650,688 lti_dsdk_cdll.dll
11/28/2008  03:52 PM         1,859,584 lti_dsdk_dll.dll
10/04/2009  11:30 PM           603,136 MgFoundation.dll
10/04/2009  11:44 PM         1,748,480 MgGeometry.dll
10/04/2009  11:42 PM           119,296 MgGwsCommon.dll
10/04/2009  11:49 PM           408,576 MgGwsQueryEngine.dll
10/04/2009  11:29 PM            32,768 MgGwsResource.dll
10/04/2009  11:50 PM           839,680 MgMapGuideCommon.dll
10/04/2009  11:29 PM           272,896 MgMdfModel.dll
10/04/2009  11:30 PM           434,176 MgMdfParser.dll
10/04/2009  11:49 PM           521,728 MgPlatformBase.dll
10/04/2009  11:50 PM         1,824,256 MgRenderers.dll
10/04/2009  11:53 PM           248,320 mgserver.exe
10/04/2009  11:52 PM           291,840 MgServerAdminService.dll
10/04/2009  11:50 PM            71,168 MgServerBase.dll
10/04/2009  11:50 PM            79,872 MgServerCache.dll
10/04/2009  11:52 PM           984,576 MgServerDrawingService.dll
10/04/2009  11:51 PM         1,469,952 MgServerFeatureService.dll
10/04/2009  11:52 PM           163,328 MgServerKmlService.dll
10/04/2009  11:50 PM           853,504 MgServerManager.dll
10/04/2009  11:52 PM           360,960 MgServerMappingService.dll
10/04/2009  11:52 PM           205,312 MgServerRenderingService.dll
10/04/2009  11:51 PM         2,273,792 MgServerResourceService.dll
10/04/2009  11:52 PM           279,552 MgServerSiteService.dll
10/04/2009  11:44 PM            12,800 MgServerThread.dll
10/04/2009  11:51 PM           133,120 MgServerTileService.dll
10/04/2009  11:47 PM           625,664 MgStylization.dll
10/04/2009  11:54 PM         1,885,696 MgUnitTesting.dll
10/19/2009  12:29 PM            27,424 serverconfig.ini
10/04/2009  11:08 PM         1,831,936 xerces-c_2_7.dll
10/04/2009  11:23 PM         2,624,512 xqilla10.dll
              47 File(s)     30,463,776 bytes

 Directory of X:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\bin\gdalplugins

10/19/2009  10:41 AM    <DIR>          .
10/19/2009  10:41 AM    <DIR>          ..
10/19/2009  10:40 AM           266,240 gdal_ECW_JP2ECW.dll
10/19/2009  10:40 AM            81,920 gdal_MrSID.dll
               2 File(s)        348,160 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              49 File(s)     30,811,936 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  53,645,303,808 bytes free
 Volume in drive X has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7005-B438

 Directory of X:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\fdo

10/19/2009  10:42 AM    <DIR>          .
10/19/2009  10:42 AM    <DIR>          ..
04/20/2009  08:32 AM            39,424 boost_date_time-vc90-mt-1_34_1.dll
04/20/2009  08:33 AM            40,448 boost_thread-vc90-mt-1_34_1.dll
10/16/2009  04:23 PM    <DIR>          com
04/20/2009  08:50 AM           942,592 ExpressionEngine.dll
04/20/2009  08:43 AM         1,036,288 FDO.dll
04/20/2009  08:38 AM           246,272 FDOCommon.dll
04/20/2009  08:38 AM           252,416 FDOGeometry.dll
04/20/2009  08:37 AM            73,216 FDOMessage.dll
10/05/2009  12:10 AM            10,240 FdoRegUtil.exe
04/20/2009  08:39 AM           113,664 FDOSpatial.dll
04/20/2009  08:37 AM         5,091,840 gdal16.dll
10/19/2009  10:40 AM           126,976 geotiff.dll
04/20/2009  09:01 AM             2,560 GRFPMessage.dll
04/20/2009  09:01 AM            72,192 GRFPOverrides.dll
04/20/2009  09:01 AM           274,432 GRFPProvider.dll
10/19/2009  10:40 AM           118,784 jpeg_osgeo.dll
10/19/2009  10:40 AM           458,752 libtiff.dll
04/20/2009  08:57 AM            60,928 ODBCOverrides.dll
04/20/2009  08:59 AM         2,029,056 ODBCProvider.dll
04/20/2009  09:01 AM           152,576 OGRProvider.dll
04/20/2009  08:52 AM           884,224 OWS.dll
10/16/2009  04:24 PM             3,684 providers.xml
04/20/2009  08:54 AM            46,592 RdbmsMsg.dll
04/20/2009  08:57 AM           156,160 RdbmsOverrides.dll
04/20/2009  08:51 AM            13,312 SDFMessage.dll
04/20/2009  08:52 AM           660,992 SDFProvider.dll
04/20/2009  08:49 AM            19,968 SHPMessage.dll
04/20/2009  08:50 AM            47,616 SHPOverrides.dll
04/20/2009  08:51 AM           834,048 SHPProvider.dll
04/20/2009  08:54 AM            39,424 SmMessage.dll
09/25/2009  04:48 PM           752,128 SQLiteProvider.dll
04/20/2009  09:05 AM           129,536 SQLServerSpatialOverrides.dll
04/20/2009  09:06 AM         2,196,480 SQLServerSpatialProvider.dll
04/20/2009  08:52 AM            11,264 WFSMessage.dll
04/20/2009  08:52 AM           451,072 WFSProvider.dll
04/20/2009  08:52 AM            18,944 WMSMessage.dll
04/20/2009  08:52 AM            84,992 WMSOverrides.dll
04/20/2009  08:53 AM           562,176 WMSProvider.dll
04/20/2009  08:29 AM         3,156,480 Xalan-C_1_7_0.dll
04/20/2009  08:24 AM            60,928 XalanMessages_1_7_0.dll
04/20/2009  08:23 AM         2,126,848 xerces-c_2_5_0.dll
10/19/2009  10:40 AM            73,728 zlib_osgeo.dll
              41 File(s)     23,473,252 bytes

 Directory of X:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Server\fdo\com

10/16/2009  04:23 PM    <DIR>          .
10/16/2009  04:23 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/20/2009  08:02 AM             6,290 fdosys_sys.sql
04/20/2009  08:02 AM            30,023 fdo_sys.sql
04/20/2009  08:02 AM             7,667 fdo_sys_idx.sql
               3 File(s)         43,980 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              44 File(s)     23,517,232 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  53,645,303,808 bytes free

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