[mapguide-trac] #955: KML and KMZ mapagent operations broken with Google Earth 5

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Sat Apr 4 20:25:38 EDT 2009

#955: KML and KMZ mapagent operations broken with Google Earth 5
   Reporter:  amorsell   |       Owner:                
       Type:  defect     |      Status:  new           
   Priority:  high       |   Milestone:  2.1           
  Component:  Map Agent  |     Version:  2.0.2         
   Severity:  critical   |    Keywords:  kml,kmz,google
External_id:             |  
 The KML and KMZ mapagent operations output is broken with the latest
 release of Google Earth.  There appear to be more than one problem, but 3
 items are noted below:

 Using the following:

 The KML opens in Google Earth fine and the various network links appear in
 the Places legend.  But, the network links never refresh.

 There is a bug in GE 5 where network links do not auto refresh when using
 onStop viewrefreshmode.  Google has acknowledged this bug.  To work-around
 it (for whatever reason this works), the following needs to be in the
 network link definition:

 How it normally would be generated through the mapagent:


 How it needs to be generated to work with GE 5:


 2. Trying to open the network links manually in a browser causes the
 server to not return anything.  The following is an example:

 Using the following:

 The KMZ is created and Google Earth opens, but never appears in the GE
 Places legend so the KMZ is most likely malformed.

 All in all, there appears to be multiple problems with MGOS 2.0.2 and
 Google Earth 5 KML and KMZ.  Some of these problems are GE 5 related, and
 some are MGOS related.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/955>
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