[mapguide-trac] #1980: ODBC connection with MGOS 2.2: Faulty configuration document in Maestro 4?

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Thu Apr 12 04:38:03 EDT 2012

#1980: ODBC connection with MGOS 2.2: Faulty configuration document in Maestro 4?
   Reporter:  janvw    |       Owner:  jng
       Type:  defect   |      Status:  new
   Priority:  medium   |   Milestone:     
  Component:  Maestro  |     Version:     
   Severity:  major    |    Keywords:     
External_id:           |  
 I have connected to a SQL server 2000 database using the ODBC provider. I
 have configured the tables in order to get the right columns for the X and
 Y values. After creating a layer using this feature source, the points
 should show up in my map, but they don't (MGOS 2.2 / Maestro 4).
 In the server error log I have the following entry:
 <2012-03-15T15:41:00>  1712 Ajax Viewer Administrator
  Error: Failed to stylize layer: test
         An exception occurred in FDO component.
         Internal error
   - MgMappingUtil.StylizeLayers() line 831 file

 I used Maestro 2.1 for setting up the dataconnection. The preview of the
 feature source still didn't work (error message: "Argument ist null"), but
 I could create a new layer and show the X/Y coordinates as points.

 Two configuration documents: 1 produced by Maestro 2.1 (works), 1 by
 Maestro 4 (doesn't work).

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/1980>
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