[Mapguide-trac] [mapguide-trac] #2405: mgserver crash in rare occasions

MapGuide Open Source trac_mapguide at osgeo.org
Sun Feb 23 14:43:24 PST 2014

#2405: mgserver crash in rare occasions
   Reporter:  andymorf           |       Owner:                    
       Type:  defect             |      Status:  new               
   Priority:  high               |   Milestone:                    
  Component:  Rendering Service  |     Version:  2.5.0             
   Severity:  critical           |    Keywords:  crash, aggrenderer
External_id:                     |  
 investigations due to daily crashes of our production server led to
 following results:

 After Exception in error.log
  Error: Failed to stylize layer: RP_ZO_Zonen_rk_OP
         Problem:\nThe application encountered a problem and could not
 finish the operation you just requested properly.\n\nSolution:\nIf it\'s
 the first time you met this problem, try again or restart the application
 / session; otherwise, describe the steps to reproduce this problem to the
 server administrator for suggestions.
   - MgMappingUtil.StylizeLayers() line 918 file
 it was a matter of time mgserver passed away or freezed.
 Crash could be reproduced in a debugging session and problem was narrowed
 to line 1806 in AGGRenderer.cpp where

 unsigned width was assigned 0 which resulted in an access violation in
 function "copy_hline" on 1808: there "--len"(=width) provides a first
 value of 4G in the while clause.

 One of my "deadly" GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAYIMAGE/feature combination led to
 following assignments in AGGRenderer::SetPolyClip:

 minx=1022.258, miny=618.259
 maxx=1022.378, maxy=792.378
 iminx=1021, iminy=617
 imaxx=1020, imaxy=790
 -> width=0
 -> ...crash

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/2405>
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