[mapguide-users] Win2003 fcgi Install Issue and Solution

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Fri Apr 7 19:51:01 EDT 2006

The makepackage.php file shows how to automate the exporting of
packages.  When I get a chance, I'm going to see if I can create a
script that can be run via PHP-CLI to do this from the command line:
[add authentication info here]
$siteServerAddress = $site->GetSiteServerAddress();
$serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin();
$serverAdmin->Open( $siteServerAddress, $userInfo );

[error checking stuff snipped]
$resource = new MgResourceIdentifier( $completeFolderName );
$serverAdmin->MakePackage( $resource, $packageName, "" );

Very cool!
Loading them back in on the other side looks pretty easy too:
$siteServerAddress = $site->GetSiteServerAddress();
$serverAdmin = new MgServerAdmin();
$serverAdmin->Open( $siteServerAddress, $userInfo );
$serverAdmin->LoadPackage( $packageName );

I'm thinking that this process could easily be built as a .Net
executable as well...


From: Andy Morsell [mailto:amorsell at spatialgis.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 16:41
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Win2003 fcgi Install Issue and Solution

I also had to add the web service extension manually per the install
document as well.  I should have mentioned that.
For fun, open attached gif in a browser for real, live, headbanging


From: Jason Birch [mailto:Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca] 
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 4:34 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Win2003 fcgi Install Issue and Solution

Looks like we're head-banging in unison; I just ran into the same thing.
I did the fix that you stated, but I also had to add the isapi handler
to my Web Service Extensions.  I must have manually set up the .exe
version last time, or maybe removed too many settings when cleaning up
my old uninstall.
The Make Package function is very cool.  I wonder if it can be


From: Andy Morsell [mailto:amorsell at spatialgis.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 16:27
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Win2003 fcgi Install Issue and Solution

I just experienced one of those maddening installation issues where a
1/2 hour upgrade turns into a couple of hours of banging my head on my
keyboard.  This was a Windows 2003, IIS6 and .NET web extension
installation.  I uninstalled the prior version and confirmed that the
virtual and physical directories had been removed.  I then installed the
new version opting to have it configure IIS with .NET.  Upon testing,
any calls to the .fcgi mapagent resulted in a 404 page not found error.

I finally traced the problem to the following: 

In the mapagent virtual directory in IIS, under Configuration,
Application extensions, the .fcgi extension was configured as:
c:\PROGRA~1\MAPGUI~1\WEBSER~1\www\mapagent\ISAPI_~1.dll.  When I changed
it to the long path of "C:\Program
", it mysteriously started working.  I checked at the command prompt
using the dir /x command to make sure that the short name was valid, and
it all looked OK.  So, I have no idea why using the long path and
filename solved the problem, but it did.  On this server, I can readily
replicate the problem by substituting back in the short path and

Andy Morsell, P.E. 
Spatial Integrators, Inc. 
http://www.SpatialGIS.com <http://www.SpatialGIS.com>  

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