Database connections in MapGuide Studio

Jackie Ng Jackie.Ng at
Mon Mar 13 17:17:22 EST 2006


Is there any way to create connections to databases in the march preview of MapGuide studio? I go to (File -> New -> Data connection) and there is nothing listed in the "Select a feature provider" dialog. I've asked this question before, with regards to a previous preview of Studio, but I just want to know if it is possible to do this in this version.

Just a little background...

We want to move our MG 6.5 maps to MapGuide Open-source. The maps are of cemeteries. Each grave/plot in a cemetery is attributed with a unique key that we use to lookup data of the deceased in a MS SQL server database. The actual maps converted fine without any problems, but without a way to connect to (any) database, we can't associate deceased data to graves/plots.

That's why I am so interested to know if we can create database connections in this version of studio.


- Jackie Ng

AEC Systems
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