Raster Support yet?

Dennis Megarry dennis at myairplane.com
Sun Mar 26 22:33:34 EST 2006

I was quite excited that Autodesk opensourced its mapGuide product...  I
spent this weekend getting a dev box up and a staging server to start
testing.  Got the sample stuff installed and running fine..  Read the doc's
and help files on getting my GeoTIFF raster's in and sat down for a long
night..  Well, its cut short now..  NO RASTER SUPPORT? ouch...

Anyone been able to get this working yet?  Or should I go back to MapServer?
Not that MapServer is bad, its a great project, its just that MapGuide
seemed to be a bit more in line with what I'd like to use..  Its a show
stopper for me without raster support.


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