Cannot establish connection - service still depending to start without sucess

Thomas Grosser grosser at
Thu May 11 06:59:03 EDT 2006

After re-install and several new starts the problem is still the same: The service "MapGuide Server" tries to start but didn´t suceed ...

Trying to test the "EnumerateResources" will return the following message:

Cannot establish connection.
Cannot establish connection. Exception occurred in method MgServerConnection.Open at line 94 in file c:\build_tux_area\mgdev\common\service\services\ServerConnection.cpp 

Seems like on fresh reboot the mgserver does not start at all. Studio will not connect and sites give error above. The service is trying to start ...

Windows XP Pro SP2 / IIS / PHP 5.0.5 / Web Extentions IIS-PHP / MapGuide Open Source 1.0.0

Any ideas what to do ??? Thanks in advance ...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thomas Grosser
- Geschäftsleitung -

Kom21 - Nürnberg
Großweidenmühlstraße 28
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Tel.: 0911 - 378 33 85
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