[mapguide-users] Adding URL and tooltip to generated layer

Alain Lebatard alain.lebatard at autodesk.com
Tue May 16 17:50:09 EDT 2006

Hi Juan,


There is a known problem with maptips/hyperlinks not showing in the AJAX
viewer if the layer is not selectable. Could it  be the same problem





From: Butler, Juan P [mailto:jpbutler at co.pinellas.fl.us] 
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 1:12 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Adding URL and tooltip to generated layer




I've got the layer creation pretty much down, but I'm having some issues
with adding the URL and the tooltip info for the markers.   Has anyone
been able to do this?   I left the Tooltip in the XML definition file
for the layer.  I hard coded with a value and it did not come up when
adding the markers to the map.


Any info is appreciated.


- Juan

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