MapGuideServer does not start...

robert fritz robert-fritz at
Wed Sep 13 08:08:16 EDT 2006


in the mailing list archive I 've seen that some people had problems starting MapGuideServer - I 've installed MaPGuideServer on different machines without any problems - till this day.
I have multiple partitions on my pc, on all partitions WinXP Pro SP2 / IIS is running. On partition  C: mapguideserver is running, on partition f: it doesn't. neither as a service nor interactive. If I start mapguideserver using the command line I can see a message by DrWatson, that mapguideserver caused an error. The are no entries in the mapguide error log file (in fact, there isn't  such a file).

Is it possible that mapguideserver does not work properly if it is not installed on Disk C:\ ? I can't see any (big) difference between all my installations, except that the the one not running is not installed on Drive/Partition c:\. 

Of course I removed the installation (Server & Extension) and reinstalled - without any change. 

regards, robert
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