[mapguide-users] Evaluation of FOSS GIS Web Service Products

John Roberts johnemyr at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 14 15:32:53 EST 2007

Dear All

I am currently studying for a Master's degree in GIS with UNIGIS. I am
currently doing my dissertation which evaluates the main FOSS GIS web
service products (GeoServer, MapServer, Deegree Web Services & MapGuide Open
Source). I propose to compare and contrast the four products using the OWS

I have taken the main part of my dissertation and created a document which:
1. summarises the OWS specifications (chapters 1 to 4).
2. summarises the organisational structure and functionality of the four
products (chapter 5).
3. creates a matrix based on the OWS specifications against which each
product is compared (chapter 6).

I have trimmed down the document for MapGuide Open Source by removing the
sections pertaining to the other 3 products. I attach the document to this

I would be very interested for any comments/corrections people may have. I
have highlighted any area I am not sure of in yellow. I am mainly looking
for input as follows (in order of importance):

1. Chapter 6, the OWS matrix. There is alot of functionality which I am not
sure if MapGuide Open Source supports. I have tried to gather as much
information from the website as possible. However time limitations has meant
that I have not been able to investigate each product as much as I would
have liked.
2. Chapter 5, organisational structure. I have gathered as much information
from the website as I could find but I still have some queries.
3. Chapters 1 to 4, OWS specifications. I feel I have got most of the
information correct here but would welcome anybody who has the time to go
through this text.

I will acknowledge anybody who provides input in the acknowledgements
section of my dissertation. If the input is straightforward functionality
(e.g. MapGuide Open Source supports WFS GetCapabilities) then I would use
the information and I would not make an explicit reference. However, if I
wanted to make an explicit reference (for example if I am referring to a
more subjective comment with regard to the relative pros and cons of the 4
products) then I would contact the person again to ask his/her permission.

I am going to post similar documents for the other 3 products on their
mailing lists. Once everything is complete, I would like to post the final
document with information on all four products on the four mailing lists.

Thank you all very much in advance for any time you are able to give.

Kind Regards

John Roberts
Manchester, UK
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