[mapguide-users] Cluster configuration support on Linux

Ismael Cams mapguide2007 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 04:41:13 EST 2007

Hello all,

is there any chance to have the MapGuide installed in a cluster
configuration on Linux ? Could this be done for example by sharing the
repository between two mapguide servers. I have been experimenting with this
for a while but could not come to a good solution, e.g. information stored
by one server in the repository is not directly accessible to the other
server (restart is needed). In a perfect scenario I would like to use the
two servers in an active, active scenario (loadbalancing) but I would
already be very happy if I could get to a solution for the first problem.

Does anyone has experience with mapguide in a cluster configuration ?

 BTW is it possible to run the mapguide server not under root (but e.g. a
user mapguide) ?

Kind regards,
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