[mapguide-users] King.Oracle FDO Provider ORA-12705 error

Jon Vincent JVincent at instepsoftware.com
Tue Feb 20 16:44:44 EST 2007

I am attempting to get up and running with the King.Oracle FDO provider
but I am having some trouble making the connection in MapGuide Studio.
I am using the 0.4.4 version, and I have the latest version of Studio
installed(, but when i attempt to make a connection I get
the error: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid
environment specified.


I have taken a look at the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle\NLS_LANG
setting and I have tried renaming, and deleting it.  I added it back in
and changed the value to AMERICAN which is the setting for nls_language
for my database.  I can't find any other information about this and I
was hoping someone else may have some other suggestions.


Finally I'm running Oracle 9i (


Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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