[mapguide-users] Buffer Issues Units

Scott Hameister scotth at mpower-tech.com
Tue Jul 10 11:34:13 EDT 2007

Hello I am using Mapguide Open Source as my Server and Autodesk Mapguide
Studio as my Authoring tool.

All my Maps are Using state Plane feet in Different States.When I run a 66
foot buffer, it comes out 1/3 of what it should be, when I run a 66 Meter
buffer they run in what looks like feet.

Is this an issue with Mapguide Open Source trying to Buffer a map Made in
Mapguide Studio and not recognizing Autodesk Coord Systems in the open
Source Server?????? If so how do we address this for people that want to buy
Studio but Use Open Source for their Server????? Or is this part of a bigger
more Nefarious Issue?

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