[mapguide-users] Mapguide with Apache/Tomcat | Layers not loading

Rahul unicorn_admirer at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 31 03:24:37 EDT 2007

         I think there is no problem with Javaviewer samples having Apache/Tomcat on a Window XP SP2 PC ,first of all you check abt the *.mgp(Sheboygan) file in the Server and the next issue  properly configure  the httpd.conf file in the WebServerExtension Directory,Check this out at the end in your Config file --
  JkMount  /mapguide/javaviewersample/* worker1
  Max !
Abhinav Katoch <abhinav.katoch at gmail.com> wrote:

I'm just installed Mapguide with Apache/Tomcat on a Window XP SP2 PC 
and followed all of the steps that I thought were applicable. When I 
try to run the sample application "ajaxviewersample.jsp" the layers 
don't seem to load up and I see little question marks right next to 
the layer names.

I tried the PHP install on another PC with similar specifications and 
it seemed to work fine.

I've looked through the documentation again and again just to 
validate the I've configured things properly; any pointers in helping 
me resolve this would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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