AW: [mapguide-users] creating points at runtime / display problem/ .NET

Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S ks at
Tue Jun 5 16:07:14 EDT 2007

Nope sorry.
If you can save the featuresource and the point still does not show, I 
don't know.

Perhaps the point is themed or filtered?

Can you post the troublesome SDF (or other file)?

Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

G.E.O.-Consulting / Hans Morschell wrote:
> Hi,
> yes I am sure the point is within current map, I can read the point 
> from featuresource, the coordinates are correct
> yes I am sure the projection is correct I have read the projection of 
> the map and compared it
> even if I save the point to an existing featuresource / layer the 
> point is not drawn
> somewhat curious, do you have any other idea ?
> thanks, Hans
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Von:* mapguide-users-bounces at 
> [mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at] *Im Auftrag von 
> *Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007 17:27
> *An:* MapGuide Users Mail List
> *Betreff:* Re: [mapguide-users] creating points at runtime / display 
> problem/ .NET
> Are you sure that the new point is actually visible within the current 
> map?
> Are you sure the FeatureSource projection is correct?
> Can you get the point to display, if you save the FeatureSource and 
> open it with Studio?
> Someone complained about not being able to use feature sources from 
> the session repository, is this the case?
> Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S
> G.E.O.-Consulting / Hans Morschell wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having a problem with displaying points that I have created 
> during runtime. I can create the featuresource, create the layer using 
> a XML file, add the layer to the map and after that I add a point to 
> the empty layer, set the layer visible and force to refresh, and 
> finally save the map; I have controlled the steps of my source 
> according to the examples in the dotnetviewer sample application 
> (findaddress.aspx etc.).
> Nevertheless the point is not shown in map display after a map 
> refresh, but in the legend the new layer is visible, the style is 
> shown correctly, I can read the point in source code using a feature 
> reader and I do not have any error messages.
> Has anybody some ideas what I am doing wrong, am I missing something ?
> My configuration: MgOS 1.2 Beta 2, .Net environment, source in VB
> kind regards, Hans
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