[mapguide-users] Suitable Database for MapGuide using FDO

Dhirendra Kumar dhirendra.mgos at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 03:21:32 EDT 2007

Hi Krunoslav,

You are right that i always asked some qustion and waiting for that. I never
want to say my client that "I can't do this work" Because you know Every
thing is possible and i always think positive and i always try to learn
somthing new and i am really feeling happay to say you that i solved
previous problem (And as per requirment i'll have to update all). You wrote
that "You're asking every day few questions and waiting, without reading the
documentation, like someone will do all the work for you". Say to me without
reading the documentation, is it possible to solved all problem. I always
asked new qustion because if some one have already solve of this type of
problem then i get clue how to solve this problem and i can do my work
fastly. I never expect to someone  that they will do my all work, Because i
think every boady is busy and no one is sitting idle to solve my problem. I
know Election GIS Sytstem is tough but as a software Devloper i'll have to
done this. Again i want to repeat that "Nothing is Impossible". If you have
some solve of my FDO Connectivity then help me. Your Welcome

Best Regards
Dhirendra Kumar

Krunoslav wrote:
> Dhirendra Kumar wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am devleoping Election GIS System using MapGuide and my client
>> requirment is to update data during run time. Example :- Suppose today we
>> have 30 booths in one district and next year it would increase by 10.
>> then how will i display on layer, right now i have only one solution of
>> this problem is that create new SHP file and place in MapGuide manually.
>> But my client requirment is updation should be Run time automatically. Is
>> it possible using FDO ? if yes then which database will be suitable for
>> MapGuide ? and please give me detail how will i use FDO in MapGuide.
>> Please help me. I am
>> waiting.....................................................
>> Thankyou in Advance
>> Dhirendra Kumar
> I don't mean to be offensive, but it seems to me like you took a task
> which is too complicated for you. Election GIS system is not easy at all,
> and you are newbie here just like me. To be honest, I would never accept
> such task with so little knowledge about system I work with. You're asking
> every day few questions and waiting, without reading the documentation,
> like someone will do all the work for you. Again, I don't mean to be
> offensive, but I think you should consider another solution, or give it to
> someone who knows what he's doing.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Suitable-Database-for-MapGuide-using-FDO-tf3484536s16610.html#a9728204
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