[mapguide-users] Mapguide 2.0 Beta1 Documentation

Paul Spencer pagameba at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 10:15:09 EST 2007

Hi Bruno,

sorry for the delay.  Documentation is being developed, there are a  
couple of technical writers working on stuff now.

There should only be 2 css files (style.css seems to have been  
removed, I think it was extraneous) that have the following purposes:


This file is copied directly from the Jx project and establishes a  
base set of CSS rules that govern all the Jx components.  To modify  
button sizes, you need to override settings in this file.  This can be  
done by copying and then editing this file and using the copy in place  
of this file, or by adding another file that just redefines the styles  
you want to override in your template.  Either approach is fine, but  
for the mapguide templates, we took the second approach.


This file has all the overrides for Jx to give the template its  
current colour scheme.  It also contains any styles specific to this  

I think your question about how to change the size of the icons is  
going to be a common one, so I am going to start a F.A.Q. and include  
that specific question.  I will also try to find the right answer  
(since CSS isn't my strong point) and post it back to the list :)

The documentation for creating new widgets will likely come a little  
later.  At this point, you can do what we do, which is to copy an  
existing widget that does something similar (from a user's  
perspective) and modify it.  To do this, it is important to know that  
the file name and class name in the javascript file are case sensitive  
and have to be identical, and that is the name you use in the <Type>  
tag in the ApplicationDefinition.xml file.



On 26-Nov-07, at 2:56 AM, Bruno Scott wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out how to create new templates and it's not easy
> without documentation.
> I would like to change the colors, i know there are some css but  
> playing
> with them is time consuming.
> For one template we have 3 css
>  fusion\templates\mapguide\maroon\css\jxskin-border.css
>  fusion\templates\mapguide\maroon\css\maroon_fusion.css
>  fusion\templates\mapguide\slate\theme\default\style.css
> If i want to replace 16x16 toolbar images by 32x32 images, where do  
> i go?
> I would also being able to create new components.
> Can we expect a documentation in the near futur?
> -- 
> View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Mapguide-2.0-Beta1-Documentation-tf4874465s16610.html#a13947573
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