[mapguide-users] Problems adding polygon to temporary layer

Paul Spencer pagameba at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 06:26:17 EDT 2007

Perhaps you could post your code so we can take a look?


On 10-Sep-07, at 5:54 AM, nikp wrote:

> I know the map is visible on the map (Well, at least it was set to  
> visible
> programmatically!). I also know the layer IS being added to the  
> map, as it
> shows up in the TOC list on the left of the map. I have also tried  
> turning
> all the other layers off (making them invisible) to see if it were  
> the issue
> of them being below other layers, and the polygons still didn't  
> show up.
> So, I guess that the issue is either 1. or 3.
> Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
>> There are a copule of common reasons for that:
>> 1. The layer in the map is not referencing the temporary  
>> featuresource,
>> but the permanent
>> 2. The layer is not visible in the map
>> 3. The layer is out of scale range
>> 4. The layer is below another visible layer
>> My guess is that you have hit #1.
>> When you create the temporary resource, you must also create a  
>> copy of
>> the layer,
>> and update the layers featuresource to point at the temporary
>> featuresource.
>> So, steps are:
>> 1. Get layerdefinition
>> 2. Update the resourceid of the featuresource to match the temporary
>> featuresource
>> 3. Save the updated layer definition
>> 4. Change the runtime map to use the newly created temporary layer
>> resource.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S
>> nikp skrev:
>>> Hi all, first post and new time user to Mapguide, so go gently  
>>> please!
>>> Basically, my goal is to digitize a polygon and once complete I  
>>> want to
>>> display the digitized polygon on the map. The problem being this  
>>> needs to
>>> be
>>> on a per user, per polygon basis. (In other words, each user  
>>> using the
>>> system should only see their polygon they have just created).
>>> My thought to complete this task was to create a temporary layer  
>>> and add
>>> the
>>> polygon to that layer. The code I have used originated from a  
>>> MapGuide
>>> course that I went on. The problem is that the code appears to  
>>> work in
>>> that
>>> there are no exceptions thrown, but the polygon is not displayed  
>>> on the
>>> map.
>>> If I change the code so that the polygon is added to a permanent  
>>> layer
>>> the
>>> polygon is added and displayed correctly.
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> (I can add my code if people need to see what I'm doing)
>>> (Software I'm using is MapGuide open source ver. 1.2, and visual  
>>> studio
>>> 2005
>>> and C#/.NET platform version 2.0)
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> -- 
> View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Problems-adding- 
> polygon-to-temporary-layer-tf4413159s16610.html#a12589784
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|Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |

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