[mapguide-users] Not Implemented for MgSelection.GenerateFilter

Darrin Maidlow dmaidlow at landorgis.com
Mon Apr 14 15:27:52 EDT 2008

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
		Dim szSelXML As String
		'to avoid asp.net from finding 'dangerous' strings in the querystring, we need to double escape the XML in the client
		'so here we need to urldecode it
		szSelXML = server.urldecode(Request.QueryString("A"))
		Dim szOutScript As String = ""
		If szSelXML <> "" Then
			Dim szSessionID As String = WebRADE.WRAPI.WRBase.fnGetSession("MGESession", Session)
			Dim siteConnection As MgSiteConnection
			siteConnection = WebRADE.MGE.Session.GetExistingMGConnection(szSessionID)
			Dim resSvc As MgResourceService
			resSvc = siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService)
			Dim featSvc As MgFeatureService = siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService)
			Dim szMapName As String = Request.QueryString("B")
			Dim oMap As New MgMap
			oMap.Open(resSvc, szMapName)
			Dim currentSel As New MgSelectionBase(oMap)
			'currentSel.Open(resSvc, szMapName)
			Dim selLays As MgReadOnlyLayerCollection
			Dim selLay As MgLayer

			selLays = currentSel.GetLayers()
			Dim szSelection As String = ""
			Dim queryOptions As New MgFeatureQueryOptions
			For Each selLay In selLays
				If selLay.GetName() = "FloorView Documents" Then
					Dim szLayerClassName As String = selLay.GetFeatureClassName()
					If szSelection = "" Then
						szSelection = currentSel.GenerateFilter(selLay, szLayerClassName)
						szSelection &= currentSel.GenerateFilter(selLay, szLayerClassName)
					End If

					Dim szLayerFeatureSrcID As String
					szLayerFeatureSrcID = selLay.GetFeatureClassName
					Dim layerResID As New MgResourceIdentifier(szLayerClassName)


					Dim featureReader As MgFeatureReader

				End If
		End If

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