[mapguide-users] Add Point to Existing Layer

gaku hamazato at yachiyo-eng.co.jp
Sun Feb 3 11:10:48 EST 2008

Yes,I have created site resources by use Administrator username.


Jackie Ng wrote:
> Oh I see, I thought you were adding points to a session-based feature
> source.
> In that case, did you create a mapguide session via a username that has
> permissions to modify site resources?
> - Jackie
> gaku wrote:
>> Yes, I have created the feature source by using Mapguide Studio. 
>> Jackie Ng wrote:
>>> Have you actually created the feature source pointed to by
>>> $featureSourceId ? (ie. Have you called
>>> $featureService->CreateFeatureSource() ?)
>>> - Jackie
>>> gaku wrote:
>>>> Hi all 
>>>> I'm trying to let the user insert a point feature in PHP along with
>>>> some attributes. The feature source is an SDF file and the code was
>>>> translated/modified from the PHP example (draw_line). The user can get
>>>> the X, Y coordinates from another button (works fine). 
>>>> Everything compiles fine and execute well but no feature is added to
>>>> the feature source. I tried with a converted SDF feature source (didnt
>>>> change a thing). 
>>>> Did I miss something ? Did I do something wrong :) 
>>>> Any help would be appreciated 
>>>> here's the code : 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> try
>>>> 	{
>>>> 		MgInitializeWebTier($webconfigFilePath);
>>>> 		// Get the session information passed from the viewer.
>>>>     	$sessionId = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ==
>>>>     	// Get the user information using the session id,
>>>> 	    // and set up a connection to the site server.     
>>>> 	    $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionId);
>>>> 	    $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
>>>> 	    $siteConnection->Open($userInfo);
>>>> 		$resourceService =
>>>> $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
>>>> 		$featureService =
>>>> $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::FeatureService);		
>>>> 		$featureSourceId = new
>>>> MgResourceIdentifier('Library://Sample/Data/020101Markup.FeatureSource');
>>>> 		$map = new MgMap();
>>>> 		$map->Open($resourceService, $mgMapName);
>>>> 		//$geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory();
>>>> 		$wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
>>>> 		$agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
>>>> 		$geo = $wktReaderWrite->Read("POINT XY ( $x, $y )");
>>>> 		$geoByteReader = new MgByteReader();
>>>> 		$geoByteReader = $agfReaderWriter->Write($geo);
>>>> 		$idid = 500;
>>>> 		$propertyValues = new MgPropertyCollection();
>>>> 		$propertyValues->Add(new MgInt32Property("ID", $idid )); 
>>>> 		$propertyValues->Add(new MgStringProperty(name, 'test'));
>>>> 		$propertyValues->Add(new MgGeometryProperty('Geometry',
>>>> $geoByteReader));	
>>>> 		$commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection();
>>>> 		$commands->Add(new MgInsertFeatures('020101Markup',
>>>> $propertyValues));
>>>> 		$featureService->UpdateFeatures($featureSourceId, $commands, false);
>>>> 	}
>>>> 	catch (MgException $e)
>>>> 	{
>>>> 		$errorMsg = $e->GetMessage();
>>>> 		$errorDetail = $e->GetDetails();
>>>> 	}
>>>> -------------------------------end of code -------------
>>>> --Thanks, 

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