[mapguide-users] fusion problem....

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Tue Jun 3 15:53:53 EDT 2008

I was silly yesterday and uninstalled my MGOS v1.02 installation. I was 
running 2.0 along side....of course, uninstalling 1.0.2 completely broke 
2.0. I've now (after a day) managed to get 2.0 back up and running, for 
the most part - but I still can't get fusion working. I keep getting an 

"Fusion Error:
WARNING: Exception occurred in AJAX callback.
TypeError: this.mapWidget.setMetersPerUnit is not a function
Location: undefined (223)


	*Andrew DeMerchant*
*Computer Technologist*
ph.1-877-2GEMTEC x.163
fax 506-453-9470

/GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
/191 Doak Road
Fredericton, NB, Canada
E3C 2E6

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