[mapguide-users] Berkeley DB Configuration File

Steve Dang steve.dang at autodesk.com
Mon Jun 9 13:12:52 EDT 2008

MG does not expose any BDB configuration settings in the severconfig.ini file. And yes, the DB_CONFIG file may be used to overwrite the default values of these settings.


From: mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Rock Beans
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 10:26 AM
To: MapGuide Users Mail List
Subject: [mapguide-users] Berkeley DB Configuration File

Has anyone done anything with timeout settings using a Berkeley DB configuration file? Is there a better way to increase timeout settings? I did not see anything in the serverconfig.ini file.

I've never tried this, but Berkeley DB can support a configuration file:
It's possible that maybe one of the default parameters could be increased.

The Rock

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