[mapguide-users] GetFeaturesKml and GetLayerKml

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Thu Nov 13 11:47:33 EST 2008

Is this something that you'd be willing to post to the community code samples section?


Anyone with a valid OSGeo ID is allowed to post there.


If you're willing to share but don't want to learn the wiki, just pass along to me directly and I'll post.


-----Original Message-----
From: alucas
To: mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] GetFeaturesKml and GetLayerKml

It seems that with the GetFeaturesKML() method there is no dependency from
the server session. If I generate the .kml with this method the file size is
in my example about 4 MB. So, it seems that the features are in the kml and
not connected vía mapagent and session.

If you want some sample code I can send you how it works.

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