[mapguide-users] Dynamically Setting Initial Map Position and Scale

Love, Bev (Capita Symonds) Bev.Love at capita.co.uk
Mon Nov 24 07:27:15 EST 2008

Afternoon all,


I'm hoping someone will be able to look through the code I have to
dynamically set the initial map position and scale. I have taken this
straight from the code sample
(http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/CodeSamples/PHP/InitialMapView) but
when I run it, it just opens the map up at the default scale level. Any
help would be greatly appreciated...


I am passing in X, Y and Scale as parameters within the query string.


        global $_itkconfig, $session;

         //this code is used to display the Open Source MapGuide Web
Layout screen

         //common file from MapGuide Open Source



         //need to include the MapGuide Open Source constants file for




      // Check and get the required parameters.


      if (!isset($_REQUEST["x"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["y"]) ||
!isset($_REQUEST["scale"])) {

          echo "<Error>One or more of the required arguments is




      $x = $_REQUEST["x"];

      $y = $_REQUEST["y"];

      $scale = $_REQUEST["scale"];




        // Usual initialisation step.





        // Obtain a new session ID for this anonymous user, use it to
set up

        // a new site connection and use that to create a resource


        $site = new MgSite();

        $site->Open(new MgUserInformation("Anonymous", ""));


        $sessionId = $site->CreateSession();


        $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();

        $siteConnection->Open(new MgUserInformation($sessionId));


        $resourceService =



        // Read the web layout into an XML DOM document object.


        $wl = "Library:// Layouts/Development_Layout.WebLayout"; // TODO

        $wlResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($wl);

        $wlReader = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($wlResourceId);

        $wlXml = $wlReader->ToString();

        $wlDomDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($wlXml); 



        // Now, update the initial x, y and scale values with the
desired values.


        $nodeCenterX =

        $nodeCenterX->nodeValue = "$x";


        $nodeCenterY =

        $nodeCenterY->nodeValue = "$y";


        $nodeScale = $wlDomDoc->getElementsByTagName("Scale")->item(0);

        $nodeScale->nodeValue = "$scale";



        // Prepare the updated XML to be written out to the session.


        $updatedXml = $wlDomDoc->saveXML();

        $byteSource = new MgByteSource($updatedXml,



        // Create a web layout in the session to hold the updated

        // from the library.


        $sessionMapName = $wlResourceId->GetName();

        $sessionWebLayout =

        $sessionResourceId = new



        // Write the updated web layout to the session.


$byteSource->GetReader(), null);



        // Redirect to the Ajax viewer pointing at the map at the
desired coordinates.


        $redirectTo =

        $url = "http://localhost:8008/$redirectTo";



        header("Location: $url");







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