[mapguide-users] RE: Accessing Data via mounted folders on RedHat 4

Dave Wilson dave.wilson at autodesk.com
Thu Oct 2 13:50:57 EDT 2008

Has anyone configured a MapGuide Server instance to access data via a mounted folder coming from another Linux machine? If so what file protocol did you use to expose and mount the folder?

For example I have an instance where a folder on an Ubuntu machine is shared using NFS and I mounted the folder on the MG Server using NFS. When browsing the folders using MG Studio to access the files this works if the NFS share is read/write.

I have been somewhat unsuccessful sharing the same folder using SMBFS. Technically I can access the data, but I can't browse it via MG Studio.

Has anyone encountered this or are users generally accessing data local to the server?


Dave Wilson
GBU CRT, Calgary
Autodesk Canada Inc
Ph: 403.538.3069
Fax: 403.264.1442

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