[mapguide-users] Move Default Repository Location?

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Thu Oct 2 15:17:21 EDT 2008

My personal recommendation is to back up the entire repository.  The
recovery time of putting the managed data back in the correct locations
by ResourceID is not going to be trivial.

If you're looking to reduce backup size, you may want to look into using
unmanaged data sets where possible.  This allows you to point to the
data outside of the MapGuide repository.  Basically, you just set up an
alias in your serverconfig.ini file (or through the MapGuide admin) and
refer to data sets from that location when setting up new data sources.


-----Original Message-----
From: JeffJensen
Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] Move Default Repository Location?

What is your opinion of not backing up the datafiles (C:/Program
I ask, is this directory is rather large and the data I use is just a
from the data created in other applications (namely Civil3D and ArcMap).
thinking as long as I put the shapefiles back in the correct directory,
won't have any issues with broken links.

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