[mapguide-users] Postgis layer not displaying

Andre Schoonbee andresch at iway.na
Wed Aug 19 03:07:42 EDT 2009

Hi List


I have instelled MGOS 2.0.2, postgresql 8.3 and posgis 1.3.6 and FDO postgis


I had gps points in access, and imported that into a postgis table. I then
executed the following lines to generate the geometry column.


SELECT AddGeometryColumn( 'public', 'ruwis2', 'the_geom', 4326, 'POINT', 2

UPDATE waterpoints2 SET the_geom = PointFromText('POINT(' || gps_e || ' ' ||
gps_s || ')',4326);



I can connect to the database using maestro and have added the points layer.
When viewing the postgis data in QGis, it apreas fine. 


Now, when trying to display this layer information in either the layer
preview, or in a map, nothing is displaying. Any ideas?



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