[mapguide-users] MGOS 2.1 - ECW

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Fri Dec 11 16:42:23 EST 2009

In Maestro, you have to generate a composite datasource to have a config
file, one isn't created when just pointing to a directory for image file
source.  After you create the composite datasource, you can go the the
generic editor and click on "show all" to see the config file.  Use the most
recent version of Maestro and you can edit the config file directly once
it's generated.

In my experience, it's rare that the GDAL provider returns a valid bounding
box; I believe that mapguide switched to an alternate method of obtaining
the bounding box between 1.2 and 2.x, causing this defect to be revealed.

In the case of Dennis' MrSID data, I performed the CS override and the
manual specification of the bounding box, but that did not help.  In fact,
after attempting to access the raster without success, MapGuide would not
properly shut down, indicating a stuck FDO connection.  If you are going to
have a look at this, it would be useful to obtain his ortho.

In the case of Denis' ECW data, my guess is that the proper GDAL plugins
have not been installed if it's detecting as HFA instead of ECW. I believe
that GDAL tests the formats one at a time until it finds a suitable one; if
ECW was installed it would be preferred to HFA.


2009/12/11 Trevor Wekel <trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com>

>  Hi Kenneth,
> Ok.  Thanks.  I was testing with a directory containing 5 ECW files.
> However, I did not see a config document generated, ie., there was nothing
> present in the resource repository when I tried EnumerateResourceData
> against the ECW feature source.  Very strange.
> I will try to dig into this with a debug build later today.  Looks like we
> have two quirks to fix:  generation of extents and the missing config doc.
> Thanks,
> Trevor
> *From:* Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S [mailto:ks at geograf.dk]
> *Sent:* December 11, 2009 1:02 AM
> *To:* MapGuide Users Mail List
> *Cc:* Trevor Wekel
> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] MGOS 2.1 - ECW
> Hi Trevor.
> The message reported by Maestro is a warning, because it can see that the
> extents are invalid.
> I think 2.0.2 returned the correct bounds, so perhaps a change after that
> resulted in this problem.
> IIRC, the coordinate system was also returned correctly in 2.0.2.
> In 2.0.2 (and 2.1), the XY-M and default extents was returned by the
> provider if you gave it an empty folder.
> I would think it should throw an error because no files were loaded.
> The config document is optional (afaik) but is created if you use a
> composite set of ECW files.
>  Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> Trevor Wekel skrev:
> Oops... The original message was regarding ECW imagery.  So I performed the
> same sequence of steps with a directory of ECW images and got the same
> result.
> As a side note, it looks as though full color orthophoto ECW imagery seems
> to be about 2x faster than the same imagery in MrSID format when displayed
> under GDAL.  Many months ago, I also noticed the same ECW/MrSID behaviour
> when using the Autodesk Raster Provider.
> Regards,
> Trevor
> *From:* Trevor Wekel
> *Sent:* December 10, 2009 4:31 PM
> *To:* 'MapGuide Users Mail List'
> *Subject:* RE: [mapguide-users] MGOS 2.1 - ECW
> Hi Kenneth,
> I’ve been doing some testing of MrSID data with the MGOS 2.1 release and
> Maestro  My MrSID images have embedded correlation information.
> When I try to save the feature source, Maestro throws the following error
> message “Spatial context extent appears to be invalid (or default).”  I save
> the resource despite the error.
> Using the HTML test pages, the resource is correctly generated with the
> coordinate system override.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <FeatureSource xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance>xmlns:xsd=
> "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FeatureSource-1.0.0.xsd">
>   <Provider>OSGeo.Gdal</Provider>
>   <Parameter>
>     <Name>DefaultRasterFileLocation</Name>
>     <Value>%MG_DATA_PATH_ALIAS[casil]%7.5m/sid/</Value>
>   </Parameter>
>   <SupplementalSpatialContextInfo>
>     <Name>Default</Name>
> <CoordinateSystem>PROJCS["UTM83-10",GEOGCS["LL83",DATUM["NAD83",SPHEROID["GRS1980",6378137.000,298.25722210]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000.000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0.000],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-123.00000000000000],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0.000],UNIT["Meter",1.00000000000000]]</CoordinateSystem>
>   </SupplementalSpatialContextInfo>
> </FeatureSource>
> However, I notice there is no config document associated with the
> resource.  Does the GDAL provider use a configuration document?  If so,
> should Maestro be generating one?
> Also, it looks as though the spatial contexts are not being returned
> correctly for my MrSID images.  The bounds on the GetSpatialContexts HTTP op
> are the bogus/default ones.  This is probably a defect we need to
> investigate.  The imagery does appear if the bounds of the map extents are
> set correctly but this could be a non-obvious problem to overcome for new
> users.
> *-*<http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi?OPERATION=GETSPATIALCONTEXTS&VERSION=1.0.0&LOCALE=en&CLIENTAGENT=MapGuide+Developer&RESOURCEID=Library%3A%2F%2FRaster%2Fcasil%2F7.5m_sid.FeatureSource&ACTIVEONLY=0&FORMAT=text%2Fxml>
> <<Extent>
> *-*<http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi?OPERATION=GETSPATIALCONTEXTS&VERSION=1.0.0&LOCALE=en&CLIENTAGENT=MapGuide+Developer&RESOURCEID=Library%3A%2F%2FRaster%2Fcasil%2F7.5m_sid.FeatureSource&ACTIVEONLY=0&FORMAT=text%2Fxml>
> <<LowerLeftCoordinate>
> * * <<X>*-10000000*</X>
> * * <<Y>*-10000000*</Y>
> * * </LowerLeftCoordinate>
> *-*<http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi?OPERATION=GETSPATIALCONTEXTS&VERSION=1.0.0&LOCALE=en&CLIENTAGENT=MapGuide+Developer&RESOURCEID=Library%3A%2F%2FRaster%2Fcasil%2F7.5m_sid.FeatureSource&ACTIVEONLY=0&FORMAT=text%2Fxml>
> <<UpperRightCoordinate>
> * * <<X>*10000000*</X>
> * * <<Y>*10000000*</Y>
> * * </UpperRightCoordinate>
> * * </Extent>
> Thanks,
> Trevor
> *From:* mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [
> mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>]
> *On Behalf Of *Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> *Sent:* December 10, 2009 12:47 AM
> *To:* MapGuide Users Mail List
> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] MGOS 2.1 - ECW
> The GDAL provider is a little special, in that it never reports errors.
> Instead it returns the default extent, as you have in your xml below.
> Sometimes (perhaps an MG bug or a specific format issue?), the default
> extents are also
> returned for perfectly valid data, making it impossible to detect errors
> :(.
> The only way to see the data, is to set up a map with the correct
> coordinate system and
> extents. Then add the layer and preview the map.
> The GDALOPEN message you get means that the file was read correctly.
> I'm not sure what aux or HFA has to do with ECW though.
> IIRC (90% certain :)), it reports "succeeds as ECW" in my setup.
> The "Value cannot be null" could be the indicator, but since you can get
> the schema, I suspect that it is working anyway.
> In Maestro (the latest preview), there is a bug with the coordinate system
> override,
> you need to use the "advanced" editor, or the coordsys override is not set
> (there is an issue registered).
>  Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> Denis Lalonde skrev:
> I currently have several XP based laptops running MGOS 2.02 (IIS, PHP) and
> one server (MGOS 1.2, IIS, PHP). All of the maps on each were authored using
> Studio and each have a 1.05Gb ECW displaying correctly.
> However, I can not seem to get the same ECW to run correctly with MGOS 2.1
> on another new XP laptop (IIS, PHP).  I’ve tried using both Studio 2009 as
> well as Maestro to no avail.
> With studio, I use the GDAL provider and connect to an external data source
> via a pre-configured alias (C:\Data\ECW_2007). I then select the ECW via the
> “data files” and then do a coordinate override. When I add the layer using
> this data source and preview it, nothing appears.
> No errors show up in the log show up and running in debug mode shows no
> errors. I only get messages of type: “GDAL: GDALOPEN
> <C:\DATA\ECW_2007/Cornwall_10cm_20-1.aux, this=0146110> succeeds as HFA” (I
> think that means no errors...correct?).
> I’ve never used Maestro before, but I think I do everything right there
> too. I select the GDAL Provider, of “type Single file or folder”, point to
> my .ecw in the Aliased folder and override the Coordinate System to
> UTM83-18.
> When I create a layer for this datasource however, I get this message:
> *“Failed to read schema from data source.*
> *The operation gave the error message: Value cannot be null.*
> *Parameter name:  input”*
> After that message shows up, I select "default: default" in the Schema drop
> down and "Image" automatically appears in the Raster drop down.
> If I check the XML of the datasource, the extents shown don’t make any
> sense.  This is apparent when I preview a map with the ECW because the map
> is centered at 0X, 0Y. Why is that? (See XML below)
> I’ve tried repeating everything several times, without success. I really
> need this to work. What has changed that this doesn't work anymore?
> If anyone wants to test drive the ECW, I can make it available for
> download. Let me know.
> *<?xml version="1.0"?>*
> *<FdoSpatialContextList xmlns:xsi="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="
> http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FdoSpatialContextList-1.0.0.xsd">*
> *  <ProviderName>OSGeo.Gdal.3.4</ProviderName>*
> *  <SpatialContext IsActive="true">*
> *    <Name>Default</Name>*
> *    <Description>System generated default FDO Spatial
> Context</Description>*
> *    <CoordinateSystemName>Default</CoordinateSystemName>*
> *
> <CoordinateSystemWkt>LOCAL_CS["*XY-MT*",LOCAL_DATUM["*X-Y*",10000],UNIT["Meter",
> 1],AXIS["X",EAST],AXIS["Y",NORTH]]</CoordinateSystemWkt>*
> *    <ExtentType>Static</ExtentType>*
> *    <Extent>*
> *      <LowerLeftCoordinate>*
> *        <X>-10000000</X>*
> *        <Y>-10000000</Y>*
> *      </LowerLeftCoordinate>*
> *      <UpperRightCoordinate>*
> *        **<X>10000000</X>*
> *        <Y>10000000</Y>*
> *      </UpperRightCoordinate>*
> *    </Extent>*
> *    <XYTolerance>0.001</XYTolerance>*
> *    **<ZTolerance>0.001</ZTolerance>*
> *  </SpatialContext>*
> *</FdoSpatialContextList>*
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