[mapguide-users] gmap-ms46 demo map not rendering properly

kmanoj-pg7 kmanoj-pg7 kmanoj-pg7 at iiitmk.ac.in
Fri Feb 13 05:51:28 EST 2009

hello users...

I am a newbie  to mapserver. i am trying to get the gamp demo to run in my
machine fedora 9. i have installed mapserver 5.0.3-3 and php-mapserver
5.0.3-3 extension for php/mapscripting. Moreover i installed all the
libraries and packges whatever mentioned in the installation documentation

i have added the AddTypes in the httpd.cong. Perhaps i have made the edits
in the php.ini file. now when i call  the


i stunned to see everything is projecting except the map is not rendering.
at the beginning i thought it might be a problem of the java mode is enabled
then i tried to disabled that but i failed it was also not working means the
button was not working....  Then i looked into the httpd error log file ...
i got this following error............

[Wed Feb 11 15:06:53 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
variable: HTTP_POST_VARS in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on
line 40, referer:
[Wed Feb 11 15:06:54 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
variable: HTTP_GET_VARS in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on
line 42, referer:
[Wed Feb 11 15:06:54 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Use of
undefined constant MS_GIF - assumed 'MS_GIF' in
/var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line 53, referer://
[Wed Feb 11 15:06:54 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Use of
undefined constant MS_GIF - assumed 'MS_GIF' in
/var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line 54, referer:
[Wed Feb 11 15:06:57 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
index:  MAP_NAME in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.phtml on line 589,
[Wed Feb 11 15:07:16 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist:

Then i opened my gmap75.phtml file i did some modification means i changed
the value of $gblsHtmlMode to 1 actually its value is 0..  as you can see
from the following snippet...

if (strlen($HTTP_FORM_VARS["PREVIOUS_MODE"])==0)
  $gbIsHtmlMode = 1;  // Start with Java On by default
  $gbIsHtmlMode = intval($HTTP_FORM_VARS["PREVIOUS_MODE"]);

wow its great......  i was surprised this time , the map rendered ....   but
unfortunately all my happiness was just for a few minutes...  when i was try
to zoom the map....  i failed it doesnt work...   again i checked my httpd
error log file ...  i got the following error...

[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
variable: HTTP_POST_VARS in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on
line 40
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
variable: HTTP_GET_VARS in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on
line 42
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Use of
undefined constant MS_GIF - assumed 'MS_GIF' in
/var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line 53
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Use of
undefined constant MS_GIF - assumed 'MS_GIF' in
/var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line 54
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
index:  MAP_NAME in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.phtml on line 63
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
index:  minx in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line 167
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
index:  MapSize in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line 187
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
index:  KEYMAP_x in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line
[Thu Feb 12 14:16:10 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined
index:  ViewRegion in /var/www/html/gmap-ms46/htdocs/gmap75.inc.php on line

actually am getting few more errors like above but i have mentioned very
little....  these errors are similar to the above first errors....

i am struggling to solve this problem for the past two days......  someone
please help me out.....

any help/tips will be appreciated....

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