[mapguide-users] create a temporary !Mapdefinition and add a layer

Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S ks at geograf.dk
Tue Jan 6 07:57:36 EST 2009

The "Target" stuff refers to clicking on a link on a feature.

The PHP code below only relocates the current page.
This means that the new window is created *before* the
code below is being run. Try locating that spot,
and change the target to "_top" or "_self".

For explanation on the targets, look here:

If you are actually modifying the WebLayout when clicking a feature,
the target should probably be set to "_parent" in Maestro.
After setting the target, press the "View Xml" button to
see what changes your code has to make to achieve the same.

Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S

Arnaud De Groof skrev:
> Hi Kenneth,
> Thanks to your precisions, all the code is correct.
> I have a specific question. The new temporary WebLayout appears in a 
> new window. Is it possible to update only the current viewer with this 
> new temporary WebLayout? I don't find specific command in Maestro for it.
> Invoke URL command:
> -> Extra properties
> Target :
>     * NewWindow = WebLayout in a new window
>     * SpecifiedFrame = WebLayout in a new window (I have used the "id"
>       of the Viewer Frame)
>     * TaskPane = WebLayout in the Taskpane
> Thanks
> Arnaud De Groof
> The new code:
> <?php
> // Vital includes.
> include "../../mapviewerphp/constants.php";
> include "../../mapviewerphp/common.php";
> $args = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST : $_GET;
> $sessionId = $args['SESSION'];
> $mapName = $args['MAPNAME'];
> $layerName1 = 'YYY';
> $rlLayerResourceId = "Library://XXX/$layerName1.LayerDefinition";
> InitializeWebTier();
> $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionId);
> $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
> $siteConnection->Open($userInfo);
> $resourceService = 
> $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
> // Read the MapDefinition into an XML DOM document object.
> $md = " Library://XXX/$mapName.MapDefinition "; // *TODO* Constant!
> $mdResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($md);
> $mdReader = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mdResourceId);
> $mdXml = $mdReader->ToString();
> $mdDomDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($mdXml);
> // Add a new MapLayer
> $targetNode = $mdDomDoc->getElementsByTagName("MapLayer")->item(0);
> $newNode = $targetNode->parentNode->insertBefore(new 
> DOMElement("MapLayer"), $targetNode);
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Name", $layerName1));
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ResourceId", 
> $rlLayerResourceId));
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Selectable", "false"));
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ShowInLegend", "false"));
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("LegendLabel"));
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ExpandInLegend", 
> "false"));
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Visible", "true"));
> $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Group"));
> // Save the updated MapDefinition
> $updatedXml = $mdDomDoc->saveXML();
> $byteSource = new MgByteSource($updatedXml, strlen($updatedXml));
> // Create the temporary MapDefinition
> $sessionMapName = $mdResourceId->GetName();
> $sessionMapDefinition = 
> "Session:$sessionId//$sessionMapName.MapDefinition";
> $sessionResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($sessionMapDefinition);
> // Write the updated MapDefinition
> $resourceService->SetResource($sessionResourceId, 
> $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
> //Test the updated MapDefinition
> $md1 = "Session:$sessionId//X.MapDefinition";
> $mdResourceId2 = new MgResourceIdentifier($md1);
> $mdReader2 = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mdResourceId2);
> $mdXml2 = $mdReader2->ToString();
> $mdDomDoc2 = DOMDocument::loadXML($mdXml2);
> // Read the WebLayout into an XML DOM document object.
> $wl = "Library://XXX/XXX.WebLayout"; // *TODO* Constant!
> $wlResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($wl);
> $wlReader = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($wlResourceId);
> $wlXml = $wlReader->ToString();
> $wlDomDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($wlXml);
> // Now, update the MapDefinition.
> $mapdef = $wlDomDoc->getElementsByTagName("ResourceId")->item(0);
> $mapdef->nodeValue = "$md1";
> // Prepare the updated XML to be written out to the session.
> $wlupdatedXml = $wlDomDoc->saveXML();
> $wlbyteSource = new MgByteSource($wlupdatedXml, strlen($wlupdatedXml));
> // Create a temporary WebLayout
> $wlsessionMapName = $wlResourceId->GetName();
> $wlsessionWebLayout = "Session:$sessionId//$wlsessionMapName.WebLayout";
> $wlsessionResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($wlsessionWebLayout);
> // Write the updated WebLayout to the session.
> $resourceService->SetResource($wlsessionResourceId, 
> $wlbyteSource->GetReader(), null);
> // Redirect to the Ajax viewer.
> $redirectTo = 
> "mapguide/mapviewerajax/?SESSION=$sessionId&WEBLAYOUT=$wlsessionWebLayout";
> $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
> $url = "http://$host/$redirectTo";
> //Test
> $f = 'test.txt';
> $handle = fopen($f,"w");
> fwrite($handle, "test1:<".$mdXml.">\r\ntest 2 
> :<".$updatedXml.">\r\ntest 3 :<".$wlXml.">\r\ntest 4 
> :<".$wlupdatedXml.">\r\ntest 5 :<".$url.">");
> fclose($handle);
> // Redirect!
> header("Location: $url");
> exit;
> ?>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
> [mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Kenneth 
> Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> *Sent:* dimanche 28 décembre 2008 12:34
> *To:* MapGuide Users Mail List
> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] create a temporary !Mapdefinition and 
> add a layer
> You must also make a temporary WebLayout.
> This WebLayout must then point to the temporary MapDefinition.
> In one of the last lines, you redirect to the temporary WebLayout.
> If that temporary WebLayout points to the temporary MapDefinition,
> all should be good. (Assuming layer is visible, in range, on top, etc.).
> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> Arnaud De Groof skrev:
> Hi,
> I have found my error. In fact, I used the command "SetRessource" with 
> a WebLayout in place of a MapDefinition. Now the script seems ok.
> How to load the WebLayout with the new MapDefinition (with the new 
> layer) and not the MapDefinition coming from the library (without the 
> new layer)?
> New code:
> <?php
> include "../../mapviewerphp/constants.php";
> include "../../mapviewerphp/common.php";
> // Initialize
>     MgInitializeWebTier($webconfigFilePath);
>     $args = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST : $_GET;
>     $sessionId = $args['SESSION'];
>     $mapName = $args['MAPNAME'];
>     $layerName1 = 'YYY';
>     $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionId);
>     $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
>     $siteConnection->Open($userInfo);
>     $resourceService = 
> $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);
>     $wl = "Library://XXX/XXX.WebLayout"; // TODO Constant!
> // Build a string pointing to the new layer in the Session
>     $rlLayerResourceId = 
> "Session:$sessionId//$layerName1.LayerDefinition";
> // Read the XML of the Library Map Definition
>    $md ="Library://XXX/$mapName.MapDefinition";
>    $mdResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($md); 
>    $mdReader = $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mdResourceId);
>    $mdXml = $mdReader->ToString();
>    $mdDomDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($mdXml);
> // Insert the layer in the MapDefinition
>    $targetNode = $mdDomDoc->getElementsByTagName("MapLayer")->item(0);
>    $newNode = $targetNode->parentNode->insertBefore(new 
> DOMElement("MapLayer"), $targetNode);
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Name", $layerName1));
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ResourceId", 
> $rlLayerResourceId));
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Selectable", "false"));
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ShowInLegend", 
> "false"));
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("LegendLabel"));
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("ExpandInLegend", 
> "false"));
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Visible", "true"));
>    $newNode->appendChild($mdDomDoc->createElement("Group"));
> // Write the XML out to form the Session MapDefinition
>    $updatedXml = $mdDomDoc->saveXML();
>    $byteSource = new MgByteSource($updatedXml, strlen($updatedXml));
> // Create a new MapDefinition (session repository).
>    $sessionMapName = $mdResourceId->GetName();
>    $sessionMapDefinition = 
> "Session:$sessionId//$sessionMapName.MapDefinition";
>    $sessionResourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier($sessionMapDefinition);
> // Write the updated MapDefinition
>    $resourceService->SetResource($sessionResourceId, 
> $byteSource->GetReader(), null);
> // Test the new MapDefinition
>    $mdtest = "Session:$sessionId///$mapName.MapDefinition";
>    $mdResourceIdtest = new MgResourceIdentifier($mdtest);
>    $mdReadertest = 
> $resourceService->GetResourceContent($mdResourceIdtest);
>    $mdXmltest = $mdReader2->ToString();
>    $mdDomDoctest = DOMDocument::loadXML($mdXmltest);
> // Redirect to the Ajax viewer pointing at the map at the desired 
> coordinates.
>    $redirectTo = 
> "mapguide/mapviewerajax/?WEBLAYOUT=$sessionWebLayout&SESSION=$sessionId";
>    $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
>    $url = "http://$host/$redirectTo" <http://$host/$redirectTo>;
> // Redirect!
>    header("Location: $url");
>    exit;
> Thanks,
> Arnaud De Groof
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org 
> <mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> 
> [mailto:mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Kenneth 
> Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> *Sent:* mardi 23 décembre 2008 8:15
> *To:* MapGuide Users Mail List
> *Subject:* Re: [mapguide-users] create a temporary !Mapdefinition and 
> add a layer
> The previous error you had indicated that the xml was invalid.
> This is likely because you are not sending the entire xml document to 
> the server.
> Perhaps someone with better PHP skills can help you out.
> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> Arnaud De Groof skrev:
> I have changed the line: "$byteSource = new MgByteSource($updatedXml, strlen($updatedXml));" by "$byteSource = new MgByteSource($updatedXml, mb_strlen($updatedXml));"  without success.
> The xml code coming from the initial MapDefinition was carried out 
> thanks to Maestro. I join here the result of the $updatedXml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <MapDefinition xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance> 
> xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema> 
> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="MapDefinition-1.0.0.xsd">
>   <Name>New Map</Name>
>   <CoordinateSystem>PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 48N",GEOGCS["WGS 
> 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",105],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32648"]]</CoordinateSystem>
>   <Extents>
>     <MinX>608404.999984747</MinX>
>     <MaxX>641160.000015253</MaxX>
>     <MinY>1121406.87752137</MinY>
>     <MaxY>1142427.99990895</MaxY>
>   </Extents>
>   <BackgroundColor>ffffffff</BackgroundColor>
>   <Metadata/>
> <MapLayer><Name>YYY</Name><ResourceId>Session:92b640a0-ffff-ffff-8002-001aa0d22567_fr_7F0000010AFC0AFB0AFA// 
> YYY.LayerDefinition</ResourceId><Selectable>false</Selectable><ShowInLegend>false</ShowInLegend><LegendLabel/><ExpandInLegend>false</ExpandInLegend><Visible>true</Visible><Group/></MapLayer><MapLayer>
>     <Name>Station</Name>
>     <ResourceId>Library://XXX/Station.LayerDefinition</ResourceId>
>     <...
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
> Arnaud De Groof
> **<hr size=2 width="100%" align=center> **
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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