[mapguide-users] FDO Toolbox 0.7.8 (now x64 compatible, hopefully)

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 13:15:37 EDT 2009

Hi All,
I have posted a new release of FDO Toolbox (0.7.8) which should now finally
work on x64 platforms. I have tested this in Windows XP x64 and it works. If
you have a 64-bit windows box, give this release a spin and let me know how
it goes.

Nothing has changed functionality-wise. This is functionally identical to
the 0.7.7 release.

- Jackie

Blog: http://themapguyde.blogspot.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jackieng
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jumpinjackie

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