[mapguide-users] 2.1 Beta (Fusion) Problems

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Fri Jun 26 15:21:32 EDT 2009

I'm looking forward to seeing if your mrsid/ecw's work - I never did get 
them working. This SESSION problem in Firefox would also be a show 
stopper for me (if I needed another one).


On 6/26/2009 2:55 PM, Andy Morsell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I installed MGOS 2.1 Beta yesterday and here are several Fusion 
> problems that I'm seeing:
> · Firefox is still prompting for user authentication even when SESSION 
> is passed as a URL parameter. It works ok in IE. This has been 
> mentioned in other threads here.
> · The Secondary and Main toolbars do not appear in all MapGuide 
> templates. It looks like they may be covered by other divs. I see this 
> in both FF and IE.
> · Tooltip hyperlinks do not appear as clickable hyperlinks anymore. 
> The text of the hyperlink appears though. Both FF and IE.
> · Several tooltip problems that I have logged in Trac have not been 
> fixed. Some of these I even included the code fixes for! These include:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/232
> http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/236
> http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/237
> I will be voting -1 on releasing MGOS 2.1 until the above Fusion 
> problems are fixed and a newer release of Fusion is included. I 
> realize that most of these problems are with Fusion, but as far as I 
> am concerned Fusion and MGOS are intertwined in terms of 
> functionality. I will add the new items to the Fusion Trac in the next 
> day or so. My next step is to look at my ECW's and MrSID's with 2.1 
> since others have reported problems with that.
> Andy Morsell, P.E.
> Spatial Integrators, Inc.
> 47° 46' N 116° 49' W
> www.SpatialGIS.com
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	*Andrew DeMerchant*
*Computer Technologist*
ph.1-877-2GEMTEC x.163
fax 506-453-9470

/GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca>
/191 Doak Road
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