[mapguide-users] How to add layer to the map on the fly???
Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
ks at geograf.dk
Tue Nov 24 03:11:12 EST 2009
There is something weird with the variable resId.
You set it in this line:
MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(featureSourceName);
Then you use it for a layer in this line:
MgLayer newLayer = new MgLayer(resId, resourceService);
newLayer.SetLayerDefinition(resId, resourceService);
That does not explain your error message, but it does not make it easier
to understand
the actual problem.
From the errormessage I'm guessing that the layerdefinition points to
the wrong featuresource.
And you are not saving the layerdefinition?
The easiest way to debug this would be to change the destination from
the current
"Session:<session-id>//<name>.<type>" to
When your LayerDefinition and FeatureSource are saved in Library,
you can open them with Maestro/Studio and examine them for errors.
PS.: "ReadFileAsString" is in the framework:
Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
MichaelGl skrev:
> Kenneth Skovhede,hi
> Yes,it is error in the log file :
> Error: Resource was not found:
> Session:c737c35c-ffff-ffff-8000-0025b3b865f4_en_7F0000010AFC0AFB0AFA//TemporaryLines.FeatureSource
> StackTrace:
> - MgResourceServiceHandler.ProcessOperation line 80 file
> d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_27.16\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ResourceServiceHandler.cpp
> - MgOpGetResourceContent.Execute line 120 file
> d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_27.16\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\OpGetResourceContent.cpp
> - MgServerResourceService.GetResourceContent line 863 file
> d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_27.16\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ServerResourceService.cpp
> - MgApplicationRepositoryManager.GetResourceContent line 378 file
> d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_27.16\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ApplicationRepositoryManager.cpp
> - MgResourceDefinitionManager.GetResource line 320 file
> d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_27.16\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ResourceDefinitionManager.cpp
> - MgResourceContentManager.GetDocument line 590 file
> d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_27.16\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ResourceContentManager.cpp
> - MgResourceDefinitionManager.GetDocument line 476 file
> d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_27.16\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ResourceDefinitionManager.cpp
> Resource was not found:
> Session:c737c35c-ffff-ffff-8000-0025b3b865f4_en_7F0000010AFC0AFB0AFA//TemporaryLines.FeatureSource
> The layer is NOT appear in the legend.
> I don't really know how to check the signature of the layer and to
> understand if it looks valid.
> I'm new user of the MapGuide.
> So,I'll be really happy if you help me to solve the problem.
> How can I fix the error from the log file?
> Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
>> What errors do you see?
>> Are there errors in the log file?
>> Does the layer appear in the legend?
>> Does the signature for the layer look valid?
>> Try saving the temp layer and featuresource in Library:// so you can
>> examine them from Studio/Maestro.
>> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>> MichaelGl skrev:
>>> I'm trying to add temporary layer to the map and I'm fail. Please help...
>>> I have a button :
>>> <input type="button" value="Start" onclick="DigitizePolygon();">
>>> This is the client side code :
>>> <script type="text/javascript">
>>> function submitRequest()
>>> {
>>> var pageUrl =
>>> document.getElementById("hfTargetURL").getAttribute("value");
>>> var pointsStr =
>>> document.getElementById("hfPoints").getAttribute("value");
>>> params = new Array(
>>> "SESSION", parent.parent.mapFrame.GetSessionId(),
>>> "MAPNAME", parent.parent.mapFrame.GetMapName(),
>>> "POINTS", pointsStr
>>> );
>>> parent.parent.formFrame.Submit(pageUrl, params, "scriptFrame");
>>> }
>>> function DigitizePolygon()
>>> {
>>> var lblBox = document.getElementsByName("lblArea");
>>> lblBox[0].innerText = "";
>>> parent.parent.mapFrame.DigitizePolygon(OnPolygonDigitized);
>>> }
>>> function OnPolygonDigitized(poly)
>>> {
>>> ShowResults(CalculatePolygonArea(poly));
>>> }
>>> function CalculatePolygonArea(line)
>>> {
>>> var str = "";
>>> var res = 0;
>>> var tmpInt = 0;
>>> var pointsStr = line.Count.toString() + ",";
>>> for (var i = (line.Count - 1); i > 0; i--)
>>> {
>>> var currP = line.Point(i);
>>> var nextP = line.Point(i - 1);
>>> res += ((currP.X * nextP.Y) - (nextP.X * currP.Y));
>>> pointsStr += currP.X.toString() + "," + currP.Y.toString() +
>>> ",";
>>> if (i == 1)
>>> {
>>> pointsStr += nextP.X.toString() + "," +
>>> nextP.Y.toString();
>>> }
>>> }
>>> res /= 2;
>>> tmpInt = parseInt(res * 100);
>>> res = tmpInt / 100;
>>> res = (res < 0) ? (res * -1) : res;
>>> str = res.toString();
>>> document.getElementById("hfPoints").setAttribute("value",
>>> pointsStr);
>>> return str;
>>> }
>>> function ShowResults(res)
>>> {
>>> var lblBox = document.getElementsByName("lblArea");
>>> lblBox[0].innerText = res ;
>>> submitRequest();
>>> }
>>> </script>
>>> I'm passing all the points of the digitized polygon to the server
>>> side,and
>>> this is the code of the server side
>>> C# :
>>> <script runat="server">
>>> ArrayList xpts = new ArrayList();
>>> ArrayList ypts = new ArrayList();
>>> const string templPath = "c:\\Program
>>> Files\\MapGuideOpenSource2.0\\WebServerExtensions\\www\\viewerfiles\\";
>>> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
>>> {
>>> double centerX, centerY;
>>> NameValueCollection requestParams;
>>> try
>>> {
>>> // Initialize and get request parameters
>>> InitializeWebTier();
>>> requestParams = GetRequestParameters();
>>> String mgSessionId = requestParams["SESSION"];
>>> String mgLocale = requestParams["LOCALE"];
>>> String mgMapName = requestParams["MAPNAME"];
>>> string pointsStr = requestParams["POINTS"];
>>> string layerName = "Lines";
>>> string layerLegendLabel = "New Lines";
>>> string groupName = "Analysis";
>>> string groupLegendLabel = "Analysis";
>>> string featureSourceName = "Session:" + mgSessionId +
>>> "//TemporaryLines.FeatureSource";
>>> BuildPointsLists(pointsStr);
>>> // Connect to the site and create a session
>>> MgUserInformation userInfo = new
>>> MgUserInformation(mgSessionId);
>>> MgSiteConnection siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection();
>>> siteConnection.Open(userInfo);
>>> // Get an instance of the required service.
>>> MgResourceService resourceService =
>>> siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService) as
>>> MgResourceService;
>>> MgFeatureService featureService =
>>> siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService) as
>>> MgFeatureService;
>>> // Initiate the map
>>> MgMap map = new MgMap(siteConnection);
>>> map.Open(mgMapName);
>>> MgResourceIdentifier resId = new
>>> MgResourceIdentifier(featureSourceName);
>>> bool featureSourceExists = DoesResourceExist(resId,
>>> resourceService);
>>> if (featureSourceExists == false)
>>> {
>>> // Create a temporary feature source to draw the lines on
>>> // Create a feature class definition for the new feature
>>> source
>>> MgClassDefinition classDefinition = new
>>> MgClassDefinition();
>>> classDefinition.SetName("Lines");
>>> classDefinition.SetDescription("Lines to display.");
>>> string geometryPropertyName = "SHPGEOM";
>>> classDefinition.SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName(geometryPropertyName);
>>> // Create an identify property
>>> MgDataPropertyDefinition identityProperty = new
>>> MgDataPropertyDefinition("KEY");
>>> identityProperty.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Int32);
>>> identityProperty.SetAutoGeneration(true);
>>> identityProperty.SetReadOnly(true);
>>> // Add the identity property to the class definition
>>> classDefinition.GetIdentityProperties().Add(identityProperty);
>>> classDefinition.GetProperties().Add(identityProperty);
>>> // Create a name property
>>> MgDataPropertyDefinition nameProperty = new
>>> MgDataPropertyDefinition("NAME");
>>> nameProperty.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.String);
>>> // Add the name property to the class definition
>>> classDefinition.GetProperties().Add(nameProperty);
>>> // Create a geometry property
>>> MgGeometricPropertyDefinition geometryProperty = new
>>> MgGeometricPropertyDefinition(geometryPropertyName);
>>> geometryProperty.SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType.Surface);
>>> // Add the geometry property to the class definition
>>> classDefinition.GetProperties().Add(geometryProperty);
>>> // Create a feature schema
>>> MgFeatureSchema featureSchema = new
>>> MgFeatureSchema("SHP_Schema", "Line schema");
>>> // Add the feature schema to the class definition
>>> featureSchema.GetClasses().Add(classDefinition);
>>> // Create the feature source
>>> string wkt = map.GetMapSRS();
>>> MgCreateSdfParams sdfParams = new
>>> MgCreateSdfParams("spatial
>>> context", wkt, featureSchema);
>>> featureService.CreateFeatureSource(resId, sdfParams);
>>> }
>>> // Add the line to the feature source
>>> MgBatchPropertyCollection batchPropertyCollection = new
>>> MgBatchPropertyCollection();
>>> for (int idx = 0; idx < xpts.Count - 1; idx++)
>>> {
>>> string lineName = "Line " + (idx + 1).ToString();
>>> MgPropertyCollection propertyCollection =
>>> MakeLine(lineName,
>>> Convert.ToDouble(xpts[idx]),
>>> Convert.ToDouble(ypts[idx]),
>>> Convert.ToDouble(xpts[idx + 1]),
>>> Convert.ToDouble(ypts[idx + 1]));
>>> batchPropertyCollection.Add(propertyCollection);
>>> }
>>> ////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> // Add the batch property collection to the feature source
>>> MgInsertFeatures cmd = new MgInsertFeatures(layerName,
>>> batchPropertyCollection);
>>> MgFeatureCommandCollection featureCommandCollection = new
>>> MgFeatureCommandCollection();
>>> featureCommandCollection.Add(cmd);
>>> // Execute the "add" commands
>>> featureService.UpdateFeatures(resId,
>>> featureCommandCollection,
>>> false);
>>> //---------------------------------------------------//
>>> bool layerExists = DoesLayerExist(layerName, map);
>>> if (layerExists == false)
>>> {
>>> // Create a new layer which uses that feature source
>>> // Create a line rule to stylize the lines
>>> string ruleLegendLabel = "Lines Rule";
>>> string filter = "";
>>> string color = "FF0000FF";
>>> string lineRule = ReadFileAsString(templPath +
>>> "linerule.templ");
>>> String[] vals = { ruleLegendLabel, filter, color };
>>> lineRule = Substitute(lineRule, vals);
>>> // Create a line type style
>>> string lineTypeStyle = ReadFileAsString(templPath +
>>> "linetypestyle.templ");
>>> String[] valsStyle = { lineRule };
>>> lineTypeStyle = Substitute(lineTypeStyle, valsStyle);
>>> // Create a scale range
>>> string minScale = "0";
>>> string maxScale = "1000000000000";
>>> string lineScaleRange = ReadFileAsString(templPath +
>>> "scalerange.templ");
>>> String[] valsScale = { minScale, maxScale, lineTypeStyle
>>> };
>>> lineScaleRange = Substitute(lineScaleRange, valsScale);
>>> // Create the layer definiton
>>> string featureName = "SHP_Schema:Lines";
>>> string geometry = "SHPGEOM";
>>> string layerDefinition = ReadFileAsString(templPath +
>>> "layerdefinition.templ");
>>> String[] valsLayerDef = { featureSourceName, featureName,
>>> geometry, lineScaleRange };
>>> layerDefinition = Substitute(layerDefinition,
>>> valsLayerDef);
>>> //---------------------------------------------------//
>>> // Add the layer to the map
>>> MgLayer newLayer = new MgLayer(resId, resourceService);
>>> newLayer.SetName(layerName);
>>> newLayer.SetLegendLabel(layerLegendLabel);
>>> newLayer.SetLayerDefinition(resId, resourceService);
>>> ///???????????????
>>> // Add the layer to a layer group
>>> MgLayerGroup newGroup = new MgLayerGroup(groupName);
>>> newGroup.SetLegendLabel(layerLegendLabel);
>>> map.GetLayerGroups().Add(newGroup);
>>> map.GetLayers().Insert(0, newLayer);
>>> }
>>> // --------------------------------------------------//
>>> // Turn on the visibility of this layer.
>>> // (If the layer does not already exist in the map, it will
>>> be
>>> visible by default when it is added.
>>> // But if the user has already run this script, he or she may
>>> have set the layer to be invisible.)
>>> MgLayerCollection layerCollection = map.GetLayers();
>>> if (layerCollection.Contains(layerName))
>>> {
>>> MgLayerBase linesLayer =
>>> layerCollection.GetItem(layerName);
>>> linesLayer.SetVisible(true);
>>> }
>>> MgLayerGroupCollection groupCollection =
>>> map.GetLayerGroups();
>>> if (groupCollection.Contains(groupName))
>>> {
>>> MgLayerGroup analysisGroup =
>>> groupCollection.GetItem(groupName);
>>> analysisGroup.SetVisible(true);
>>> }
>>> //---------------------------------------------------//
>>> // Save the map back to the session repository
>>> string sessionIdName = "Session:" + mgSessionId + "//" +
>>> mgMapName + ".Map";
>>> MgResourceIdentifier sessionResourceID = new
>>> MgResourceIdentifier(sessionIdName);
>>> sessionResourceID.Validate();
>>> map.Save(resourceService, sessionResourceID);
>>> }
>>> catch (Exception ex)
>>> {
>>> Response.Write(ex.Message);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> void BuildPointsLists(string p_pointsStr)
>>> {
>>> string[] parameters = p_pointsStr.Split(',');
>>> int length = Convert.ToInt32(parameters[0]);
>>> for (int idx = 1; idx <= (length * 2); idx+=2)
>>> {
>>> xpts.Add(Convert.ToDouble(parameters[idx]));
>>> ypts.Add(Convert.ToDouble(parameters[idx + 1]));
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> bool DoesResourceExist(MgResourceIdentifier p_redId,
>>> MgResourceService
>>> p_resSrvc)
>>> // Returns true if the resource already exists, or false otherwise
>>> {
>>> try
>>> {
>>> p_resSrvc.GetResourceContent(p_redId);
>>> }
>>> catch (MgResourceNotFoundException e)
>>> {
>>> return false;
>>> }
>>> return true;
>>> }
>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> MgPropertyCollection MakeLine(string p_name, double p_x0, double p_y0
>>> ,
>>> double p_x1, double p_y1)
>>> {
>>> MgPropertyCollection propertyCollection = new
>>> MgPropertyCollection();
>>> MgStringProperty nameProperty = new MgStringProperty("NAME",
>>> p_name);
>>> propertyCollection.Add(nameProperty);
>>> MgWktReaderWriter wktReaderWriter = new MgWktReaderWriter();
>>> MgAgfReaderWriter agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter();
>>> string linestring = "LINESTRING XY (" + p_x0.ToString() + " " +
>>> p_y0.ToString() + ", " +
>>> p_x1.ToString() + " " + p_y1.ToString() + ")";
>>> MgGeometry geometry = wktReaderWriter.Read(linestring) as
>>> MgLineString;
>>> MgByteReader geometryByteReader =
>>> agfReaderWriter.Write(geometry);
>>> MgGeometryProperty geometryProperty = new
>>> MgGeometryProperty("SHPGEOM", geometryByteReader);
>>> propertyCollection.Add(geometryProperty);
>>> return propertyCollection;
>>> }
>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> bool DoesLayerExist(string p_layerName, MgMap p_map)
>>> // Returns true if the layer already exists, or false otherwise
>>> {
>>> MgLayerCollection layerCollection = p_map.GetLayers();
>>> return (layerCollection.Contains(p_layerName) ? true : false);
>>> }
>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> string ReadFileAsString(string p_fName)
>>> {
>>> string sContents = string.Empty;
>>> System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(p_fName);
>>> sContents = sr.ReadToEnd();
>>> sr.Close();
>>> return sContents;
>>> }
>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> String Substitute(String templ, String[] vals)
>>> {
>>> StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
>>> int index = 0, val = 0;
>>> bool found;
>>> do
>>> {
>>> found = false;
>>> int i = templ.IndexOf('%', index);
>>> if (i != -1)
>>> {
>>> found = true;
>>> res.Append(templ.Substring(index, i - index));
>>> if (i < templ.Length - 1)
>>> {
>>> if (templ[i + 1] == '%')
>>> res.Append('%');
>>> else if (templ[i + 1] == 's')
>>> res.Append(vals[val++]);
>>> else
>>> res.Append('@'); //add a character illegal in
>>> jscript so we know the template was incorrect
>>> index = i + 2;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> } while (found);
>>> res.Append(templ.Substring(index));
>>> return res.ToString();
>>> }
>>> </script>
>>> <script type="text/javascript">
>>> function OnPageLoad()
>>> {
>>> parent.mapFrame.Refresh();
>>> }
>>> </script>
>>> The problem is that the polygon is not appear on the map. What am I
>>> missing???
>>> Thanks a lot.
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