[mapguide-users] Bookmarking Revisited - LINKTOVIEW

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Wed Oct 7 18:19:19 EDT 2009

Yes, doing an appdef-specific compile of Fusion using Ant makes a decent
difference in startup performance.  There are notes on this around

2009/10/7 GordonL <gordon.luckett at arrowgeomatics.com>

> Hi Jason, I have figured it out.  If you add the LinkToView widget, you
> must
> add it in the "Staus Bar"
> Once there, it becomes a hyperlink that stores the current extents of the
> map and application definition:
> http://localhost/mapguide/fusion/templates/mapguide/slate/index.html?applicationdefinition=Library://REDDING/7_FLEXIBLE_LAYOUTS/test.ApplicationDefinition&$family=[object
> Object]&extent=1900945.541449,451170.619684,1908778.640057,456877.05094
> I am not sure what $family is...
> Unfortunately it does not remember Layer on/off status and you would have
> to
> figure out how to capture this URL and pass it to one's application.
> The NanaimoMap is a much cleaner method, but customized FUSION.js on your
> site though....
> thanks
> gordon
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