[mapguide-users] Re: MGOS 2.2 Beta and OpenLayers 2.7

iceman-11 Mike.Carsella at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 13:12:47 EDT 2010

Thanks.  That helped get me a little farther.  Now I've got a message in the
MGOS Error Log that reads:

<2010-08-26T11:59:51> 	1780	WmsUser
 Error: Failed to stylize layer: backbone_merc
        The coordinate system initialization failed.
        Could not initialize the geodetic transformation.
  - MgMappingUtil.StylizeLayers() line 831 file

My OgwWmsService.config.awd now is this:

<?xml version='1.0'?>

 <!-- This definition enumerates the WMS versions we will support.
      Note that each version below must be backed by a like-named
      template file (ie, 1.0.0.xml.awd) in order to work.
      These must appear in increasing order!
      Also, anything other than a <Version> element is ignored.    -->
 <Define item="SupportedVersions">
   <Version number="1.0.0"/>
   <Version number="1.1.0"/>
   <Version number="1.1.1"/>
   <!--Version number="1.3.0"/-->

 <!-- These are edited by the Site Administration tool, though you
      could modify them by any UTF-8-enabled editor.               -->
 <Define item="Service.Name">OGC:WMS</Define> <!-- Generally should stay
 <Define item="Service.Title">MapGuide WMS Server</Define>
 <Define item="Service.Fees">none</Define>
 <Define item="Service.Abstract">MapGuide WMS Server</Define>
 <Define item="Service.AccessConstraints">none</Define>
 <!-- Who to contact -->
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Name"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Organization"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Position"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Address.Type">postal</Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Address.Street"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Address.City"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Address.StateProv"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Address.PostCode"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Address.Country"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Phone"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Fax"></Define>
 <Define item="Service.Contact.Email"></Define>

 <!-- The URL elements.  Change to suit, as this is reported -->
 <Define item="SERVER_NAME">localhost:8008</Define>
 <Define item="SCRIPT_NAME">/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi</Define>

 <!-- Stock definitions -->
 <Define item="URl.OnlineResource">http://&SERVER_NAME;/</Define>
 <Define item="Url.GetMap">http://&SERVER_NAME;&SCRIPT_NAME;</Define>

 <!-- List the keywords to be associated with the WMS - pick what describes
your data -->
 <Define item="Service.Keywords">

 <!-- Enumerates an element in a dictionary for HTML
      (Used chiefly for debugging, and in exceptions) -->
 <Define item="EnumDictionary.html"><tr><td

 <!-- This is the HTML stylesheet, which should be referenced by anything
returning HTML
      Note: one could substitute this with an out-of-band stylesheet link to
an external doc,
      that is to say, replacing this with:
           <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://your-url-to-a/stylesheet.css"
      and then maintaining that document somewhere on your webserver.                        
 <Define item="html.stylesheet">
body {
  font-family: arial,
table {
  font-family: arial,
.title {
  background-color: #ccf;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: larger;
.name {
  background-color: #eef;
  font-weight: bold;

 <Define item="ReferenceSystems">

 <!-- This is the default definition for a layer in GetCapabilities as
      Some versions may override this definition with a like-named
      of their own; any version-specific definition supercedes this one.       
 <Define item="EnumLayer.xml">
  <Layer queryable="&Layer.queryable;" transparent="&Layer.transparent;">
   <?Enum list="&ReferenceSystems;" using="&RS.xml;"?>

 <!-- This is the default definition for a layer in GetCapabilities as
text/html -->
 <Define item="EnumLayer.html">
   <td class="name">&Layer.name;</td>
   <td>queryable="&Layer.queryable;" transparent="&Layer.transparent;"
     <?Enum list="&ReferenceSystems;" using="&Format.html;"?>

 <!-- This is the default definition for a reference system (SRS, or CRS)
 <Define item="RS.xml"><SRS>&Enum.item;</SRS></Define>

 <!-- You can control the formats supported by various
      WMS responses by (a) modifying these lists and
      (b) adding (if necessary) the appropriate
      <Response> element in the corresponding version
      template files.  You can locally override the
      supported formats by copying one of these
      definitions and modifying it to suit; in this
      case, the mods only apply to that version.        -->

 <!-- These are the supported (Get)Capabilities formats
      Specific version templates can override these     -->
 <Define item="Formats.GetCapabilities">

 <!-- These are the supported (Get)Map formats
      Specific version templates can override these -->
 <Define item="Formats.GetMap">

 <!-- This value map permits FORMAT= parameters to be  -->
 <!-- translated into canonical mime type notations    -->
 <!-- mostly for historical support (1.0.0 didn't use  -->
 <!-- mime types) but also for tolerance; some clients -->
 <!-- don't follow the requirement that parameter      -->
 <!-- values are (supposed to be) case sensitive.      -->
 <Define item="Parameter.Format.ValueMap">
  <!-- Permutations of GIF -->
  <translate from="GIF">image/gif</translate>
  <translate from="gif">image/gif</translate>
  <translate from="image/GIF">image/gif</translate>

  <!-- Permutations of PNG -->
  <translate from="PNG">image/png</translate>
  <translate from="png">image/png</translate>
  <translate from="image/PNG">image/png</translate>

  <!-- Permutations of JPG -->
  <translate from="JPG">image/jpeg</translate>
  <translate from="JPEG">image/jpeg</translate>
  <translate from="jpg">image/jpeg</translate>
  <translate from="jpeg">image/jpeg</translate>
  <translate from="image/JPEG">image/jpeg</translate>
  <translate from="image/JPG">image/jpeg</translate>

 <!-- -->
 <Define item="Parameter.SRS.ValueMap">
  <translate from="900913">EPSG:900913</translate>

 <!-- These are the supported (Get)FeatureInfo formats
      Specific version templates can override these    -->
 <Define item="Formats.GetFeatureInfo">

 <!-- These are the supported Exception formats
      Specific version templates can override these -->
 <Define item="Formats.Exception">

 <!-- This is the way formats are reported in XML -->
 <Define item="Format.xml">

 <!-- This is the way formats are reported in HTML -->
 <Define item="Format.html">

 <!-- This is the way formats are reported in plain text -->
 <Define item="Format.plain">
 * &Enum.item;

 <!-- These are default values to be overridden by metadata in
      each layer. -->
 <Define item="Layer.Queryable">0</Define><!-- For security, defaults to
off; author must explicitly allow -->
 <Define item="Layer.Cascaded">0</Define>
 <Define item="Layer.Nosubsets">0</Define>
 <Define item="Layer.Opaque">0</Define>
 <Define item="Layer.Title">&Layer.Title;</Define>

 <!-- Hack!- these are guard values in case the Layer.Bounds property
      is not well formed; Studio is offering zero data validation on
      its input via the UI.  Of course, this isn't a perfect solution
      either, but it guards against the most likely cases.  If somebody
      types in a badly-formed <Bounds /> element that isn't EPSG:4326
      then the whole enchilada is serious GIGO. -->
 <Define item="Enum.item.SRS">EPSG:900913</Define>
 <Define item="Enum.item.north">20037508.34</Define>
 <Define item="Enum.item.south">-20037508.34</Define>
 <Define item="Enum.item.west">-20037508.34</Define>
 <Define item="Enum.item.east">20037508.34</Define>

 <!-- This definition allows a site to override the behavior of -->
 <!-- the SRS= parameter of requests.                           -->
 <!-- Add translate elements here to map any particularly       -->
 <!-- troublesome SRS to some appropriate WKT.                  -->
 <Define item="SRS.WKT.map">
<translate from="EPSG:900913">PROJCS["Popular Visualisation CRS /
Mercator",GEOGCS["Popular Visualisation
CRS",DATUM["Popular_Visualisation_Datum",SPHEROID["Popular Visualisation


<!--  This is the exception of last resort, and is used if
      no exception Response is found in the version-specific
      template (or if an error occurs before a version can
      be established.)
      By this declaration, we say the default response shall
      be html.  Of course, any appropriate <Response/> in
      the template file will supercede this.

<Exception content-type="text/html">
  <title>WMS Service Exception</title>
    <td class="title" colspan="2">WMS Service Exception</td>
    <td colspan="2">
     An exception occurred on the server.
    <td class="name">Code</td><td>&Exception.Type;</td>
    <td class="name">Reason</td><td>&Exception.Message;</td>
   <tr><td class="title" colspan="2">Definitions</td></tr>
  <?EnumDictionary using="&EnumDictionary.html;"?>


Question: Is it possible to use PROJ4 as a base library instead on CSMAP in
MGOS 2.2?  If I can't get CSMAP to publish 900913 in WMS, I won't be able to
migrate from MGOS 1.2.  I have an application with 350 layers.


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/MGOS-2-2-Beta-and-OpenLayers-2-7-tp5459119p5466406.html
Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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