[mapguide-users] Re: MGOS v2.2 Beta ! and SQL 2008. Again...

miansi AndreiSinelnikov at SierraSystems.com
Tue Jun 22 18:20:11 EDT 2010

Wait! There is more!!! :-)

So... I decided to capture profiler information from SQL while loading brand
new map with layer off SQL Server. That is query it is running:

	 FROM dbo.Asset
	 with (INDEX([IX_Asset_Geo]) )
	WHERE [Geo].Filter(geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON (
														(-12335593.4182846 6455627.81656446
														, -12326869.4463694 6455627.81656446
														, -12326869.4463694 6460927.76609954
														, -12335593.4182846 6460927.76609954
														, -12335593.4182846 6455627.81656446))', 0))=1
/*    AND
														(-12335593.4182846 6455627.81656446
														, -12326869.4463694 6455627.81656446
														, -12326869.4463694 6460927.76609954
														, -12335593.4182846 6460927.76609954
														, -12335593.4182846 6455627.81656446))', 0))=1

If I will comment AND part of the WHERE clause - I will see all features I
am looking for. If I will uncomment it (The way it is executed) - 0 results.

Any idea what that I can poke to get results I am expecting?
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/MGOS-v2-2-Beta-and-SQL-2008-Again-tp5197257p5211054.html
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